
Dead are you ?

Zombies were inside the hospital , on almost every floor below . Rick and Martin were practically surrounded when Lesley reached them . He'd had to shoot three on his way downstairs and , thankfully did not run into that toddler zombie .

But things were rough for Rick and Martin , they were backed up against a wall , firing and trying to find an opening to escape . No doubt , from the zombies on the floor , they were running low on ammo .

They were in an empty hallway , with a mass of zombies infront of them and a dead end behind them . Lesley was behind the zombies , concealed behind a corner , watching everything . He wanted to see if either of his teammates were injured but the bumbling undead obscured his vision .

He raised his Skillet , ready to fire but then he lowered it . Martin and Rick were too close and too exposed . Even if he started firing , he could shoot them or worse , they would huddle down to avoid the bullets , leaving the zombies to attack them . It was obvious that Lesley needed to think of a plan to help them escape .

An idea popped into his head , it was dangerous and slightly reckless . Maybe , very reckless . Lesley bit his lip and looked at Martin and Rick again . They were still firing but the set frown on Martin's face showed they were running out of time .

" Hey ! " Lesley jumped out and fired his Skillet , aiming low at a zombie's legs . He fired and the zombie lost a chunk of it's left leg and a foot . The zombies turned around to him and Lesley fired another shot , aiming low , before running away as fast he could .

The zombies gave chase .

Groaning , growling and crying out like monsters from beyond the grave , they chased Lesley down the corridor and up the stairs . Lesley made sure to not look back , he looked ahead and only ahead of him .

The gap between the human and zombies was relatively wide but as Lesley reached his second stairs , it got cut in half . By the next turn , Lesley was a hair's breath from being captured .

Come on , he thought as he looked ahead of him and when he saw what he had been looking for he smiled and put as much energy as he could , into running faster . The gap got a bit wider and finally just as the zombies tried to run faster , Lesley did the unthinkable .

He jumped out of the corridor window , plummeting head first from a three story hospital .


Mel looked around the corridor he was in trying to find where he had smelt the human flesh . His group had stayed downstairs and he had gone upstairs with a few other zombies .

From the smell , he could tell that there were humans in the hallway he was in . But he couldn't find them . The other zombies walked around using their noses to find the human but they couldn't . The smell was wrong , it was everywhere and nowhere .

Mel groaned and turned to the side of the hallway . Just a he did , he heard something and walked to the wall near him and tilted his head . He could hear zombies and they sounded hungry as if they were near food .

As he continued looking at the wall , he did not notice when a door opened and a man with brown hair came out with a Crux in his right hand . The man was tense and quiet as he moved , so as not to draw the zombie's attention and to get the kill quickly .

Unfortunately , Mel turned around to him just as he took his next step . Their eyes met and the man turned around ready to run , even though he was surrounded with two zombies on his left and one on his right . He'd be caught and killed after a few steps .

" Duck ! " A loud voice yelled and a bullet flew into one of the zombies , bursting inside their skull and scattering it into pieces of brain and blood .

" Ross , move ! " Liam yelled from the other side of the hallway . He held a Skillet in his hands and a look of anxious impatience .

Ross did as he asked and moved as soon as the first zombie fell to the floor in a dirty bloody heap of rotten flesh . Mel watched this with a vacant look and saw as the other zombie charged at the new human .

Liam frowned as he couldn't take the shot with Ross blocking the way .

" Get down ! " He yelled and Ross stopped , dropped and rolled . As he did , Liam released six bullets , which decimated the zombie into smithereens .

Just as he was about to fire at Mel , he looked behind him , at the outside window near Mel . When a familiar shape appeared , going down and screaming , he quickly grabbed Ross by the hand and made him run down stairs .

" Fuck , Lesley what are doing ?! " Mel head as he stood there .


Lesley did not instantly plummet to a horrific and gruesome demise . He had planned to jump from the window because he had a plan . It involved something he had seen when he first came to Crossview hospital .

At the top most floors , Lesley had seen a black rope like thing floating from a broken window . When he'd asked , he was told it was a fire hose , used by doctors , nurses and patients to escape when the apocalypse came .

At first Lesley had just been curious but he'd learnt from Martin that a fire hose can hold up an elephant . Whether that was true or not , it was clear the hose could at least hold people as they fled to safety .

That thought had flown into his mind as he saw the zombies attacking Martin and Rick . Zombies were foolhardy when it came to food and would follow him even if he jumped from a skyscraper window .

But , as Lesley grabbed the hose to slow his decent , with gloves thank God ! He stopped himself at a window , and lifting his legs , he kicked the glass away to make a hole big enough for his body .

His body hung in suspension , high in the air and the wind beat his hair into a whirling mess of ginger gold . Lesley swallowed heavily before he pulled himself off and grabbed the window sill .

His grip was loose and he started to slip.

Hello , amazing readers . As I'm sure you've noticed , I have changed the novel cover page . The image , is still not mine but belongs to Pinterest .

But it's an amazing image that captures the depth of the first book . if you were wondering , yes , the image is of Mel .

Anyway , enjoy the cliffhanger . I'll upload the next chapter tommorow .

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts