
Bottled Happiness Part 02

And that's how I came to be a guest at the home of the village chief.

Despite the luxuriously large outward appearance of the house, the interior was totally average. The dining room that Emil showed me was decorated with old furniture, and the chief's household seemed to live a modest life just like the rest of the simple village. Actually, I was getting the impression that the estate was just a big plot of land

they didn't know what to do with.

"Okay, have a seat." Emil pulled out a chair and gestured me toward it, and I sat.

"Thanks. By the way, where is that maid of yours?"

"I wonder… She'll probably be here soon."

"And the village chief?"

"He should get here soon, too."

"What's with that noncommittal attitude?"

After I spent some time conversing with Emil, I sensed someone coming up behind me. Not in a sixth-sense kind of way, though; I just heard the noise. Anyway, I turned around.


There was a young girl. When our eyes met, she jumped in surprise and gave a small, frightened bow. It was really kind of pathetic.

Judging from her clothes, this is the maid in question. She wore an apron dress (the classic maid outfit) that was a little too big for her petite frame.

"How do you do? Might you be from the East?"

Her glossy black hair was pin straight, and her eyes were a deep, dark brown. She resembled a certain apprentice witch whom I had met in another country, also from the East. That apprentice's hair had been a little bit shorter, though.

"Ah? Uh, um…"

Maybe it was rude of me to suddenly ask where she came from. The bewildered girl glanced to Emil for help.

"Yes, she is. My father found Nino in an eastern country."

"I've heard they're having you work as a maid in this house?"

The girl called Nino gave a small nod. "Y-yes…the village chief treats me very kindly."

Her reply was mechanical, as if she was being compelled to read a script.

"Where is the village chief now?"

"Ah, um… He is in his study now, working…," she said, gripping the hem of her dress. "Um, did you have some business with him?"

"No, not really." I shook my head.

I'm probably going to meet him when it's time to eat anyway, so there's no need to press.

When that little exchange was over, Nino lowered her gaze as if to avoid making eye contact. She didn't seem particularly good at talking to people.

But the boy who loved her didn't care at all as he bounded over to her and leaned down to see her eyes. "Hey, hey, Nino, what's for lunch today?" I couldn't see his expression because his back was to me, but I'm sure it was a broad smile.

"Ah, t-today is…grilled fish, on request from the village chief."

"Yay! Say, if it's all right, could I get you to make some for that girl, too?" Emil pointed at me. Nino looked at me for a moment and nodded slightly.

"See, miss?"

"I appreciate it. Thank you, but I'm not very hungry, so please make mine a small portion."

"…Y-yes, miss." As Emil had said, Nino certainly was gloomy. If someone walked in just then and saw her face, they might assume the two of us were bullying her.

"Oh yeah! Hey, Nino, after we eat lunch today, I have a present for you."

"Ah, f-for me…?"

"Yep. Hope you're excited!"

"N-no…that's all right. I-if you give something to a servant like me…the village chief will be angry…" Even beyond the humble phrasing, it was a particularly servile thing to say.

"It's fine, it's fine. I'll explain it all to Father."

"Oh, but…"

Impatient, Emil played his trump card against the meek girl. "Well then, it's an order from me. How about that?"


His feelings must have gotten through to her; after all, he was very direct, maybe overly so. Nino nodded slowly. "If it's an order…," she said, then smiled faintly.

He smiled back at her.

I was quite bored for the next little while.

Emil diligently went to assist Nino, leaving the guest (me) all alone in the dining room. I had also headed to the kitchen to lend a hand, but Emil turned me away with a dazzling smile. "You go sit down, miss! The two of us will do the cooking!"

There was no one to talk to and nothing to do but wait for the time to pass, extremely unproductively. I can't sit still. I want to read a book or something. But I don't carry books around… I ended up passing the time doing nothing but sitting in my chair.

I had been waiting several minutes when a plump man sat down across from me.

"Ah, a rare guest."

He wasn't especially old or young, possibly late thirties or early forties. Maybe. I guess?

"Good afternoon. Would you happen to be the village chief?" I asked, convinced that he must be.

"Indeed." See?

"I am Elaina, a friend of your son's. I'm a traveler. Nice to meet you."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Emil's father."

I know that. And now he had made his appearance with perfect timing. Exactly when I was in need of something to do.

"Mr. Village Chief, how long have you been in charge around here?"

"Since the very beginning."

"Is that so?"


"It's a lovely village."


"Do you have any local culinary specialties that you're known for?"


"Not at all?"


"…Is that so?"

I feel like I continued this futile attempt at conversation with the chief in bits and pieces, but I have absolutely no recollection of what we discussed.

To put it bluntly, I learned nothing. After a little while, Nino and Emil brought in the food. As the two of them prepared the table, my faint feelings of hunger were accompanied by an indescribable unease.


I could've sworn I only asked them for a small portion.
