Harry looked at the magical creature. He mused to himself he had three of the truly magical creatures now in the chamber: a dragon, a dead basilisk, and now a phoenix. He had just learned about portkeys and wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to try such a thing. For his own safety, he wasn't taking chances. He wasn't aware the letter took this long to be delivered because Fawkes refused to take anything charmed to Harry. Harry drew his wand and cast the same spell he'd used thinking it would make Cuddles into an inert substance. Any magic on the model should have been cancelled. He watched his spell hit the letter. None should be able to remain now if he understood the theory correctly. Parchment was used in the wizarding world because it could be a catalyst for spells, muggle paper could not.
Harry reached out to his dragon and ran his hand along her body, trying to calm her down with physical affection. He thought she might just be trying to protect her territory from the larger bird. She settled under his touch and Harry, who was now standing, reached forward with his other hand to stroke Fawke's plumage. The bird trilled at him with affection. When he was sure they were content, he picked up Cuddles and with his free hand he took the letter Fawkes was offering him. He felt very anxious. He'd been so busy he forgot he'd have to go back to Hogwarts for the Yule Ball.
He'd have to interact with people that approached him. He figured he'd be somewhat sheltered being a champion but not totally. In fact, he'd more than likely have to talk to the professors he'd disparaged in his most recent interview. He wondered if that is why the headmaster had sent him a letter now. Sam had requested an interview and may have sent him a pre-release copy of the article like she had to him earlier today.
Did he want to deal with this now or leave it until the morning? He knew that was a futile question. Curiosity wouldn't let him sleep; he decided to open it.
Dear Harry,
My boy, it is long past time for your return to Hogwarts. As you are legally a minor, you do not have the ability to withdraw yourself from Hogwarts. While you have missed time, it is not too late to return and make up for your missed work. I dare say Ms Granger would be more than willing to assist in this endeavour. Further assistance can be arranged with the professors as required.
You've made your point and expressed your displeasure. It is time to put aside childish things and return where you belong. To where your parents enrolled you as a newborn and where they would have wanted you to learn just like they did.
I have received a copy of the article Samantha Roberts has written and sent back a confirmation that you would not do such a thing. Though she is generally a good reporter, even journalists can be fooled by polyjuice. A simple note confirming my story will put an end to the falsified interview.
With the Yule break upcoming, we can arrange a visit with last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and Snuffles. After the Yule Ball, I've arranged for you to spend the rest of your holidays at the Burrow. The Weasley family would be more than happy to entertain Remus and Snuffles on more than one occasion.
Your friends will assist with the tournament and we will foil the plans of whoever placed you in the tournament.
Looking forward to seeing your return,
Albus Dumbledore
Unbridled fury engulfed him in righteous anger as he read the letter further and further.
How dare he dictate Harry's life! How dare he treat him like a child!
As Harry read the letter, Cuddles had begun growling deeper and was seething. She matched her wizard's mood and glared at the larger bird of fire. Fawkes trilled calming notes to keep the young wizard calm and his magical creature calm. It did cool him off from being well beyond his boiling point but he was still steaming. His emotions were out of control. He couldn't get upset at the venerable old man if doing so immediately proved his words true. He had to calm himself. He immediately began running through his occlumency exercises.
Simultaneously, he controlled his breathing with long deep breaths. He could feel his heart rate dropping, the pounding of veins subsiding. How was he to respond and handle the powerful wizard and politician? One that hadn't treated him anything close to an equal.
Not only did he need to respond to the letter he would also be seeing him shortly. The Headmaster had tried to appeal to two things - his former authority over him, as his magical guardian, as well as his friends and family.
First, he would pen his letter to Samantha. Explaining he was aware of Dumbledore's attempt to claim it was a false letter and reassuring her it was not. He was fine with her printing it. He already felt less guilty for the inadvertent shot at the faculty of Hogwarts. They'd done nothing for him and now there was not a snowball's chance in hell that he would return to Hogwarts. He'd say hell would freeze over first but wondered if there was magic strong enough to keep ice frozen even in Tartarus. Could an enchanted snowball actually have a chance in hell? Damn, he needed to learn some wizarding idioms.
Harry stopped and let his eyes follow Cuddles. It had taken off into the air and was circling the desk. Fawkes was watching Cuddles intently. Suddenly, Cuddles dove straight towards the larger phoenix and briefly spewed a small torrent of fire. The short line of flames raced toward the bird, who squawked, as he had to lift off the desk. Every item on the desk already had flame retardant spells on them so he was sure it was fine. Nonetheless, his eyes were still glued to make sure his spells held.
Movement in the corner of his field of vision brought him back to watching the two powerful magical creatures into the centre of his field of view. Cuddles was shooting flames at the phoenix that was dodging and diving in the office. Cuddles had a clear advantage, being smaller and finding it easier to move in the very limited air space. Fawkes was cornered now. Harry could feel the smugness of his dragon. It had the larger bird trapped right where she wanted him. She was still a dominate apex predator that could entrap a creature Harry once knew to be a myth.
