

Pulling out my sack of Dust, I got to work. It was strange how this otherwordly technology could be built from standard steel and other basic materials. While most of the devices needed the metals to be purified to work efficiently, they all would work using standard steel and copper.

Changing the Dust using Arcana of Matter, I soon had a plethora of basic parts and supplies to build with. Understand Lunarian Science taught me the underlying concepts that a post-scarcity population had learned. I had neglected to truly delve into what made the technology work.

I could only understand it because the Grimoire had pounded it into my head; to date, it was the most painful power I had gained. Shaking away the thoughts, I started to assemble the Purity Generator, which, while the most accurate description, was still somewhat wrong.

A more accurate term would be Conceptual Statis Apparatus because it locks in place the concept of 'impurity.' Impurity was made up of many things, such as death and growth, which could not be destroyed and were instead locked in place, preventing them from acting on the world.

This, in practice, 'purified' a place by preventing many things, such as plants growing and cells dying. Anybody who lived inside the created field would become biologically immortal and almost impossible to kill so long as they remained 'pure.' This meant they could live forever as long as they lived inside the pure area.

Standing up, I dusted off my hands and looked over the contraption I had built. It was large, around five feet tall, and patchwork. While the design in my head was sleek and white, I had to make do with subpar materials.

However, the first thing the generator would do is purify itself. This would take only a few minutes and then run at peak efficiency. It would then purify the surrounding area with a radius of about a hundred feet. While it could be extended, there was a more significant chance impurity could sneak in as I had no barrier to block them, and the density of purity was the only defense.

I also couldn't set up a barrier as that had a high chance of preventing me from entering because I was pure. In fact, the only thing I could enter once I set up the barrier would be a Lunarian or a dead soul, as both were pure. I did, however, take the time to install an off switch that would allow me temporary access that would not allow many impurities inside the field.

The next step would be setting up the fabricator, which, while a simple name, was the best. It took the purity surrounding it and broke it into impure parts. This, in effect, produces the most potent version of something as it was just what I wanted to be produced and nothing else.

If, for example, I created sake using this fabricator, it would distill the concept of sake from the purity field and put it in a bottle making pure sake. This meant that the sake would be perfect and as sake-like as possible.

The fabricator was reasonably simple as well. This was given as both were the basics and required to set anything Lunarian up. Their other works required purity to function, and the materials were too advanced to get in vast quantities on the moon, which meant that a fabricator was a must-have.

Soon enough, I had walked back beyond the purity generator's radius and watched it work. It was truly miraculous as I watched the surroundings get bleached and transformed, bringing them in line with my knowledge from Understand Lunarian Science.

Sitting down, I opened my parasol and watched both devices work. I had inputted the command for sake into the fabricator, so now it was only a matter of time until I had a bottle of sake ready.

It took a few hours for the generator to purify everything properly. Following that, it only took a few minutes for a bottle of sake to be produced. Hitting the off switch, I walked inside the field. I quivered slightly as I felt it attempting to change me.

However, the field couldn't affect me as the density was low enough. While if I kept it off for long enough, it would damage the machinery. Keeping it off for a few minutes would do very little to both me and the machines.

Grabbing the bottle of sake, I hummed and set the fabricator to create another dozen bottles. It would be better to have an excess than seen being stingy with gifts.

Striding back inside, I set the bottle of my new sake on the table. I would need to find a name for it, but that could come later. Humming, I ran through my plan to see if I had any more plans before heading to Gensokyo.

I did have one last thing I needed to prepare before heading out. Tapping my parasol on the ground, I spent a few minutes conjuring a few simulacrums of myself.

It was tiring making so many quickly, but I now had four new servants who could help me. They also had all of my perks which meant that after a few moments of spell-casting looked identical to me.

The only significant difference between us was that they did not have access to my batteries which, while less of an issue now that we had more magic circuits, but it still hampered them.

Clearing my throat, I tossed a bag of Dust with around a quarter left and spoke. "You will set up a few small streams and ponds; I need Dust production set up. We don't have much space, so aim for efficiency over scale."

Seeing them nod, I focused on the parasol and brought to mind a small waterfall that fed into a large pound. I then brought it into the pocket dimension opposite the Lunarian site. Grinning, I saw what I had imagined slowly sprout into existence.

Casting my eyes back over the simulacrum, I could see that they were already at work chatting with each other as they conjured supplies and constructed Dust traps.

Picking my parasol up, I swung it on my shoulder and strolled back inside. I felt the Grimoire swell as I searched for Komainu so I could use her as a focus.

She was in her room humming as she looked over clothing options. Knocking on the slightly ajar door, I waited for her to respond.

A few moments later, the door was fully opened, and she gestured for me to step inside. "Hello, I'm just looking for suitable clothes. I don't want to embarrass you." She said while tugging on the edge of her skirt.

