
The holy son's blessing

"what is this insignia Remiel" inquired Aetheris as he felt the flaming Sun symbol on his forehead

Hours have passed since he was moved to the light palace, as he woke from his nap Aetheris felt a stinging sensation on his forehead

<<... >>

Silence filled the room as Remiel remained quiet, Aetheris felt puzzled until he approached an artifact that resembled a sphere

The encyclopedia provided some insights regarding common artifacts that are used on daily basis by everyone including mortals and commoners

"I guess I should inject some Mana into this sphere to conjure a mirror,Remiel..why are you silent" questioned Aetheris as he approached a transparent sphere

As he injected Mana into the sphere, it began to float and glow as it transformed into a mirror

"I may sound like a narcissist but..i am indeed devilishly charming...is that what's stinging on my forehead" as he praised himself he noticed the scorching sun insignia on his small forehead

"I have no clue regarding about what that symbol is...Remiel do you know what that symbol is" inquired Aetheris with a tone of curiosity as he touched his forehead

Remiel once again said nothing, but as Aetheris kept asking the same question Remiel decided to answer

<<Answer: The insignia on your forehead is a mark < em>

The Blessing of the holy son of Luminous

Effect 1: All Arts related to light and purity are easy to learn and master

Effect 2:under the domain of light and day the effect of light based defenses and attacks can be amplified up to 250% at will

Effect 3: @&#_#_ &@&$ &#-@ &#_@@# @@$@$#

Effect 4: @&#_#_ &@&$ &#-@ &#_@@# @@$@$#

Effect 5: @&#_#_ &@&$ &#-@ &#_@@# @@$@$#

Effect 6: @&#_#_ &@&$ &#-@ &#_@@# @@$@$#

Effect 7: @&#_#_ &@&$ &#-@ &#_@@# @@$@$#

This is a divine ranked blessing meaning it can't be appraised by any skill or ability however as a Darkama I am currently limited by my current state of being>>


"hmm..is it perhaps that craz... lady Trinity.. come in "replied Aetheris as heard the knocks

A young woman with white cat ears and a tail entered the room, despite wearing an outfit of a maid her eyes were filled with discipline and decisiveness

"Greetings Holy son, from hence forth I am your personal maid Yuuki and I'll take care of your needs

The Priestess has sent me to give you a tour of the holy church and when we're done we are supposed to see her grace" bowed Yuuki as she introduced herself

"Can you please tell Lady Trinity that I am having an issue so I am currently not free" suggested Aetheris as he continued to look at the mirror, the matter of Remiel's sudden silence and the blessing were more important than playing Dora the explorer

' He.. doesn't sound naive like Vedic, is this the reason why the priestess made him the holy son ' thought Yuuki as she observed Aetheris who was self absorbed

Aetheris's devilishly charming face indeed suprised her but what shocked her even more was the way he dismissed her because many people desire to visit the holy church even nobles but they are not worthy yet this little fool has no interest

"Holy son, the Priestess said you must refer to her as godmother and she mentioned that you are quite stubborn therefore I must use force if push comes to shove" replied Yuuki respectfully as she bowed

'is that it, for a blessing it's quite.. boring, I mean it's not like I can summon infinite swords or something ' thought Aetheris as he looked at the insignia while completely forgetting about Yuuki

"Hahhh, it looks like I must resort to extreme measures" sighed Yuuki as she saw the self-absorbed Aetheris, in her eyes Aetheris was captivated by his own beauty and the worst part..she couldn't blame him


"Arghh were am i, the last I remember... is a slap that sent me flying.." muttered Vedic as he opened his eyes

' everything must have been a dream..of course it was a test, how can a main character develop to his full potential without any obstacles'

"Yes it makes sense, goddess Luminous was trying to strengthen my belief.. that scene must have been an illusion.. no a revelation that I must get stronger and never give up..is this my character development as the main character" nodded Vedic with a profound gaze as he felt ' enlightenment'

Every injury in his body was healed therefore his denial was the truth in his head, his master told him that he will be humbled and got humbled on the same day..in his mind that didn't make sense it must have been the goddess testing his undying will

Vedic approached the window in order to feel that main character aura, the goddesses must have tried to show him a goal to pursue

"What the f*CK, everything was real.. no this is still a test" muttered Vedic as he saw Aetheris and Yuuki outside the window


"So Yuuki can you please tell me about your self" suggested Aetheris as he ate a burger and fries..yes burger and fries

"What is it that you want to know holy son, is it perhaps my bra size"teased Yuuki as she held Aetheris's small hand as they walked side by side

Boys their age already think about matters related to sexual intimacy therefore seeing him embarrassed would amuse her greatly especially since Aetheris didn't blush or be shy when they met

"Huh..of course not why would I want to know such a useless thing, let's talk about magic can you please tell me more about it" inquired Aetheris with a shine of curiosity in his eyes

' what.. the hell is wrong is with him ' thought Yuuki as she almost slapped him to death, in her own perspective his words meant 'you're not beautiful enough to pique my interest'

"Holy son I specialize in shadow and wind magic, the Arts i use are battle Arts, magic Arts and soul Arts

I also have a lesser light spirit which allows me to use it's attribute due to our contract"responded Yuuki with a prideful smirk

"Wow..I never thought that you are so talented " replied Aetheris with a tone of great praise while clapping his hands

"But I don't even know what you are talking about, you see.. godmother only gave me an encyclopedia regarding a fraction of this continents of history

therefore I know nothing of what you're talking about..dear Yuuki can you please enlighten me" added Aetheris with an innocent smile that would fool many

Yuuki felt her mouth twitch as she clenched her fists, why give a person a praise when you know nothing about what they're talking about

