


Finally, I said it.

In minutes, I was going to know the dreadful outcome of what I had always been dreading. Were things going to go on just like they did in my dream?

Would he hire a fake man to pretend I had been sleeping with him, and give false witness? What was he going to do?

When I heard I lost the baby. Honestly, I didn't know how to feel, or what to feel. I was shocked at first because of course, it wasn't something I expected to happen just like that.

And I tried faking sadness, but lying to myself was impossible. There was no way I could lie to myself. I felt shameless, and disgusted with myself for being a little relieved. For feeling a little twinge of gratefulness.

There I go again. I didn't just feel a little relieved. I was so relieved. The relief came flooding along with my other emotions. I couldn't control myself.
