
Odd Encounter (2)


He saw a blond girl with pigtails wearing their uniform, waving at him enthusiastically. She had brown eyes and a cute smile, only accentuated by the small touches of make up strategically placed on her face.

The problem was, he had absolutely no idea who this girl was.

"Oh don't look at me like I'm a stranger." She said with a bright smile.

Before he could even react, the woman grabbed his arm and hugged into him.

His arm was suddenly surrounded by something soft, instantly making his teenage body react. Ken's face turned bright red and he felt a stir in the pit of his stomach.

Only after a good 10 seconds he was finally able to react, snatching back his arm and glaring at the woman.

He suddenly felt anger and a bout of humiliation since he had no control of his responses. If it wasn't for his Poker Face skill, he would have taken this out on the woman in front of him.