With the legendary magical bird out of the real estate, Cuddles took in a deep breath and unleashed hellfire. Fawkes answer to the entrapment was to flame flash. He appeared by the door exiting into the hallway, gave an amused trill and took off out the door. The Horntail was irritated at losing its prey just as it went in for the kill and flew off after the larger bird. Harry's earlier irate mood was now gone as he was laughing at the actions of his docile dragon and the headmaster's familiar.
He looked back down at the letter and noticed that it hadn't escaped a little errant fire. The bottom edge had been caught and burned up the paper all the way to the Headmaster's name. Cuddles fire burning even just the man's name made him grin further. He was growing to love that mischievous monster.
He wasn't going to let his emotions dictate a response to him. He was going to use his burgeoning intellect to pen a response back.
Dear Headmaster,
Yes, give him a title, not a name. Don't even deal with him familiarly.
Thank you for your concerns about my education. As I do not have a magical guardian…
No, he couldn't draw attention to his magical emancipation. He was hoping to take advantage of distractions and keep attention off of it. He didn't know if there was a way to block his legal emancipation so he wouldn't take any chances.
Grabbing a new parchment he began the letter again:
Thank you for the concerns about my education. I will not be returning to Hogwarts prior to the Yule Ball and will not be making any decisions about a return to Hogwarts until after it concludes. A decision will be made on my education before the resumption of classes in the new year.
How was he going to answer the friends and family section? As tempting as it would be to visit the Burrow, he couldn't get sucked back under Dumbledore's thumb.
How would he get away and keep up with the rituals? If he didn't keep to the schedule he had no idea what kind of ill effects it could have on him. There must be a reason for doing them so quickly. There was a little over twenty-seven weeks away from the end of the final task. Even continuing at just two rituals a week, he'd hit the seven sets of seven rituals before the tournament's end.
He had to stay away from Dumbledore's control but he could surprise pop into the Burrow. Now that he thought about it seeing Remus and Sirius would be nice. Being isolated in the Chamber of Secrets was giving him a different perspective. Now that he was removed from the situation and had time to dwell on it, the anger and hurt that immediately follow the selection, he could see how he'd not reacted well. Not everyone was getting off so easily though. Ron was still a jealous git in his mind and he'd be careful about that friendship going forward. Hermione had just tried to stay out of the spat between her two good friends. Sirius and Remus might actually have good reasons for their actions. Once he got over his initial anger, he realized he'd overreacted. Before accepting them, he would analyze and think critically.
I must decline the generous invitation to stay at the Burrow for the remainder of the holidays. I have other commitments that are already scheduled and will interfere with the kind offer. I would welcome the chance to visit and it would be great to see Professor Lupin and his lovable stray, Snuffles. As for my friendships, I have total confidence any real friendships I have made will not fall apart after such a short absence.
Harry Potter
With his letter written, he went to track down his errant dragon and Fawkes. Harry made his way out to the main hallway and then proceeded through the exit from the private chambers into the hall containing the basilisk corpse.
He felt the letter would do well. It would irritate Dumbledore to no end and that was a moral victory all on its own. He had no issues getting around now that he could apparate. If he used it regularly he could get into trouble for not having a license. Another letter to Madame Bones might be required. That was two letters to write before he retired tonight. It was okay he was going to bed a little later than he normally did after dance lessons. He'd heard about his potential date and was having trouble keeping from being excited to meet this black sheep.
Natalia… Lacroix had slipped her name in there. She probably knew Krum given the importance of her family in Bulgaria. Was it a good idea to get acquainted with such a family? He was already blindly following Salazar Slytherin's path for him. Sometimes it felt like a real kick to the family jewels to not have parents. They were supposed to teach him these things and guide his upbringing.
Instead, he was trying to learn as he went along and finding out there was a whole lot more to the world than Hogwarts. He'd meet the girl then decide. Hannah and Anna were very pleasant girls and easy to talk to now that he was comfortable around them. Being homeschooled they were shy and he had to initiate conversations with them. Normally, he was the shy one that people started conversations with.
Harry arrived into the main chamber and watched in fascination as the two magical creatures chased each other. Cuddles blasting out fire and using its smaller frame to outmanoeuvre the larger faster phoenix. It reminded Harry of World War II footage of plane dog fights. One plane chasing after another doing loops and dives to get strafing runs at the other. The Hungarian Horntail was trying to tag Fawkes with fireballs while the majestic bird kept trying to initiate contact with the smaller dragon. Harry watched as they flew around after each other ignorant of his presence. He slowly sauntered his way towards the middle of the Chamber of Secrets. Cuddles spotted him first and changed directions dive-bombing him. She came in at full speed pulling up just in time to clutch his shoulder with her talons and forcefully perch on his shoulder. Fawkes was trilling gayly, having enjoyed the flying match against the little dragon. He landed in front of Harry on the ground in a pleasant mood.
"Would you mind taking this back to the headmaster whenever you leave?" Harry asked, putting forth the sealed envelope containing his reply.
Fawkes dipped his head and jumped back into the air gently taking it with his talon.
Cuddles shrieked in his ear and let forth its mighty (cute) roar. She fell off his shoulder into a dive to pick up airspeed quickly. Fawkes took off and Harry sat back and watched his black beasty try and turn his letter into ashes while Fawkes used his size and speed to keep it safe. He stayed, for some time, watching the ariel dynamics before the lateness of the hour began catching up to him. He completed his final task of the evening sending Hedwig off with two letters before heading into bed.
