
Omniscience in Marvel 76

Title - Meetings and Deals

**Location:** Heliopolis

In the opulent golden halls of Ma'at, the Ennead's throne room, the gods convened. Among the eleven major deities, only one appeared tense, tapping the armrest of her throne.

"Why have you called us so hastily? I hope there's a good reason, for I was busy," Anubis, a tall, imposing figure with the head of a black jackal, remarked. His eyes glowed with a supernatural light as he looked at the tense goddess.

"Show some respect to my mother, Anubis. She must have her reasons," Horus, the current King of the Ennead, interjected, glaring at Anubis, who snorted in response.

"Mother... Why this urgent summons?" Horus redirected his glare to his mother, Isis. "After our last... debacle, you mentioned traveling with Lady Oshtur. What has brought you back in such a state?"

Isis glanced at each god in turn, her expression unreadable. The last time she was here, they were embroiled in a debate over what to do with the Hebrews in their lands.

After the Council was formed, several pantheons sent out minor gods to ascertain the situation in their territories. Most returned with reports of Eternals living among humans, aiding in their civilization while being revered as gods.

The Ennead decided to descend as well. Atum-Ra, their major God-King, left matters to Horus' discretion but made his presence known to humans.

Osiris, the god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility; Isis, the goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility; and Horus, the god of the sky, kingship, and protection, were among those who descended.

Anubis, the god of mummification and the afterlife; Thoth, the god of writing, wisdom, and knowledge; and Hathor, the goddess of love, beauty, music, and motherhood, also descended.

Ptah, the god of craftsmanship, creation, and architects, later worshiped primarily in Memphis; Sekhmet, the goddess of war and healing, depicted as a lioness or a woman with a lioness head; Nut, the sky goddess; and Geb, the earth god, were among them.

These deities played crucial roles in the lives of the Egyptians during the Hebrews' time among them, leading to prosperity. They shared knowledge, aiding in rapid development, but seeing the lack of manpower, they decided to take the Hebrews as slaves.

Sekhmet, driven by battle hunger, suggested this, supported by Horus and Anubis, who hadn't been born when Leucadius visited. The others, led by Isis, Thoth, and Osiris, opposed.

In the end, it passed through. Isis in her disappointment left Heliopolis and went to travel with Oshtur. She felt that it was better than staying with some strong headed idiots who couldn't comprehend power.

Staying and studying under Oshtur had opened her eyes to a lot of things. One such thing being that they weren't as powerful as they thought they were when compared to the beings of the larger Universe.

What? Did they think they were the only Beings Born with divinity? Please.

"Keeping us in silence while acting all mysterious isn't helping anyone here my Lady." Ptah who couldn't stand the tense air couldn't help but say, causing Isis to turn to him and give him an intense look.

"It is you I pity the most." Isis began. "Your architectural development and crafts…" but stopped and let out a deep sigh before standing up. "Lady Oshtur just prophesied the ending annihilation of our Pantheon at the hands of a 'Holy One'..."

"How preposterous!" Horus exclaimed, his voice rising in disbelief. "We are the Ennead!. Who could possibly challenge us?"

Thoth adjusted his ibis-headed staff and spoke calmly, "Isis, prophecies from Lady Oshtur are not to be taken lightly. We must understand the full context of this warning."

Isis nodded. "According to Lady Oshtur, the 'Holy One' is not of this world, but his influence will be profound. Our actions have set events in motion that cannot be easily undone. The Hebrews and their God are the key to this prophecy."

Geb, the earth god, grumbled, "Then we must prepare. We cannot allow our pantheon to fall to an outsider."

Sekhmet, her eyes gleaming with excitement, added, "If it is a battle they seek, a battle they shall get. We will show them the might of the Ennead."

Isis shook her head. "This is not a threat we can simply overpower with force. Lady Oshtur mentioned that the Holy One in this prophecy wasn't a divine being but…" Isis hesitated for a bit.

"But what? Stop with the dramatics." Anubis slammed his staff angrily on the floor.

"A Human. According to Lady Oshtur, he'd be the only Human to have that much connection to a divine being. I didn't understand what she meant since we've all been living amongst humans so…" Isis said and sighed wearily.

"We must be strategic then." Thoth said. "Our very existence depends on it."

Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty, leaned forward, her voice soft yet firm. "Perhaps we need to reconsider our stance on the Hebrews. If they are crucial to this prophecy, maybe there is a way to avert disaster through them."

Anubis however spoke. "If this 'Holy One' is destined to bring our end, we need to understand his power. Thoth, can your wisdom help us discern his nature?"

Thoth nodded, "I will consult the ancient texts and seek the wisdom of the stars. We must know our enemy if we are to survive."

Isis took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. "Then it is settled. We will prepare, we will learn, and we will adapt. The fate of the Ennead rests on our actions from this moment forward."

"Hmm. I doubt it'd be anything too serious. That God of Heaven has not been sighted and nothing has been heard from him for centuries now." Sekhmet said while twirling her dagger along her fingers.

"Yeah? Unlike the others who've been pulling Their weight around the universe." Geb supported.

"Knowing him though, he's probably locked up somewhere reading and learning a thing or two only to come out stronger than he went in." Thoth said offhandedly.

"I doubt he'd be the one to personally make an effort in regards to the Hebrews. What's special about them anyways?" Osiris muttered to himself while stroking his beards.

He knew, from last experience, how prideful Leucadius could be to those he deemed weaker than him. Back then, he'd been sure he could take on Leucadius if they'd fought without Oshtur's interruption.

However, after his death and resurrection, he met Leucadius again during the Banquet in Heaven and he knew. He could stand and go against him in an all out battle.

To make things even more shameful for him, Leucadius didn't even acknowledge him throughout the banquet. It was as though he wasn't worth his time.

