
Chapter 395: Rote Memorization


Life with cheats needs no explanation.

Zhang Yong couldn't even manage to cheat in a one-on-one with Pasanin, but Yang Yi didn't compete with anyone, yet the built-in cheat device in his brain made Paul question his own life.

For four consecutive days, Yang Yi hadn't seen the sun, and the perpetual night was already starting to depress him, but what was most fatal was that the generator wasn't always on, so most of the time there was no light in Yang Yi's room.

Although Yang Yi was someone who could spend seven days in solitary confinement without issue, the continuous nights were making him feel almost depressed.

With nothing to do, he disassembled the gun and then assembled it again—basically there was nothing else Yang Yi could do, it was all about improving proficiency.

On the fifth day, it was still dark outside at nine in the morning, only now with auroras adding some light to the night sky.

Brian and Paul came again, but this time Paul brought a few rifles.