The next day, began as most every day seemed to: physical training, magical training, studying magic, and lots of eating. He'd just finished dinner when he realized he had received letters. Hedwig hated staying in the Chamber; he guessed it was the lack of airflow, lack of hunting grounds, and no natural light. She occasionally came to sleep and Dobby always had rashers of bacon ready for her when she was around. Hedwig must have stopped in while he was busy earlier as he hadn't noticed the mail being returned. He opened the first one thinking it was a reply from Director Bones. Upon opening the envelope, he found it was indeed the case. Minor's are normally not allowed to apply for apparition testing and being emancipated magically would not be enough to apply for one. She was kind enough to inform him it was a 50 galleon fine for apparating without a license with no escalation for subsequent occurrences.
The next letter was from Samantha and she had sent a curt reply that she was well aware Dumbledore's claims were false. They were together over an hour and he had not ingested anything other than drinks from the establishment. She had submitted it for printing and it would be in today's paper.
With those two taken care of, he could concentrate on the one he needed to write next. He realized that he should contact Hogwarts to find out more information on the actual Yule Ball. Other than the fact there was a ball on the 25th, he had no clue as to the actual itinerary.
Dear Professor McGonagall,
I am writing to inquire about the Yule Ball. As the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, I trust you are well aware of the plans for the event. The only information I have been made informed of so far is the day of the Yule Ball, that I require a date, that the Champions are the guests of honour, and we will be opening the dance.
I was hoping you would be able to tell me what time festivities begin and the appropriate time to arrive with my date. As I was raised in the muggle world, I am hoping you can educate me on any important traditions for such an event. If you are not the correct person to contact about the Yule Ball, please provide me with the name of whom I should contact. I have instructed Hedwig to await a response. Alternatively, Fawkes is capable of delivering mail to me.
Harry Potter
He knew he could ask Lacroix, but thought checking with two sources wouldn't hurt. Today, he had the physical rejuvenation, his tenth ritual and second in the set. If the routine kept up, he should be completing his fifteenth ritual on December twenty-second three days prior to the Yule Ball. Harry felt it was impossible to tell the difference between the natural increase he'd received from his daily training and anything the rituals may have added.
He no longer was sore in the mornings from dance nor from his morning exercises. He'd been physically developing and was curious to see how much the rituals would affect him. The next few sets of physical and magical rituals should be more noticeable. His mind felt like it would be difficult to find differences in.
However, that wasn't overly important now. He was going to go to the Lacroix Ballet Academy a little early. Madame Lacroix had said she tutors his perspective date today and he didn't think being a little early would hurt.
Extricating a burrowed up Cuddles from his lap was always a precarious proposition. Transporting a dragon without waking it had become a critical life skill he'd had to develop quickly. She disliked being awoken by others just as much as Harry always had. Whereas a grump, Harry couldn't spew fireballs his grumpy gremlin could.
With a successful transport operation, Harry quietly exited the office and moved to the large hall. He still felt more comfortable apparating from a more open space. He was slightly disconcerted that he'd accidentally be recomposed in a chair or bookshelf. He knew magic was supposed to prevent such things and yet he still walked to the open area. Though it may be an attempt at trying to convince himself it was the space issue and not that the little dragon may get upset with him if he rudely made loud popping noises as he left and entered the study. He reassured himself that he was the master and not the other way around.
Harry left the chamber with a pop and arrived in the ballet academy entry point. He quickly made his way to the main studio area where he always saw the dancers practice. As he moved closer to the entry, he could see Lacroix in the position she was always perched in.
He followed her gaze to the ballerina that was gracefully moving. She had brown hair that was currently put up out of the way. She was taller than he expected, maybe five foot six or seven. Thin, but it was a good thin, the way she moved it was obvious she was strong for her size. Flawlessly, she moved around with her long slender legs, swooping arms, and a gracile neck.
Harry didn't breathe as he drew in the vision of beauty: soft blue eyes, willowy eyebrows, an oval face, thin lips, and a nose that seemed to perfectly accentuate the rest of her features. Her face showed she was completely concentrated on performing her task. Her arms flowed beautifully from position to position, her legs dexterously moved synchronically with her body.
He was mesmerized watching her glide around with perfect precision. She floated around the room with Harry's eyes never failing to follow her form. He had no idea if she was really good from a technical point but it was impossible to miss how beautifully she moved.
Harry didn't notice when Lacroix stopped looking at the ballerina and started watching his reaction to her. She knew Natalia was gorgeous with a distinct classical elegance to her. The young woman was truly a wonderful dancer for her age. She would be impossible for any straight fourteen years old to not take notice of.
Harry eventually stopped doing his statue impression. How long he stood there, transfixed, he couldn't say. Bloody hell! He was thankful she had been totally concentrated on her movements to notice him gaping at her like an idiot. What else was he to do when he such an infusion of elegance, beauty and grace?
Harry tried to act casual. He was about to meet this dancing goddess and he was utterly unsettled. Thankfully he had time to get himself partially under control. Who could blame him for being so nervous? This impossibly good looking young woman might just be his date for an evening. Shortly, he would be touching her body with his, as they moved together in time to the music. Un deux trois un deux trois.
