


Bethany's POV

The morning sunlight filtered through my room and it made the room look beautiful and serene, but it did nothing to ease the weight pressing on my chest. I stared at the notebook in front of me, the words "budget for baby" scribbled at the top in my shaky handwriting.

It was time to finally face it and plan for it. I'd think of how to explain to Mason later that I was pregnant. And I'd figure out how to lie about the father of the baby without involving Adrian. I'd do all those later. I needed to focus on the baby first.

It had been about two weeks since I'd last seen Adrian or Mason. They had both gone on some sort of work trip, separately, of course. And I was finally beginning to breathe again. I was on my own, and I was okay with that. My life had always been complicated, but this was a new chapter. A different kind of messy.

I ran my hand over my stomach, still flat, though the thought of what was inside made my heart ache with equal parts joy and fear. A baby. My baby. Mine to protect, to nurture, to love.

I didn't need Mason's toxic energy, or Adrian's overly protective hovering, to do this. They would only make things harder, more chaotic. This was my child, and I would raise them on my own terms.

Still, the thought terrified me.

There was a cheerful knock on my door, cutting through the quiet and I instantly know who it was. I opened the door to find Lily holding a bag of takeout and a grin on her face.

"Thought you could use some carbs," she said, breezing past me into the room.

I laughed despite myself. "Thanks, but I wasn't exactly starving."

"Yeah, well, you look like you could use a pick-me-up. What's going on?"

I hesitated, my hands suddenly clammy. I hadn't told her yet. I wasn't sure how to put it into words. But if anyone would understand, it was Lily.

She was busy unpacking food when I blurted it out.

"I'm pregnant."

Her hands froze mid-motion, and she slowly turned to face me. "What?"

"I'm pregnant," I repeated, my voice quieter this time.

Lily's eyes widened, and she stared at me for a long moment before breaking into a flurry of questions. "How? When? Is it Mason's? Or—wait—is it Adrian's?"

I held up a hand. "One question at a time, please."

She sat down on my couch, stunned. "Okay, spill. Everything."

I sighed, sinking into the seat beside her. "It's Adrian's. And before you say anything, no, I'm not asking him for help. Or Mason. This is my baby, and I'm doing this on my own."

Lily blinked at me. "Beth, that's… a lot. Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

I nodded firmly. "I don't have a choice. Adrian and Mason come with too much baggage, and I refuse to let their drama affect this child."

Her expression softened. "Okay. I get it. And for what it's worth, I think you're amazing for even trying. But you're not alone, you know. You have me."

Tears pricked at my eyes, and I squeezed her hand. "Thank you."

My phone vibrated and I picked it up just to see a text from Adrian. "Mason will be back in a few. Be careful. Please."

I froze and my palms turned sweaty. "I'm, Lily," I began with a shaky breath. "You need to leave. Like, now."

"What?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, looking surprised. "Why?"

"Mason will be back in a few hours. And I'm sure he'd be here first thing," I explained. Her eyes widened in realization and she got up, quickly helping me pack up before giving me a quick hug and leaving.

Just as I suspected, a few hours later, there was a knock on my door and I knew instantly who it was.

I opened the door to find him standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers and wearing a sheepish smile. "Bethany."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, folding my arms.

He scratched the back of his neck. "I came to apologize. For everything. I've been a jerk, and you didn't deserve that."

I stared at him, suspicious. Mason didn't do apologies. At least, not sincere ones.

"I don't have time for this," I said, moving to shut the door.

"Wait," he said, stepping forward. "Please. Just hear me out."

I hesitated, my hand on the door. "Fine. Talk."

He launched into a rehearsed-sounding spiel about how he'd been wrong, how he regretted the things he'd said and done, and how he wanted to make things right.

"I care about you, Beth," he finished, his voice soft. "I want to be there for you."

I narrowed my eyes. "Is that so?"

"Yes," he said earnestly. "Whatever you need, I'll do it. Just… let me be part of your life again."

For a moment, I almost believed him. Almost.

But then I saw the flicker of calculation in his eyes, the way he shifted uncomfortably under my scrutiny. This wasn't about me. It was about control.

"I don't need you," I said firmly. "Not now, not ever."

His jaw tightened. "Bethany, don't be stubborn. You can't survive in this pack alone."

"I'm not alone," I said, my voice steady. "And I'm done letting you manipulate me."

Before he could respond, I shut the door in his face and hoped he'd get the hint and get out of my space.

I breathed in and out slowly, wondering what exactly I could do to distract myself from what just happened and I needed air. A walk would be what's best for me.

Grabbing my coat, I headed for the stairs. My foot caught on the edge of the step, and the world tilted.

The fall happened in slow motion, my arms flailing as I tumbled down the stairs. Pain exploded in my side, and I hit the bottom with a sickening thud.

For a moment, I couldn't breathe. Then the pain hit, sharp and all-consuming.

"No," I whispered, clutching my stomach. "No, no, no."
