
Chapter 29: Pull, Push, Backwards, Forwards!: Looking Back To The Past, In Order To Better The Future! (Part 3)

Date: August 21, 2009

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. *smiles* Now, let me once again, before we proceed on with the chapter, just address a few things. Oh, what's that?…You have some sort of issue with how I tell this story?…Well then, here's my piece of advice, go bother someone else about it. As I have zero interest in listening to any of your worthless and frankly incoherent excuses, okay?!…*quickly composes self before then continuing to address the viewers*…Now anyway, as I was about to say to all of you. Let me just address a few things before we continue on with this chapter, hmmm?…Now, did any of you by any chance, happen to take the time to read the very lengthy fourth wall break at the start of the last chapter?…Because, if you didn't, then this chapter, as well as the one before this one, aren't going to wind up making any sense…I mean, did you really honestly think…" 

"Uh…yeah Keiko, can you just cut to the chase here!?…I think the viewers get it…! *Misaka says this to me with a very displeased expression and a blush very evident on her face*"

"Oh…my apologies Misaka…*I say this with a shocked and surprised expression present on my face before quickly composing myself in order to continue addressing the viewers*…Anyway, let's continue on with the chapter, shall we?"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the current moment. Picking up where things had left off from the last chapter. As I stared at the windmills, that were scattered throughout the outskirts of the railway yard, an idea then popped into my head. And with this very idea in mind, I then turned my attention to Misaka, and then proceeded to speak up, in an effort to tell her about my idea. "Misaka...do you..."

However, I never got to finish the rest of my statement. And the reason for why this was the case? Well, that was due to Misaka, currently talking to one of the Sisters, a #10030 if I remembered correctly. You know, the very same #10030, who wound up happening across me, Misaka, and Touma, from when we had had that incident with the vending machine in the park, back several chapters ago? Yes, that #10030.

Now usually, it takes a lot to surprise me. Well actually, that is technically not true. But in this case? That does in fact apply. As in, apparently Misaka, had come up with the exact same realization, as well as the very exact idea, that I was going to speak up, and tell her about.

Now you might be asking yourselves, why this was the case? Well, why don't we just chalk this up to being a mere coincidence, okay?

"Anyway viewers, the plan that I had had in mind...should've been pretty blatantly obvious to you all right?...Because if you don't know precisely what it is yet...then you should've been paying a little bit more attention to the previous chapters...*sighs*...Let me guess, you still haven't bothered to read through the other two fanfics, right?...*I proceed to facepalm as a show of complete disgust*...Wow, that is really sad, if you still haven't bothered to put in even the least bit of effort to do that...*I say this part with a less then pleased expression and a bead of sweat now present on one side of my face*...Anyway, the idea in question, as you should've been paying attention to exactly what was said in the previous chapters, wound up involving the windmills, that were spread throughout Academy City...You know, the same windmills, that when they are introduced to a static electrical pulse, will wind up causing them to spin backwards?...Yes, those windmills...Now, you might all be wondering exactly why this is important to the plan in question correct?...Well, in regard to the static electrical pulse...Why don't you try and remember, exactly who the remainder of the 20,000 Sisters, whose DNA were born from?...Ah, I've got your attention now don't I?...*I proceed to smile quite broadly*...I mean, it should've been obvious to all of you viewers...I mean after all, I am not that different, from the 20,000 Sisters, or Mikoto Misaka either...I mean after all viewers, I am not named Keiko "Lucky Strike" Misaka, for no reason...*I now proceed to smile even more broadly*...Also, with regard to addressing more real world events..."

"Keiko...just get on with it already!!...*Misaka once again proceeds to look at me with a very frustrated looking expression*"

"*I proceed to sigh very deeply with eyes closed*...Okay, alright Misaka...just calm down...*I once again sigh very deeply with eyes closed*...Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside. And with the current idea regarding the windmills in mind. And as as Accelerator, was far too busy at the current moment, monologuing to himself, as well as anyone else who would listen. You know, kind of like in the movie The Incredibles, when Syndrome was so full of himself, that Mr. Incredible then attacked him and almost managed to land a hit on him, while he was busy monologuing? Yes, that movie.

Anyway, the reason why both me, and Misaka, had come up with the idea, to use the windmills throughout Academy City. And by causing them to spin backwards, with the help of the remainder, of the 20,000 Sisters. The windmills managed, to throw off Accelerators calculations. And, while Accelerator, then took notice of this, and tried to fathom why his calculations were currently being thrown off. He, then without any kind of warning I might add, then turned his attention, towards me, and Misaka. And judging by the current look on his face, he was pretty less then pleased, that this had just happened.

"You, you both did this?!...Damn you both...I'll...!" However, Accelerator, never got to finish that crazed and deranged statement of his. Because just as he was about to finish his death threat, that was directed towards the both of us. And in the exact same amount of time, Touma, managed to pick himself up from off of the ground, charge towards Accelerator, and then land a very crippling punch to his face, with the use of his right hand.

And honestly, I just couldn't resist speaking up. "I'm sorry Accelerator, can you speak up? I don't think I heard you correctly there?...You'll what...make us pay?...*proceeds to snicker and laugh a little bit at the mere thought of it*...Yea...no, no you won't...*once again proceeds to snicker and laugh at the mere thought of it*...So why don't you do like Touma just did to you, and take the hint, as well as the hit, hmmm?" I said, through quite a few uncontainable snickers and laughs, as I couldn't help but do so, at the sheer comedic nature of Accelerators statement.

And, once I had managed to compose myself, after a couple of seconds. I then turned my attention to Misaka, only to be met with a look from her, as if to let me know, that now, was not the right time, to be cracking a joke.

And, to be completely honest, I couldn't blame her for it either. But, at least I could appreciate the fact, that we had all managed to get out of the current situation, without much trouble.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Anyway, that is the end of the final part of the Level 6 Shift arc. *smiles* See you all in the next chapter."
