
Chapter 43: Dark Sorcerer

Words: 2,402


Miranda Tate continued to play the scared and innocent girl until the end even when I asked her to go to the hospital to make sure she was okay.

 In the end, I drove her to a rather nice house.

I left her my business card and then headed to Lena's place, but just because I left didn't mean I didn't leave various surveillance devices behind.

She went from being an innocent girl to a cold-blooded killer as soon as I left. She met up with the five assassins and the wounded man who had taken her.

It turned out that his name was Ebeneezer Darrk, and he was one of the oldest masters in the League of Assassins, which was also known as the League of Shadows.

About a year ago, Ra's al Ghul also known as "the Demon's Head" assigned Darrk as the leader of the League for some reason.

In short, I had already stumbled upon some of Batman's most dangerous enemies.

The League of Shadows started killing a lot of people across Europe under his leadership. 

They killed people they thought were against their cause or who were damaging the environment that caught the attention of the government.

Ra's Al Ghul learned about this, and they fell out with Darrk.

Darrk's resentment led him to kidnap Ra's daughter and plan to blackmail him with her... but he understood that this would likely end badly.

It became clear that the girl who called herself Miranda was the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul—Talia al Ghul.

In the end, I witnessed her and the members of the League of Assassins headed somewhere most likely to the Demon's Head.


Lena said my name while stretching and yawning, noticing that breakfast and freshly squeezed orange juice were already in the room.

"Thank you."

Lena kissed me on the cheek with a smile.

"Don't mention it. Zatanna's performance starts in three hours, so we still have time..."

I said, hugging her from behind and massaging her heavenly peaks.

"Hmm, that sounds very interesting..."

 Lena said while getting excited, and at that moment, her stomach growled.

"... but later, I'm hungry now."

She smiled and started to eat the breakfast I had prepared, consisting of bacon, fried potatoes, eggs, and toast with jam.

"You know, if I keep eating this much in the morning, I'll get fat."


"I doubt it. After opening your aura, it isn't easy to gain weight especially since you've become a metahuman. So you can eat a lot of food and still remain as slim and beautiful as ever."

My words seemed to please her because of the sparkle in her eyes.


"Just because you're officially allowed to skip classes doesn't mean you should do it."

Hermione lectured Harry.

"Snape's taunts won't help me prepare for facing a dragon."

Harry retorted.


"I understand."

Hermione responded.

"Professor Snape..."

Hermione couldn't ignore it, so Harry rolled his eyes with a slight smile.

They'd been getting ready for the first task for a few days now, and Harry couldn't keep it to himself and told Cedric about it.

Hermione couldn't believe what happened in the Harry Potter world at this time.

It was everyone's disapproval of Harry and his "deception." There are some even tried to curse him, but Hermione easily dealt with such bullies.

"Miss Mudblood and the Chosen One are once again hiding behind."

Hermione heard an irritating voice.

"Draco, apologize to Hermione!"

Harry jumped to his feet and clenched his fists.

"Apologize to the Mudblood? Not in this life."

Draco sneered, and Hermione looked in his direction, and two of his servants stood on either side of him.

"There's nothing surprising about Dumbledore trying to cover up his favorite student. But do you really think everyone believes you didn't cheat the cup, Potter?"

Draco's face twisted into a vicious smile.

"Shut up!"

Harry couldn't take it and tried to reach for his wand.

At that moment, Crabbe and Goyle stepped forward, and Draco widened his eyes in fear and tried to reach for his wand.

"Stop it!"

Hermione exclaimed, and instantly the wand was in her hand.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Hermione shouted, but before she could finish the incantation, the spell flew out and struck Crabbe and Goyle in the chest.

"You... Sectum..."

Draco didn't finish the spell as another one hit him in the chest this time from Harry.

"Well done."

Hermione nodded, still amazed at her newfound physical prowess.

She could reach for her wand several times while Harry was casting the spell or while he was reaching for his wand.

"What's going on here?"

Professor McGonagall walked down the hallway, and she saw the three Slytherin students who were frozen still.

She then looked at Harry and Hermione.

