
The Hatsesup

Although Eneas could not hide his discomfort at the order that denied Penelope and Telemachus the opportunity to formally join his crew, there was no choice but to face the situation and continue forward. The farewells were complicated among the cadets; Odysseus limited himself to saying "I told you so" to Eneas when he told him what had happened, but he could do little.

Jahve was taken to a medical ship, and together with a large escort they left for Elyssium, it was an escort befitting a state dignitary. It was difficult for Eneas to say goodbye to the old great admiral and trusting his precarious health to other people was difficult.

For the first time since he had come back to life, Eneas felt alone and did not know where the future would take him on that journey. Admiral Isis's Hatsesup was a modern battleship, more so than the Argos, although much less powerful or impressive.
