
Chapter Twenty: Grace's Funeral

I was passing back and forth in the room, my hands on my waist with my eyes wide open. This couldn't be happening, it's been 2 days and yet there was absolutely nothing.

"Mommy mommy look!" The shrill of my daughter's voice brought me back to reality.

She was trying to show me a new yoga move. Even though I was looking directly at her, my eyes were still vacant.

I vaguely recognise that Skye also entered the room, holding his toy fighter jet in his hands. "Whoosh!" He yelled maneuvering the toy in the air with his hands.

Their noise was beginning to overwhelm me. "That's enough you too." I suddenly snapped, sounding strict. They knew it was no longer time to joke around as both of them paused.

Liam sauntered into the room. "Hey what's going on here?" He asked, roaming his eyes around the room. He made eye contact with me and we shared a knowing look.