"Even without Ron, you continue to cause trouble... What happened?"

Professor McGonagall asked more gently, and Hermione... froze, staring ahead.

[Mission Available: Help the Chosen One]

[Objective: Save the Chosen One]

[Description: In the parallel world of the member "Hermione Granger," things are not going as brightly as anyone might think. The Great Light Wizard turns out to not be as bright as others believe. He has twisted around the Chosen One a web of lies, deceit, and betrayal from which the sixteen-year-old boy cannot escape on his own. A lot of them got caught in this web, and the spider ate almost all of them in the end. Help save the Chosen One of that World by all available means.]

[Duration: Unlimited]

[Number of participants: Three]

[Decision Time: 140 days]

[Reward: 10,000 Chat Points.]

[The reward is divided based on the contribution of the participants.]

Rias Gremory: Hermione's parallel world? That sounds interesting. But the part about the spider is not very...

Shinoa Hiragi: The Chosen One is Harry Potter, I suppose? but...

Shinoa Hiragi: I have a business to attend to!

After sending the last message, Shinoa focused her gaze on the hospital ward.

A couple of hours ago, an incident happened when a wandering vampire ended up in the city.

Yuichiro Hyakuya tried to kill the vampire to join the "Moon Demons," the elite squad of the Imperial Army.

But it's hard to do that without cursed weapons, and he almost lost without Lieutenant Colonel Guren.

"Did you decide to die as a virgin?"

Shinoa uttered this as soon as she entered the ward where Hyakuya himself was already sitting.

He wasn't particularly injured, but they sent him here anyway.


He exclaimed, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

"What are you talking about⁈"

"The truth is the Imperial Army encourages connections between people in every sense... virgin."

"What do you want from me?"

Yuichiro asked nonetheless while leaning back on the bed.

"I have some information for you. You are now one of the Moon Demons."

Shinoa said while observing his face which was filled with overflowing joy and determination.

"Stupid. Teamwork, as well as training, are very important. With your sword, you'll only irritate the vampires."

Shinoa added while looking at his ordinary katana.

 "And not only have you been enlisted, there's also..."

"Yuichiro! I'm so glad you're okay!"

The boy exclaimed as he entered the room with a bag of food in his hands.

"And yes, he's also been enlisted in our squad."

Shinoa added.

"Wow, Yuichiro, this is awesome, isn't it? Now we'll be together!"

The boy exclaimed joyfully while trying to hug Hakuya.

In contrast, Shinoa watched with a slight smile that reminded them of their relationship with others.

Meanwhile, everyone was discussing the mission, but Hermione was most thrilled.

She was angry about the description and the idea that Dumbledore might be a villain.

Hermione Granger: Tony, can you send me all the other anime seasons about my world?

Anthony (Administrator): No problem.

Anthony (Administrator): Sending "Copy of Harry Potter's 5–8."

Anthony (Administrator): I'll talk later, I'm busy with my sister. We're watching a magician's performance at the circus...

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-kun is already throwing himself at his sister... poor, poor virgins in our group...

"Why is she grinning like that?"

Yuichiro "quietly" inquired of his friend.

"I-I don't know..."


I returned to the stage, where the show was about to start. I rolled my eyes at Shinoa's message and was impressed with how well she hit the mark.

Zatanna wasn't very popular, but one of her brochures showed a very pretty girl wearing fishnet stockings and a magician's hat that got people's attention.

In public, she seemed to appeal more to fathers than to children.

Lena and I were sitting in the front row.

When Zatanna came on stage and the men applauded, Lena looked at me as if to say, "And this is a magician? Definitely not a stripper?"

Regardless of her appearance, she performed an excellent performance with rabbits coming out of hats, teleporting between large boxes, and performing other fancy tricks.

Of course, she did it all in a rather sexy outfit, and after each "trick," a large part of the audience applauded.

"Let's go."

I stood up and headed towards the dressing room while knocking on the door, which was immediately opened by Zatanna.

"Yes, can I help you with something?"

Zatanna asked kindly while looking at us but almost immediately narrowed her eyes.

"You... you... I thought you were older."

