

"Well, that's unexpected...you can just turn it off...?" asked Will, following after Mjrna as she made her way down the stairs leading to the pool and waded into it.

"As useful as a tail is, it also gets in the way of a lot of things," explained Mjrna, using her right hand to point to the Magic circle above her butt as she revealed, "An especially ingenuitive Dragonsdottir created this Magic circle a few thousand cycles ago to make it easier for us to blend in with humans while we're on missions."

"Makes sense..." responded Will, looking up at the patio where Ohta had popped out to see what was happening. She fleetingly met his gaze, but when she saw Mjrna topless, she made a show of rolling her eyes before immediately returning to the hut's interior.

"Looks like I made your little pet jealous," remarked Mjrna, turning in the water and wading backward a few steps before reclining into it up to her shoulders.
