
Murder in the dungeon

Ryan opened his eyes hmm he thought hey there's so many people here who are they he thought for a moment and tried to recall what was going on here who wore the people.

He recalled something hey that blonde beauty is miss Sarlin right and that Gray haired Man is mister Eldryn right and the other people who are they.

he tried to recall wait those guys should be the staff but they're name is not known to the previous owner of this body. He started looking around and saw someone that white haired boy should be Kevin stone right.

He looked at Kevin. Kevin looked like he was looking at a ghost. He was also looking at him and he was not the only one .

One by one every one started looking at Ryan. Why is everyone staring at me is there something on my face.

Suddenly he saw some one coming towards him. It was the gray haired Eldryn dark wood or something right .

Eldryn looking at Ryan Davies's state had a deep frown on his face he was having a very bad premaneson.

In deep voice he asked student Ryan Davies's Why is your state like this and where are the other students that were with you?

Ryan had a questioning expression my state ? looking at where the teacher was looking he also looked at his hands and chest and body holy shit, he cursed.

Why is there so much blood wtf who's blood is this.

Oh wait it's my blood this body was stabbed in the Hart by that guy so the blood is from that but so much blood how am I still alive if l Lost so much blood. 🤔

Looking at Ryan who had a shocked expression looking like he didn't have a dam clue who the blood belong to and then seeing him contemplating like he was looking for the meaning of life itself.

Eldryn had a very dark look on his face .

Ryan he shouted with woke Ryan from his contomplasoin .

Looking at Ryan he asked i asked you what is this blood on you and where are the other students that were with you.

There died and this is my blood.

Every one was shocked the students the teachers everyone.

The students were shocked because they never thought there fallo class mate's would die in the dungeon They were looking forward to going for so long.

The teachers however were shocked because of a defrant reason for them death in a dungeon was not a new thing that would shock them but what did shock them however was that students would die in a E rank dungeon having senior students protection.

An E rank dungeon really didn't have much monsters that could harm students seriously or kill them while having senior students protecting them . Not to mention that the dungeon was checked and properly condisowned for the students that every floor of the dungeon would have only 5 goblins and other small monsters like slime and Such.

so the teachers couldn't believe that 5 student's with 2 of them being senior students could die in Such a place.

Eldryn was also shocked with glumly face and he asked are you joking student Ryan?

Why would I joke with you do I know you.

Eldryn asked with a disbelief in his face how.

How I mean why would I joke with you you are not.

No no no Eldryn entrapped. I am asking how they died, is there a new monster in the dungeon or is it something else .

Monster no not a monster a human killed them .

Who . Eldryn asked with a very bad premaneson in his heart.

That guy saying that Ryan pointed at someone .

When everyone looked at where he was pointing They were shocked because it was Kevin stone.,😱