Zatanna admitted it while frowning when she realized who was standing before her.

"That's your guess, I didn't mention my age."

I walked into the room.

"Hm, Anthony Luthor, huh? The new billionaire with his sister. If you're looking for fancy drinks, we don't have any here, just cola in the fridge."

"So you're a magician... I was expecting something different."

Lena confessed.

"Something like this?"

Zatanna raised an eyebrow, and in an instant, a pointed hat appeared on her head, and mist began to gather around her.

"Stop it."

 I simply erased her illusion with my own magic.

"There aren't many normal magicians around, so it didn't take me long to find out that your father disappeared about a year ago, right? And you want help?"

"I could handle it myself if I knew what to do."

Zatanna turned away and approached the mirror to inspect herself.

"I thought about using the Book of Magic, but they are hard to find. I only know the approximate location of one such book. I also have an idea to try summoning a doppelgänger of my father from a parallel world to help me... or someone else."

"You know that all of this sounds more than dangerous, right? You might attract the attention of a certain infamous Doctor Fate."


Lena remained silent, simply trying to understand what we were talking about.

"I recently tried to make a deal with a Demon. Do you think that doesn't concern me?"

Zatanna snorted irritably.

"That's why I needed a mentor maybe I was doing something wrong. After all, my father didn't teach me before he disappeared... and now I find out that someone who was a powerful magician is almost my age."

"Your father didn't protect you enough from the idea of making deals with demons from Hell."

I sighed.

"Should I teleport you to a hotel?"

I looked at Lena.

"I think so... You're having magical conversations here, and I'd rather continue practicing numbers in finance."

Lena said while glancing a couple of times at Zatanna. I nodded and created a portal using a magical seal to be clearer for Lena.

"I'll be back soon."

I then teleported with her to the hotel, helped her pack her things, and took her to the car.

After that, I teleported back.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Zatanna asked with curiosity.

"I've seen seals in Egyptian magic, but yours are completely different and more... precise?"

"It's magic from other worlds."

I admitted.

"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to."

Zatanna crossed her arms over her chest and turned away.

"We don't know each other well enough for me to gain your trust, so don't take offense. Let's talk about your training instead... Magic is such a field of study that you'll still have things to learn even after a thousand years."

"Are you sure you know more about magic?"

Zatanna doubted me because of my age.


I said, causing Zatanna's mouth to close, and she stared at me.

This is simply proof of my greater magical power and will. There would have been some resistance if we were on the same level.

Casting spells on those much stronger than you just won't work without various artifacts or rituals.

That's one reason why you can't just meet a god and say, "Shazam."


I waved my hand and lifted the spell.

"In my journey in search of various magical arts, I've discovered all sorts of magic. For example... Avada Kedavra!"

I pointed my finger towards the wall where a dark green curse shot landed.

"Do you feel it?"

"Dark magic... akin to death magic."

Zatanna spoke.

"Do you know that kind of magic too?"

"Not that much."

I admitted.

"I'm just trying to learn everything... Are those your friends?"

We both felt a barrier appear that stopped them from teleporting.


Zatanna's face expressed confusion.

However, we heard yelling and decided to go outside anyway.

Then we saw several dead bodies of people who hadn't left after the show ended, as well as a few men in robes, but one stood out the most.

"What are you doing?"

 Zatanna exclaimed.

"Ah, there she is, just what I needed. Neron told me that if I bring you, he won't just grant me freedom but also power. So nothing personal."

The man with a very dark aura smiled. It was evident that he had committed all the imaginable and unimaginable deeds.


Zatanna silently created a stream of water while knocking one of the cultists off his feet, then froze him into a block of magical ice.

"You're Felix Faust, the sorcerer dropout who sold his soul hundreds of times."

I said this as I watched Zatanna easily deal with the second cultist.

"I'll send you to him too."

Felix tried to swing his dagger in my direction, but I dodged.

As I got closer, I pulled out my Cinnabar Spindle from the inventory and cut his hand holding the dagger.

The dagger then started to tremble in the air and emanate dark energy. 

I'm starting to hate this Gotham...



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