
Ch 38: Do not try to control me, Romeo

"Goodness, you are here," she suddenly heard Romeo's voice and he sounded worried and angry. "Come to my office, right now Karenina. I wish no delay, walk out of your room, now!"

"Sheesh!" She rolled her eyes, slamming the drawers closed. "Stop shouting at me so informally. I'm coming!"

Karenina followed him to his office, in her satin nightwear with no shawl or cloak over her shoulders. Her curves were vividly visible but fortunately nobody was awake to catch her in this state, fortunately her bruises and injuries were healed.

It was already 9:00 pm and the warden sister of her dormitory somehow obeys Romeo's every order.

"Where were you?" Romeo growled angrily as soon as they entered his office. Pointing his finger at her, he clenched his jaws, "I looked for you like a madman, scouring every corner of this city, and you waltz in here alone, without a care to inform me?"
