
Chapter 27: Imagine Breaker Vs. Accelerator!: All It Takes Is A Single Spark! (Part 1)

Okay, so turning back to the rest of the events, that had taken place on the bridge, after the previous chapter had concluded. It basically went as follows...

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Yea, wow...two chapters in one day?...I know, shocking isn't it?...*says all of this with a very visible grin and a blush present on face before composing self and then continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway viewers, what do you say that we do a little catching up with regards to what went on the bridge, after the chapter had concluded, hmm?...Okay, so basically it went as follows...after I witnessed, in complete horror I might add, of Touma lying face-down on the concrete of the bridge...and Misaka in complete tears from having been left with no choice but to put him in that state...okay, so basically, after I had been filled in on what exactly was really going on by Misaka...and was made aware...that the reason why Misaka had done what she had done, was due to her not wanting Touma to get involved...however, I sort of already knew all of this...you know, through using my Telepath ability, to temporarily peak into her thoughts...And, after a couple of minutes of a now injured Touma, resting his head on Misaka's lap...and I was standing right beside them both...Touma, then suggested, out of the blue I might add, that he would take on Accelerator by himself, in an attempt to try and finally put an end to the experiments...because apparently, his thought process, was if a level 0 like him, was somehow able to beat Accelerator in a fight...then, that would label him as being weak, and as a result, would make the need of doing the experiments to be completely not needed and no longer worth continuing...and on the subject of me using my Telepath ability...no viewers, it is not weird, and nor is it considered inappropriate either!...Anyway, I think that that is now enough of my fourth wall breaking...*giggles*...Well, at least for now...*gives an expression to let the viewers know that this will not be the last time that she does a fourth wall break*...Now then, what do you say, that we finally get on with the chapter, hmmm?"

Anyway, as it currently stood, and regarding our current location, which was back at the same railway yard, where me and Misaka, had encountered Accelerator last. We were currently...well...we were actually sort of both worried, and not the least bit cheerful. And the reason for that? Well, we were both sort of looking on in complete horror, as Touma, was currently going against Accelerator. But, that wasn't the current reason, as to why we were both very worried, as well as very horrified. In fact, the current situation, had to do with, well...

"Tell me third string, have you ever heard of a dust explosion!?" A crazy sounding Accelerator said to Touma, in a very crazed and deranged sounding tone of voice.

And the reason for why he had said this exact sentence?...Well, that was because the current air in the railway yard, was currently filled with quite a bit of dust. And as for the explosion part of his question?...Well, that was made even more apparent, when Accelerator then proceeded, to use his Vector ability, to take one of the many steel constructed containers, that littered the railway yard. He then used his Vector ability, to pick it up, and he then proceeded to slam it on top of another steel constructed container that was near it, thus creating a small spark, and causing the very dust filled air around him, and Touma, to violently explode.

And as I then slowly turned my attention towards Misaka. I was then met, with a very upset, and very not pleased expression, that was currently present on her face. And this was further confirmed, by the tears, that were currently present, in her eyes. And given the current situation, and both of us, were unable to do anything at this current moment, except stand idly by, and do nothing. I honestly didn't blame her for feeling in such a manner either.

And to be completely honest, I wasn't fairing any better, regarding the whole current situation either. In fact, similar to that of Misaka, I was quickly starting, to become very worried. Almost as if I knew, that this whole situation, was all just a very very bad idea.

However, me, Misaka, Touma, and Accelerator, were not the only ones that were currently present in and throughout the railway yard. In fact, we were currently surrounded, by quite a few, of the remaining Sisters, that hadn't yet been killed by Accelerator, in what would've been the future Level 6 Shift experiment battles. And, though I did not know it at that current moment, these very remaining Sisters, would wind up playing a very important role, in the future events, that were still to come. In fact, it would also show, what can happen, when the many windmills, in Academy City, can suddenly start to spin backwards.

And, as the chapter title entails. Sometimes, all it can take, is just a simple single spark. And though it didn't look like it at the time. Regarding what went on back on August 9th, were soon going to become, the very least of any of our worries.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. See you all in the next chapter. Where things start to go just a tad bit off the rails...Why you may ask?...Well, if I actually wound up telling you, then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of any of you viewers wanting to have even the slightest interest, to want to read on, regarding what future chapters lay ahead for all of you...*says this while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"