That may be the first time he as thankful for those three blasted banalities. Thinking them brought his focus off the perfection moving in front of him.
Un deux trois. Yes, this could work. Un deux et trois. Heh! He could even count the odd changes Lacroix had been using to keep the more complicated movements in time.
Un deux et trois. Good. good. Just a few more to calm his rapid heart rate.
Un et deux et trois. He breathed deeply controlling his breathing with long slow punctuated breaths. Un deux trois.
This was workable. Just keep focused on the lovely french numbers and not the lovely young ballerina.
He closed his eyes, that should help, right?
Focus on the French. Un deux trois. Un deux trois.
Harry opened his eyes. Bollocks.
The lesson had ended when he was trying to calm down and play it cool. They were both looking at him. Lacroix with her smugness and the brown-haired beauty had her blue eyes focused on him.
Green met blue and Harry couldn't help it. He could feel the warmth spreading to his skin. He was blushing!
He began counting again furiously.
Un deux trois, un deux trois, un deux trois…
He could do this! If he could face down a petrifying basilisk he could face down a pretty beauty.
"Harry, this is Natalia Pavlova." Madame Lacroix made an unnecessary gesture to reinforce the fact she was introducing the only other person in the room.
"Natalia, this is Harry Potter."
Harry stood there like an idiot when he was introduced. Natalia didn't.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mister Potter." She said, with a curtsey.
"Nice to meet you too Miss Pavlova. Please call me Ha- Harry." The right words actually came out of his mouth!
Lacroix was looking at him oddly. Why? He could see Lacroix was pretty well stifling giggles.
Natalia hadn't seemed to notice at all; she was still watching him.
"Natalia then, please."
Harry had enough brainpower to stop his embarrassment long enough to remember to gently grasp her hand and kiss it. Was he supposed to have done that first?
"Well, how about we move onto the reason you're both here."
Natalia spun on the spot and.. swam? She didn't walk, the word couldn't convey the fluidity of her movements.
Harry shivered a little. He saw the look Lacroix gave him before she was back in dance instructor mode.
"Begin with the basic waltz," she commanded to the two of them.
Harry took a calming breath before getting into his dance posture. Chest lifted, shoulders back, neck extended, a minor arch in his back and he brought his arms up slowly towards the proper positioning they'd find with Natalia.
With practised ease, he moved towards her and joined one hand with hers. The second taking its position on her body. He moved close, as their hands connected, and then he heard the counting.
Lacroix began the repetitive chanting in time with the music. When had she turned that on?
"Un." Left foot forward, focus on the hip movement.
"Deux" move right foot diagonally and began the rise to his toes.
"Trois" complete the rise and slide left foot over while moving the correct side of the chest up.
"Un" He began the opposite motions to the first set to complete the box step.
"Deux" He was really doing it.
"Trois" He stopped focusing on the movements he knew by heart.
"Un" Natalia… what a dance partner.
"Deux" Hannah was a good dancer.
"Trois" Hannah's older sister was a better dancer.
"Un" This young woman in front of him was superb.
"Deux" She must be bleeding off some of her skill.
"Trois" It was so easy to move in time with her.
Harry didn't wait. Lacroix had him practising, routines with Anna and Hannah. He went with it starting one of the routines he had been taught.
Hesitation Change, un deux trois un deux trois.
Fallaway Reverse Slip Pivot un deux et trois.
The movements came so easily now.
Double Reverse Spin un deux trois et.
How great would she look with her lustrous brown hair twirling as he spun her?
Open Telemark un deux trois.
Chasse from Promenade Position un deux et trois.
She moved so flawlessly. Did she know the routine or was she just that good?
Natural Spin Turn un deux trois un deux trois.
There was dancing with Hannah.
Turning Lock, left, to Promenade Position un et deux trois.
There was dancing with Anna.
Chasse from Promenade Position un deux et trois.
There was even dancing with Lacroix.
Hesitation Change, un deux trois un deux trois.
None of those compared to dancing with Natalia Pavlova.
Fallaway Reverse Slip Pivot un deux et trois.
Enticing, elegant, and oh so silky smooth.
Double Reverse Spin un deux trois et.
How could he make a rational decision to pick now?
Open Telemark un deux trois.
He was screwed.
Chasse from Promenade Position un deux et trois.
She was perfection personified: her arched back, pushed up chest, and long languid neck.
Natural Spin Turn un deux trois un deux trois.
Turning Lock, left, to Promenade Position un et deux trois.
Natalia… at least he wasn't making a fool of himself now.
Chasse from Promenade Position un deux et trois.
He'd been through that routine twice now. He began to cycle through the routines he had learned already. There was a spark here, that he didn't have with the other girls. The Fairways were lovely girls, but the young woman in his arms now was entirely something else. He wasn't sure how to describe it. Hermione had been a sister. Alicia, Angelina, and Katie were teammates. He'd seen his three chaser teammates in various states, of less than fully dressed, and he had liked that, yet this was set apart from all his previous experiences.
He'd crushed on Cho Chang. He didn't know what the word was for his thoughts on this young woman. They continued to move with fantastic fusion until Lacroix stopped them. How long they had danced for he didn't know.
"Natalia, why don't you get cleaned up? You've had a long day, then come to my office."
