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It's okay, just think of a way out. Think, think, think. Lesley thought these thoughts to encourage himself to find a solution out of their predicament but it honestly wasn't enough. After seeing that Anastasia woman be scarred with one flick of Mama V's finger, he was very worried. As a squad fighter, he was a literal enemy for survivors and their animosity had been palpable the whole way to the warehouse.

They hated him, they would love nothing more than to kill him and looking into Mama V's pale eyes, he knew that was probably up next. So he needed to think of a strategy.

" Well? Little uppedy up red cross zombie fighter.Tell me, what should I do with you?" Her eyes narrowed to slits, danger bells rang loud in Lesley's mind and he knew time was up.

" Yur, kill them bot-"

" You don't want to do that."

Mama V's eyes shot him with a look like a elephant about to crush an ant." Oh? And why ever is that? "

" Because... you'll regret it " Lesley said slowly which Mama V's face break into a wide smile and then she laughed like a tuberculosis infected walrus.

" I... I will... hahaha! I will regret it?!" She asked him with mirth," Boy, do you know where you are? This is my Queendom, from the Southeast backwards alleys to the Northern fronts. ALL OF IT IS MINE!"

Her hands landed with a thud on the arm rest of the sofa and she glared down at Lesley with malice. She hated being mocked and threatened. Saying she would regret something she wanted to do, was an insult to her authority. She was a queen, they did as they pleased and no runt from that stupid walled up human cage would tell her what to do and what not to do.

" Oh , I doubt it at all. I don't doubt you're powerful and all that. But...you still have to run away- "

" We don't run away from no red crosses. Your people send you guys out to us like lambs and I've had my fair share of their meat." She said whilst rubbing her belly," Infact , how about I just cook you? You seem meaty and tender. I'd love a bite."

" I would not do that if I were you." Lesley said to her and Mama V's anger came in all it's glory. Her face scowled, her talons gripped the sofa fiercely and her neck popped a bulging vein. Lesley had gone too far.

" Why wouldn't I kill you? " She asked in a deadly voice but Lesley just gave a wide smile, that made her more angry.

" Because, of the zombies." Lesley said and her scowl turned to a frown.

" What zombies? You thinking of fooling me? " She asked him but Lesley shook his head.

" You guys are still wary of zombies. No matter how powerful or wide your territory, you are still human and zombie food." He said softly.

" So? What do zombies have to do with any of this? "

" Oh, a lot actually. You see, I...have a pet zombie." He said and Mama V's face turned to an amused and sceptical grin.

" Is that right? "

" Yep."

" You think I was born yesterday? " She asked him," Boy, don't play games with me. I'll cook your insides and make you watch as I smoke your liver. Nobody tricks Mama V, not you or any...what!?"

Mama V's terade was cut short when Mel, by Lesley's instructions, snapped his binds off like wet paper. She could not believe her eyes, that tape was tied multiple times and could have been used to lift up a cow but the boy snapped it like it was nothing. That was not humanly possible, she knew how tough they were and only her nails could rip them apart but that would take time too. The blonde boy did it instantly, just lifted his arms, pulled and snap!

" Get him! " Yur yelled as he saw Mel moving towards Lesley.

" Wait! " Mama V's shout stopped three of her guards in their tracks. She had a thoughtful look on her face now as she looked at Mel closely. He had not said or moved the whole time, he'd practically been a statue but when Lesley told him to move, it was like he came to life. Now he stood next to Lesley, utterly still and his eyes on the guards, but by looking into those pupils, Mama V saw it.

" Him. He's...he is...he- "

" Is, a, zombie. " Lesley said for her and signalled Mel to rip his binds off too and he complied," An upper rank zombie infact. Right, zombie? "

" Yes." Mel answered quietly but Mama V heard it and her drumming heart picked up tempo.

"So what? You somehow managed to get a zombie as your pet, so what? " Mama V said but the people around her knew it was false bravado.

After all, having a zombie as your pet was a huge deal. Survivors lived in a zombie infested city, with interactions amongst both of them being a daily occurrence. Unfortunately these encounters were often in a situation of kill or be killed. Zombies were dangerous, frantic monsters after their flesh and no one could think of using them for anything. That was just hard to believe, but having one as a pet was beyond thought.

The only instances where survivors used zombies was when they were punishing criminals or just making life hell for somebody else to gain an advantage. Someone, for example, could lead a zombie to someone else so that they could rob them as they fight the undead monster. This was a smart move but it had plenty of holes.

On one hand the zombie could ignore the other person and keep on hunting you or worse, the person escapes and the zombie gets you whilst you're stealing the other person's things. That was just it, you didn't know what the zombie would do, you couldn't control it, no one could. The only constant of any zombie was that they eat you and they make it hurt.

Now though, Mama V and everyone around Lesley and Mel were witnessing a miracle. A zombie, an upper rank at that, was listening to a human. It was unbelievable, it was impossible but it was RIGHT THERE, infront of them all.

" Well say you kill me," Lesley said to her," If you do, he'll kill everyone of you."

" Really? You think we don't know how to deal with his type? Off with his head and end of story." Mama V said with a smirk but Lesley smirked back at her.

" Really? " He said to her and looked at Mel." Take off your head."

" What!?" It was unclear later who said this or how many said it because what happened next was beyond belief.

Mel placed his hands on his head, one on his scalp and another under his chin. By exerting force he managed to twist his neck and turn his head to a 120° angle but he did not stop there. He kept on twisting and twisting, until he went full circle and his neck dislodged from his spine. His skin tore like a weak piece of fabric and black blood flowed down his neck to everyone's shock. Then he yanked his head up and separated it from his body, only to have it stare vacantly at Mama V. His body did not fall but his arms held his head infront of him like it was a gift to her, but her grimace said it was one she would not have for dear life.

" Is it dead on its feet? " Mama V asked with unease but Lesley shook his head.

" Zombie, are you still...undead? " He asked and the arms moved to make the head nod.

" God!" Yur screamed like a woman exposed in the shower by a serial killer with a knife.

Eh, That's not scary or difficult. I can do it too .

I'll just need an ambulance afterwards.

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts