
Chapter 14 - Return(2)

I walk into the academy while being escorted by a guard to the building for the teachers. There's no reason for me to panic as this is basic procedure when a student returns to campus. Is this considered a campus? There are dorms so maybe it's a campus... for high-schoolers?? I confused myself there. Never mind.

They won't let you near the other students until the necessary scans and tests have been done to ensure you aren't being controlled by external forces, injured, explody or undead. It happened once... or that's what they told us. It is to ensure you don't harm any of the students in the academy, mostly the Awakeners. It's the reason why in the history of this academy, there hasn't been an attack... It's why there hasn't been a successful attack.

I do not like this school. All their actions are simply a show to hide their true purpose. They use this school and its students as guinea pigs, to test the limits of humanity. There are various illegal activities taking place here, known and unknown to the outside world. It's not because I've seen it but more so because of my intelligence and wisdom increasing more than I want it to. The dots I never cared about before are connecting and creating a picture I never imagined or wanted to see. Experimental drugs disguised as potions and enhancers, pedophilia, rape, murder, torture, etc. It's a dog-eat-dog world and the weak are simply pushed aside. 

I remember thinking nothing of it before but many incidents now seem suspicious. Last year there were two girls in my class, they used to be cheerful and upbeat but they stopped. They started blending into the background and stopped taking care of themselves. Every second day a teacher would find a reason to give them detention, not even in the classroom but in the faculty building... They were being raped and passed around. They ended up killing themselves a month before the new year. That was four months ago. There are more people like that... I guess they'll always be people like that.

Should I help them? Yes, No? I'm not strong enough to go against the teachers and the world but maybe the principal can help, no, he's probably in on it too if the teachers are doing this so openly. Should I just leave it and hope someone else does something? No, I can't do that either. I have no choice then, If I do nothing my conscience will eat at me for not helping them. I'll have to find evidence first and maybe get a lot stronger to be able to do anything.

The guards drop me off in the room right next to the principal's office. I knock on the door.

"Come in!" I hear a voice calling from inside the room. I open the door and find a woman who looks to be in her early 20s. It's not good to trust the way someone looks in this day and age because she is bordering on half a century. She looks at me with a cold expression, the typical strong, cold, female, CEO type. She gestures for me to take a seat. There are no words exchanged as she uses her mana to scan me and see if any external forces are acting on me or making me think I'm in control. A surprised expression crosses her face as she scans me, I did not expect to be able to sense her mana.

"Seth huh? Commoner." 

"Yes Mam." I would be foolish to use her real name. She can kill me any time she wants and not even move a finger.

"Your scores border on a failing grade, both physically and academically and yet you've awakened. Interesting. Very interesting." Does she not know about the enhancing drugs in her school?

"I awakened when I had my first fight with a monster." I don't try lying to her, she can see through these things. It's what happens when the laws of physics are simply suggestions instead of actual shackles.

"Hmm, What's your ability?" Fuck. Me. (⊙﹏⊙)

"I would prefer to keep that a secret Mam!" A sudden feeling of claustrophobia attacks me. The walls feel like they're closing in and the air is heavier than it was a second ago. I don't move, I can't move, I refuse to move. I know the cause of this, it's the vice-principal in front of me.

She is releasing her force. Force is something which can be used to subdue others lower than your level. The closest thing I can compare it to is a fear debuff or paralysis debuff. It doesn't always work but when it does you don't have a choice in the actions you take. However, it will only be unlocked at Level 50, which means the woman in front of me is over Level 50 and only the vice-principal. Imagine the Principal. Heh, don't worry, I'll catch up to you soon. Once downside of using the force is it can only be used on lower levels and can't be spammed. It consumes a lot of mana.

"Quite a stubborn will." 

"Thank you."

"Thank was not a compliment." 

"Thank you?" 

"Get out." I nod as I walk out of the room. Her eyes never leave me. It's like a predator looking at their prey. Dammit, she knows I'm hiding more than just my ability.

I'll deal with it later... Deal with what? How the fuck do you expect me to go up against someone so out of my damn league? Let's hope she doesn't do anything immediately. 

I walk to my dorm, being extra careful to avoid the ongoing classes. I definitely don't want to speak to anyone now. I just want to go to my dorm, have a shower for the first time in half a month and sleep as much as I can before going back to class and hopefully being able to learn something not life-changing. Please?

I have to break up with Kate in a public place because I know she's going to make a scene. If everything I know about Kate is a lie then I can't trust her to not accuse me of anything and I also have to be prepared in case something like that does happen. Hah, I guess there's no sleep for me.

Cause there ain't no rest for the wicked. Money don't grow on trees.

Good song.

Before going into the shower, I go to my laptop and order three hidden cameras along with a hidden mic for recording. I hope I'm overreacting but better safe than sorry. I've read stories on how peoples lives were ruined due to false charges. I will not be a statistic. 

I confirm the purchase and pay 400 credits. Next is the shower, I use the hottest water there is and it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would, there's a slight sting but that's it. It must be because of my level. Since my body is stronger, external forces and annoyances such as water being too hot or cold won't affect me as much as it used to.

I finish in the shower and change my clothes. Today's my last day off so I should do something before having to go back to my regular schedule. I wait for the cameras and speaker to arrive before leaving for the library. It takes half an hour for a drone to deliver the box, lucky I paid extra for same-hour shipping. 

After making sure everything works I attach a camera to myself as well as a speaker and walk out of the dorm. I make sure it's connected to my watch and not the one the school gave me. Like I said before, I don't trust the school, they've done a lot of fucked up shit. 

I leave the dorm and walk to the library. In the last few years, I haven't really studied. It's mostly because I always had those Kate glasses on. I was always focused on her and never paid attention to anything else. What a pathetic idiot I was. I walk into the library and see... almost every table empty. I guess everyone is more focused on their relationships rather than studying. 