The blue-eyed beauty nodded and moved towards the change rooms.
The Madame signalled him to follow and they made the same post-dance instruction walk. Arriving at her office, she conjured the Lacroix Ballet Academy chalices and filled them with cold clear water. This time there were three instead of the usual two.
"Quite the enchanting young lady, isn't she?" Harry didn't both looking up to see the self-satisfied grin on the aged dance instructors face. Even though it wasn't possible, he could hear it.
"You danced wonderfully tonight. You won't be able to practice together during the weekdays, while she is still in classes. Anna and Hannah will continue assisting in your progress. I expect you'll give them an appropriate Yule gift." Harry had looked up and caught the stern visage that accompanied the suggestion of purchasing a gift to thank his most frequent dance partners. He nodded, not needing to vocalize, he understood.
"From the way you reacted to Miss Pavlova, I trust you'll be taking her over Miss Fairway?" There was a slightly challenging tone there.
Would he take her? He'd certainly feel like he'd stolen a dance with the most amazing girl he'd ever met. He was learning that he couldn't let his emotions guide him even if they were leading him towards the very tempting Natalia. Goodness, even thinking her name gave him mental shivers. How could her name do that to him?
"As much as my body is telling me to agree with you I've.. not decided yet… I- I think… I think I need to get to know her? I have enough on my plate and can't add any more problems."
"A rather mature position to take," she said as she sipped water.
"How do you plan on accomplishing it?" She arched a challenging eyebrow at him.
"I don't have much experience with girls. I have one female friend and some female teammates. That's pretty much all my experience. What do you do?
It was times like these that broke the visage of the woman. She felt a need to help such a genuinely kind young man. She'd done so poorly with her own son and that weighed on her.
"You become friends first. You spend some time together and get to know one another; there's no fancy formula required."
Harry inclined his head. Any response was cut off by the presence of Natalia entering the office through the closed door. She'd changed out of her dance attire into dark blue denim jeans and a pullover hooded sweater. It was a rather thin sweater and hugged her body magnificently.
Un deux trois, un deux trois. Harry needed a thought to distract him from continuing to notice her figure. It was too alluring.
"As I had discussed with you, Natalia, Harry has been receiving dance instruction and requires a date for the Triwizard Tournament's Yule Ball. I had thought to introduce the two of you and see if you were interested in acquainting yourselves."
Natalia hadn't done any more than glance at Harry since she entered and sat in the chair beside him. She continued to focus on Madame Lacroix.
"Harry just had the idea it would be best to get to know one another before making a decision. For two persons of your statuses, I trust you understand the delicacy of the decision."
Lacroix turned her attention fully back to Harry who was trying to casually drink his water and not make a fool of himself.
"Natalia knows I do not involve myself in the politics nor business of my clients and patrons. Though I am introducing you, I will not do anything further. From here it is up to the two of you to decide. If either chooses not to, it will not offend me. Harry will escort Anna Fairway if the two of you do not attend together."
Natalia acknowledged Lacroix with a simple head bob, again not speaking.
"Alright," Harry responded slowly.
"I'll be locking up the studio in twenty minutes, please excuse yourselves as I have some work to finish before I can retire for the night."
There was a stark shift Lacroix's demeanour once Natalia had entered the room. She had gone back to the woman he'd met the first time he came here. He got up out of his chair and made to leave. As he opened the door, he remembered chivalry. He opened the door and held it for her. She moved through it, without thanking him, and made her way towards the entrance.
She grabbed a small bag and, if he saw correctly, tucked her wand up her right arm sleeve. Harry followed her into the room.
She didn't say anything, she trained her blue eyes onto him and waited.
Harry thought she must be waiting for him.
"Would you like to, uh, maybe, erm, do something together?" He mentally berated himself for sounding unconfident. He'd just danced with her, he should be able to talk to her. Screw his nerves and raging hormones.
"Sure," she replied quietly.
Merlin, she wasn't making it easy on him.
The former Gryffindor bucked up his courage and went for it again.
"I'm not very familiar with this kind of thing. Have you eaten?"
"I just had my post-practice snack," her voice was still soft and hard to hear.
What the ruddy hell else did people do? He didn't grow up making friends and having playdates. Dudley beat up kids, watched telly and played with toys… none of those were anything the immaculate young woman in front of him would consider doing. He tried to think what the upper years did at Hogwarts. Broom closets were what he always heard about. That wasn't going to help him now. Some went flying, others went to that ridiculous tea shop called Puddlefoots? And what else?!
"Did you want to go for a walk?" He asked hesitantly. He remembered Fred and George teasing Percy for going for a long walk around the lake with some Ravenclaw girl.
He realized he was following a relationship idea from that prat Percy! His stomach dropped.
"Sure, where?"
Did she agree? His stomach did a u-turn!
Maybe he'd kiss Percy if this worked out!
Full stop. Never think such thoughts again!
"I've not seen much of the magical world, do you have any ideas?"
She looked at him oddly for a second before she shook her head.
Harry knew of the park in near the Dursleys. That would go well. Walk around his relatives' neighbourhood. Maybe stop in for some tea so could tell her how wonderful he is? He suppressed a snort at such a ludicrous thought.
Parks? Had he ever been to any other parks?