With his new divinity, he got access to a lot of abilities and one such ability was Empathy. Dealing with souls could teach one that. And from Leucadius, he felt nothing but absolute indifference to him.

Also remembering how Leucadius emphasized the matter of messing with those he called his own…"If he doesn't act personally, then we'd still have a bit of hope." He thought aloud to himself before disappearing from everyone's view.

Seeing and hearing this from an older God, the Gods all nodded and went about their own ways to make preparations for the upcoming disaster as prophesied.

Location: Superflow

In the vastness beyond the universe's edge, where reality melted into the Superflow, Leucadius drifted, his soul illuminated with a faint, ethereal glow. Here, in the realm between realms, he sought an audience with a being whose power extended beyond mortal comprehension—Death herself.

The Superflow was a surreal expanse, a place where time and space intermingled in a fluid, kaleidoscopic dance. Wisps of existence swirled around him, echoes of countless lives and deaths passing through like whispers in a dream in this part of the Super flow.

This was Death's playground in the Super flow. No being would dare intrude carelessly, but Leucadius wasn't just anyone. He'd been graced with being in the presence of the Original Abstract beings, so…

"Leucadius," a playful, feminine voice echoed around him, sending ripples through the Superflow. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

A figure materialized before him, a young lady dorned in a gothic black dress with an enigmatic smile, her eyes twinkling with a blend of mischief and ancient wisdom.

Draped in a flowing dress that seemed to shimmer with the essence of galaxies, she was a paradox of youth and eternity. This was Death, or at least a part of her essence.

"Lady Death," Leucadius greeted with a respectful nod, not too keen to earn her ire unnecessarily. "I seek a favor."

Death's smile widened, her gaze piercing through the layers of his being. "A favor from me? How intriguing, for someone who's grown so strong... Do tell, what does the mighty Leucadius desire?"

Leucadius didn't take her words to heart and said. "I wish to gain the ability to manipulate the residual soul energy left behind by those I personally kill or have a hand in killing," he stated plainly, his voice steady despite the gravity of his request.

He was basically asking to take away the very Life Energy that remains when the Death Energy runs wild in a human's body. This was one of the Major causes why Death and the Phoenix were always at each other's necks.

Despite her Domain being death, she dealt in life more since there was no death without life and vice versa.

Death's laughter rang out, a melodic sound that echoed through the Superflow. "Manipulate soul energy, you say? That's quite a bold request. And what, pray tell, do you intend to do with this power?"

Despite being so close to her physically, he could feel her presence cover the entirety of the void around him.

Leucadius maintained his composure and replied. "There are many purposes it could serve. Enhancing my own abilities, creating new constructs, gaining insights into the nature of life and death. The possibilities are endless."

Death floated closer, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. "You always were one for ambitious plans, first it was the new Cosmic Energy, Holy Energy…was it? But you know, such power comes at a cost."

"I am aware," he replied. "Name your terms."

Death circled him, her presence both comforting and unsettling. "Well, for starters, this power would tie you even closer to the cycle of life and death, making you mine in a way… other than that, every soul you manipulate would leave a mark on you, a tether to their essence. Are you prepared for such a burden?"

Leucadius nodded. "I am." He wasn't a newbie to the principles behind life and death. Death was the home where all Life returned to. Having a mark from a dead soul would mean they would go to him upon their death.

In the off-chance he isn't able to withstand the pressure, he'd likely become something neither divine nor demonic. But who was Leucadius? Such risks were nothing to his might.

Death's teasing smile softened, turning into something almost affectionate. "You always were determined, even back then…you stood before us with such audacity…" she chortled as she recalled the scene of Leucadius demanding answers as to why he'd been summoned against his will.

"Very well, I can grant you this power. But in return, I require something from you."

"What do you seek?" he asked, bracing himself for her demand.

"Your essence, Leucadius," she said, her tone shifting to a more serious one. "A fragment of it. Just a small part, to keep as a token. This will bind our agreement and allow me to oversee your use of this power. Wouldn't want you to end up somewhere unknown would we?"

Leucadius considered the request. Offering a piece of his essence was no small matter, it was akin to giving Death the ability to create another him after his death, but what he sought was worth the sacrifice. "Agreed."

Death's smile returned, more radiant than before. "Splendid. This will be fun."

She reached out, her fingers brushing against his forehead. Leucadius felt a sharp, yet strangely soothing sensation as she drew a fragment of his essence. It glowed brightly in her hand before merging with her being.

"Now, let's seal our deal," she said, her voice lilting with a hint of satisfaction. She extended her hand, and a dark, swirling energy formed around it, coalescing into a tangible form. "Take this. It will be your conduit for manipulating the soul energy."

Leucadius accepted the dark orb, feeling its immense power resonate with his own. "Thank you, Lady Death."

Death's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Use it wisely, Leucadius. And remember, I'll be watching."

As their conversation drew to a close, Death's form began to dissolve back into the Superflow. "Oh, and Leucadius," she called out, her voice echoing with a playful tone, "don't be a stranger. It's always delightful to have such intriguing company."

With that, she vanished, leaving Leucadius alone in the Superflow, the new power thrumming within him.

He knew that his path was now even more intertwined with the fabric of life and death. As he began his journey back to the mortal realm, he couldn't help but reflect on the encounter.

Death, with all her teasing and playful demeanor, was a force to be reckoned with. Her main body aside, the one he'd just been in contact with was strong enough to bring all life in his universe to an end with just the snap of her finger.

"Welps…I guess it's time I began my assault of Heliopolis." Leucadius said to himself as he withdrew back to the mortal plane. "Hopefully, Aspect has prepared Moses well enough. I'm about to make him the strongest human to have walked this planet."

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