Looking at her momentarily, I laughed before sweeping her into a hug and talking. "It's fine; I'm a newcomer, so my actions will be the main factor, and I plan on being polite. Besides, you think that you can embarrass me with your clothing. Pick whatever you want, and feel free to take your time."

Stepping back, I looked her in the eyes and saw her nervous face twist into a grin before she shuffled me out of her room and slammed the door shut.

Walking outside, I ignored the pang in my chest. She really did act much like my sister, and while she was gone and Komainu would not be a replacement, I could try to have a new family.

My mood killed I sat down on the porch and opened the parasol. Twirling it over my shoulder, I watched my simulacrum work. It was strange seeing yourself do things that you would do but with yourself.

Humming, I decided I could do one last thing as I waited for her to be ready. I needed to stock the Gate of Babylon, and now I had the time to do so. While Unlimted Blade Works was incredible, conjuring blades was expensive, and Noble Phantasms even more.

In contrast, the Gate had a somewhat high cost to open a portal, but after that, firing weapons was free, and moving the portals was cheap. That meant I could have a proper Gate of Babalon so long as I prepared.

The only issue was that I didn't have a method to retrieve my weapons, meaning I would have to open a portal where the blades would land, unlike Gilgamesh's spray and pray method.

I did believe that I would find suitable materials to forge one in Gensokyo. Master Craftsman didn't give me ideas on how to forge divine tools, but the item I had in mind wasn't on that scale. My issue with forging it was that I didn't have any mythical metals to work with, and artificial Noble Phantasms couldn't be built with standard metal.

That meant I had two other goals along with my original to relax. I wanted to see if somebody in Gensokyo had a library or selection of magical books I peruse. The other was to find magical materials I could reverse engineer and conjure with Arcana of Matter.

While both could be considered work, they would be much better than the constant struggle and lethal fights I faced on Earth Bet and in the Nasuverse.

Holding out my hands, I started to conjure various blades. I made anything from standard swords to dozens of Noble Phantasms. I then opened a portal to the Gate of Babylon and started stuffing it full of weapons.

This task was pretty time-consuming as Noble Phantasms cost a lot of mana to make, which meant I had to rest. However, by the time Komainu was dressed and came out, I had a decent arsenal if I got into a fight.

Taking her hand, I walked us toward the tree we had slept under the last time I cast this spell. We had to wade through sunflowers, and it was funny as every so often, Komainu would get bapped in the face by one.

I was forced to pick her up and allow her to sit on my shoulders as I asked about Gensokyo. That set her off in a long talk about what she had seen and the people she had met.

It seemed that she was only alive for around a week before meeting me and so mostly hung around the first people she had met. That turned out to be a night sparrow called Mystia, who ran a food stand.

Three other youkai also hung out with Mystia, a firefly named Wriggle, an ice fairy named Cirno, and a little girl named Rumia. While the talk of fey worried me, it seemed that Cirno was just boisterous instead of wicked or clever.

She also talked about a Shrine Maiden who seemed to be one of the big wigs of the region; however, while she knew where her shrine was, she didn't know all that much about her or any other important people.

Komainu also told me that according to the youkai, she had hung out with the shrine maiden, was somewhat mean, and tended to attack them when they were doing nothing. I took that with a grain of salt as they were youkai, but worst case, scenario, I blasted her with the Gate of Babylon and ran.

That meant my plan so far was to meet with the shrine maiden, give her some sake as a sign of goodwill then ask about other important people. That would allow me to travel around Gensokyo and meet new people while showing that I didn't want any trouble.

Laying down under the tree, I felt the Grimoire grow, and I gained new knowledge. This new information appeared to be a simple method of toning down any attack to nonlethal levels, along with methods of making my attacks look atheistically beautiful.

Shrugging, I put it to the back of my mind and grabbed Komainu's hand. I then started chanting and, after ten minutes, cast Dream of a Blue Veil.

Awakening, I slowly sat up with Komainu at my side. Ahead of us was the gate to what appeared to be a Shinto-style shrine. It was somewhat run-down; however, I could see that several portions were well cared for. I saw a figure sitting on the porch and sipping something from a cup. Standing up, I brushed myself off and strolled over, ready to introduce myself.

Powers Gained

Spell Cards

The Spell Card system was invented to ensure that youkai and humans could fight each other in a non-lethal way and on relatively even ground. Under a spell card duel, all attacks are toned down to non-lethal levels, and the ability to fire an aesthetically pleasing barrage of bullets in all directions is prized over creating undodgeable attacks or invulnerability (which are banned anyway). Accordingly, you too can tone any of your abilities down as low as simply performing pretty light shows, and as your artistic skills improve so will the beauty of your spell card attacks.