"Hyde Park?" He was an Englishman. He knew of that park at least.
After working out the problem of how to travel there Harry did something he probably shouldn't have, tandem apparition. The book warned it would take more power and everything was less forgiving about bringing a second person along. He'd been successful though and wouldn't be sharing with anyone he'd just done that. She was now walking to his left. Her left hand was in her sweater pocket and her right hand was dangling at her side.
Harry decided to mirror her actions. They'd been walking for about fifteen steps and neither of them had said a word. There were muggles around, going about their business, so all was not quiet. She meandered close enough that their hands had accidentally touched once and they'd both pulled away from the content like they'd touched a hot stove burner.
They were still walking and not talking. What was he supposed to ask?
The dreaded counting started. Every time he went for a run and his thoughts subconsciously went hearing Lacroix's voice counting.
Left foot forward. Un.
Right foot forward. Deux.
Left foot forward. Trois.
Wouldn't it make sense to do it with the et?
Right foot forward. Un.
Left foot forward. Et.
Yeah, this pattern was better. Wait, wasn't he walking beside one of, if not the, most gorgeous young women he'd ever been in contact with? Why was he thinking of ways to improve the monotonous french counting of his steps? He should be talking to this young lady!
What to lead off with?
"You dance really well."
Good start! Everyone liked being complimented. Or was it lame?
She didn't look at him when she gave her one-worded response; he noticed this seemed to be her standard operating procedure.
Why was she trying to make this as difficult on him as possible? Could she not have a single shred of mercy for his poor tortured soul?
"Sorry, I'm not very good at this."
She actually looked at him this time. She didn't speak but maybe this was an improvement?
"I haven't ever gone on a date before," He spoke again and chanced a meeting of their eyes. He thought hers might have widened slightly.
"I was told it's good to try and be friends first?" Harry trailed off not really sure what else to say. He didn't want to embarrass himself further. He was fourteen and hadn't even dated or kissed a girl yet.
"I haven't either." She whispered in response.
She was so cute when she was shy. Did she always have to be that way though?
Wait. Did she just say she hadn't either? Harry stopped and his sudden action had her turn to look at him directly.
"Really? But your, your… you're so beautiful!" He was so surprised that he blurted out his thought.
It was hard to see because it was twilight but Harry thought she might have mirrored his blush.
"Really?" She replied in the same whispered voice.
The two resumed walking and the only sound they made was from their feet making contact with the pathway.
"What do we do now then?" Harry asked. Maybe she had an idea of what to do. Lacroix said she was the youngest girl in her family. Her brothers and sisters must have given her some ideas.
"I don't know."
Apparently not. Harry tried to think of ideas for how you got to know someone.
"Maybe we should take turns asking a question?" Harry wondered aloud.
"What kind?" She said while looking out across the park.
"Any kind? If you don't feel like answering, you can pass," Harry shrugged back in response as he watched her mull over his idea.
"Did you want to go first?" It was polite to let the lady go first after all.
She inclined her head and continued her forward motion. After a half dozen steps, she asked the first question.
"Why do you want to get to know me?"
Harry wasn't shrewd enough at reading teenage girls to see the crux of the question. He answered the surface question for exactly what it was.
"I made a deal with Madame Lacroix and part of that deal was that she would pick a date for me… I- I was supposed to go with Anna. Then Lacroix decided to introduce us. I don't know you and we're supposed to spend a whole evening together. One that is going to be rather uncomfortable enough without not knowing my date at all… I thought it just made sense that I should try and get to know you a little first."
The words flowed out of his mouth easily. Harry's lack of emotional intelligence was as subtle as a blunt force object smashing you in the teeth. Lacroix had said to try and be friends so he would treat her like he would have Ron or Hermione.
Crap. Now he had to think of a question. Should he just ask her favourite color? Seems like a stupid follow up to her question. This was a great opportunity to make her use more than a few words!
But what to ask? Something plain that could be interesting would do.
"What is Durmstrang like?" He stopped looking at at his surroundings and watched her face as he asked her.
She kept looking to the scenery as they walked, even when answering. "Cold, hard, and foreboding. Warm by the fireplaces. It's packed full of students and easy to get lost in. Far more rigidly designed for functionality than Hogwarts and Beauxbatons."
She used more words this time, maybe she'd use full sentences next question!
The two continued walking with no words exchanged while Harry awaited her next question. He'd left it wide open to ask anything and he was nervous she could ask about topics he didn't want to talk about.
It seemed like she really wanted to ask something but couldn't work herself up to do it. She'd started lowering her jaw and even opened her mouth twice but closed it tight before speaking. They walked side by side in silence. Harry debated offering to ask the next question but thought he'd wait longer. It was awkward but weird not enough to make him speak. He didn't have to wait much longer for her to ask thankfully.
"Do y- you l- like m- me or just my, my name?" She looked at him and watched him closely this time. He could see agitated anticipation but nothing more. She had a mousy look in her eyes like she was expecting the same disappointing answer she always did. The same way he felt when people like Colin Creevey came up to him wanting a photo and autograph. A resignation that she already knew the answer and was bracing herself for it.
Perhaps if he knew what to look for he would have seen it.
