
Chance (1)

Ken sat down on the bench and let out a small sigh. Glancing at the scoreboard, neither team had been able to score in the first 3 innings. As he had expected, the Dodgers were going after his fastballs.

Even with this knowledge, Steve had carefully called for pitches that would not make it obvious that they knew about the tactic. While this was all well and good, Ken couldn't help but feel a little stifled.

'Kind of feels like they're underestimating me…' He thought.

However, he had dug his own hole in this regard. After analyzing his previous games, it would be obvious at first glance that 90% of his fastballs were thrown in the strike zone. If one could time the blistering speed, it should be simple to hit the pitches.

"Why are you so gloomy?" Steve asked, sending him an incredulous look.

"No reason." Ken lied, sitting back and getting comfortable.
