
Successfully Conquered (R-18)

Relationships are complicated to explain… usually, people fall in love by the convenience of their own destiny, which finds and unites them in ways that even the Universe could not predict.

It's cliché, how could it not be? I mean, there are romances of all types and cases, but sometimes it's just the wanting that makes the change work. A romance doesn't appear out of nowhere. Who said that? For Cristine… well, she didn't exactly know when that started. She had a certain notion, perhaps.

A man who defies the very existence of Chaos… that's how she saw Strax when she truly met him. Enemies are common, stories of ex-enemies falling in love are common, but not that of a devoted assassin to the God of Death falling for a man who killed her two brothers in cold blood, without even feeling remorse…

Okay, that was too much…