It seemed like an odd question to him. He'd always found he'd liked names based on what kind of person they were. He hated the names Dudley, Vernon, Petunia and Draco. He might have liked them if he'd never met anyone with those names before. He'd not met a Natalia before. It may have just been the girl in front of him but he thought Natalia was a very pretty name for a ballerina.
"Your name? Uh, Natalia Pavlova, I hadn't really thought about it? I, err, don't think there's anything wrong with Pavlova, as a name, and Natalia seems like a pretty name to me… I hadn't thought of it before but it, err, seems like a fitting name for a beautiful ballerina."
He couldn't stop the blush as he admitted that he liked her right to her face!
"I think I'd like you regardless of what your name was. The way you danced when I first saw you. You were like an angel floating across the dance floor. You were so focused on your motions I couldn't help but stare. And you're gorgeous without taking into account how amazing you are when your dancing."
Harry couldn't look at her as he spoke. He'd never said such things to a girl before. His palms were clammy again and he was so tense while speaking his private thoughts aloud.
Harry looked back to see if he could still see any of her reaction with his head bowed. He didn't think he could bear it if she'd just rejected him out of hand.
When he got the courage to actually look at her, he was surprised by what he saw. She had her hand up to her mouth and she was shaking slightly. It took him a moment to realize she was laughing.
She was laughing at his answer!
He felt crushed. He ruthlessly stopped any idea of crying as his sadness gave way to indignation. How dare this girl laugh at him!
Natalia lost her battle to keep her giggles silent. Her body was racked with them and she grasped Harry's forearm in an effort to stay balanced.
Harry looked back again. She thought this was legitimately very funny. Nothing on her face or in her body language looked malicious. Why was she laughing so hard?
Her grasping at Harry, to keep herself upright, stopped their forward progression. She shifted more weight onto him as she struggled to stay standing.
She looked up at him and for the first time, he saw her smile. She was divine, it took away any remnant of his mistaken hurt and anger. He'd need to find ways for her to look at him like that again.
She continued to smile as she looked at him.
"Harry, I meant did you like me or just my family's wealth and power!"
"Oh," his cheeks were already red so any further embarrassment thankfully couldn't change their state.
She giggled at him further, a melodious sound to his ears. Natalia let go of him and the two continued their walk in the park while she got her giggles under control.
"It's your question," she told him.
Hey, she spoke to him first this time! Real progress being made here now.
He hadn't realized it was his turn. He hadn't thought of a question. He didn't want to stop the progress so why not ask hers?
"Do you like me or my name?" Harry couldn't help the small smirk that adorned his lips as he asked.
She did look back at him with her sweet smile still in place and responded. "Potter isn't really a name a girl would dream to have. Though I guess Harry is pretty nice, but I suppose it could be mixed up with hairy and that's not so good." Her eyes glistened in the pale moonlight. Her more open demeanour was far more attractive to him and he was already painstakingly attracted to her.
"You danced so well you floated like an angel." She couldn't help but break into another fit of giggles at his expense when she finished. Harry huffed, shook his head, then playfully shoved her shoulder sending her stumbling off a few steps as she tried to control her laughter. Harry was a little annoyed at the moment. He didn't mind being poked fun at. He just actually wanted her to answer the question. Was it possible she liked him? He was pouting at the beautiful girl that had teased him with her answer.
"Didn't anyone ever teach you how to treat a lady?" She asked, with amusement dancing in her eyes.
"Nope." He replied, popping the p. "And, now it's my turn again." He told her triumphantly.
"Hey! It's my turn!" She moved back towards him and returned his earlier soft push, with a soft shoulder bump of her own. Harry took the bump good-naturedly and smirked at her. "The deal was question for question and you just asked if I knew how to treat a lady! It's not my fault, you wasted your question."
"It was a rhetorical question!" She pouted at him.
Harry's grin grew. "A rhetorical question is still a question!"
"Fine!" She said as she kept pouting at him, her bottom lip fully protruded in full pout position. Her blue eyes were all doe-eyed, here eyelashes batting at him more than standard blinking would require, and her eyebrows were raised ever so slightly.
Harry couldn't stand to face pouting perfection and caved to her pretty petulance.
"Fine," he sighed.
Her expression turned to one of triumph this time. "Thanks! Maybe you do know how to treat a lady." She responded brightly.
"What do you know about my family?"
"Only what Madame Lacroix told me. Your family operates in Bulgaria, Russia and Germany where they have political sway, economic strength, and financial wealth." He shrugged as he said the last part. "Nothing beyond that."
Natalia wasn't used to such blunt honesty and especially for a boy around her age to not know what the Pavlova name represented. She didn't understand how he didn't know more about her infamous family.
Harry was wondering if he should know more about them based on how she asked. What should he ask now? He wanted to keep it light and get her talking more.
"When did you start ballet lessons?"
"When I was three," she began her response with a faint smile. "I think my parents wanted me out from underfoot," she concluded morosely.
A cold gust of wind brought a chill down Harry's spine. He was cold and he saw her arms shove back into her body to hug some warmth back into it.
Harry pulled out his wand and cast two silent warming charms. She felt the absence of the wind's cold and a flood of warmth on her body. She looked back at Harry surprised and saw him resheathing his wand.
"Aren't you not allowed to cast magic?"
"I thought I'd show I'm capable of treating a lady right. Is that the question that you want me to answer?" He wasn't going to answer another question then have her pout at him to make it not count.
They walked a few more steps, side by side, before she told him it was.
"The stupid tournament I got stuck in was for adults only. Magically, I'm emancipated but legally I'm not yet an adult."
"Wow! Emancipated at 14?"
"Is that another question my lady?" He asked with a chuckle. Before she could respond, he added to it, "I'll reciprocate and ask you the same question if it is."
Once again she agreed, Harry shared he was indeed fourteen and learned she was fifteen… They had been walking and talking for some time now and he was still hesitant to ask if she liked him. His courage let him get close but he wouldn't take the full plunge.
"Would you even want to go with me to the Yule Ball? It's going to bring a lot of scrutinies and probably going to be a mess for me personally…" After asking the initial question, he mumbled the extra info.
"I want to, it's just not such a straightforward situation."
It was her turn for a question and Harry felt a hand on his forearm pulling him. She stopped him from moving and turned so her body was facing him. They were standing facing each other now.
"I know we just met and all but do you… Do you like me? Would you want to take me?"
Harry gulped, he knew this was serious. She had stopped him, turned him, and got him to focus on her just as she was on him.
"I- I think so? You're, you're, well…" Why was it so hard to look into her beautiful blue eyes and tell her the thoughts that had been running through his head since he first set eyes on her as he watched her practice.
He could do it and he went for it.
"You're bloody gorgeous. I could watch you dance for hours. I don't know how long I watch you practice with Lacroix. She asked me if I wanted to take you.,. I told her I wanted to get to know you first and just make sure I won't be making new problems. I'm told your family is powerful and I already have enemies, I can't afford more now."
He stopped talking to collect himself and looked right at her again as he added a final thought out loud.
"I'd love to ask you, you seem kind, your beautiful and I really liked dancing with you. I just don't know what or if there would be consequences for daring to ask you."
The first day after meeting Natalia Pavlova, he had a big issue. His training was off all day so far because of it. He couldn't get her off his mind. Even her name sounded good enough to eat! He'd completed his physical workout, his magical training, and tried to keep on task with his studying for OWLs. Now it was the time of day where he finally had time to himself. No dance lessons after dinners on Sundays and no chance to drop in and see the girl stuck at the forefront of his thoughts. The Lacroix Ballet Academy was closed on Sundays. He could try and send Hedwig but if she lived in Germany, Russia or Bulgaria the letter probably wouldn't reach her today.
He knew he would be visiting with her next Saturday, where they would work on his dancing skills again. Should he attempt an owl? He knew he shouldn't. They admitted they liked each other but she wasn't his date yet. There seemed to be something's missing from his understanding of just what it meant to be Natalia Pavlova. She didn't even consider arguing against him worrying about the repercussions of them spending an evening together in public.
He needed to bury himself in a book or something. He could talk to Lacroix and see if she could impart some wisdom on him. He'd not gotten as far in his studies as he should of earlier and resolved himself that he would complete it tonight. There was a soft pulsing glow he'd not read yet. Pulling out his wand he summoned the book, no way was he going to get up and risk waking Cuddles up. The little gremlin was a right terror when woken in a way she didn't agree with. Harry tried to push the beautiful brunette out of his head by opening the book and beginning to read.
Why do we vocalize spells? Earlier I explained, to you my heir, that it was getting agreeance between the physical body, the mind, and magic. To get your entire being working in concert. Then, that it wasn't necessary to vocalize spells. Anything you could vocalize could be done silently. Like most rules of magic, it is a lie. Magic is sentient and words have power.
Some spells and rituals require the usage of specific vocalized words. Fiendfyre is one such spell. The fire is unnatural, you cannot just intend it, you cannot force it with your own magical power, nor will it, alone, into existence. There is no creative way to bring forth those specific cursed flames. They must be called forth and either subdued from wreaking wanton wreckage or allowed to burn out. The killing curse, Avada Kedavra, must be spoken and is another such example.
There is a common thread to the type of magic that require vocalization, words of power. Any spell that is against the very nature of magic itself must be vocalized. It is unnatural for a human to dominate another so completely as one does with the Imperius curse. There is nothing found in the entire world that can devastate an individual like the Cruciatus curse. Magic is sentient, it is not just enough to intend magic to go against its nature. It is not sufficient to try and will the unnatural into existence. To make one break its very own essence is no simple feat.
How difficult would it be to force a mother to slay their babe or a father to step aside and let their offspring be tortured? Do you think you could get them to act against their very being just by intending it? By willing it? By creative and cunning methods? No, for a parent to take actions that hurt, or allow it to happen, to their innocent child requires action, actions that bring about something perverse. You must call add something beyond the four pillars. To make magic act against its will you must use words of power.
All witches and wizards are a form of magical creature. Your body is infused with magic, it is a part of your makeup. Your intent, your will, your power, your words, every part of your being and your actions have magical repercussions. Magic will exact a price for crossing it. Be certain in your words, be careful in your actions, never forget Magic is sentient and that words have power.
You can read advance chapters of "Unveiling Destiny: Harry Potter and The Triwizard Revelation" on my Website. Check out https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com for exclusive content and early access!