
Chapter 391 The Pride of a Master

Shock, absolute shock!

Zhang Yong was definitely one of the best at waging war on this planet. Of course, he might not be very good at polar combat, but as a seasoned warrior, allowing the enemy to casually reach the back of his head was unacceptable.

Some excel at street fighting, some are especially good at indoor combat, and others are proficient in jungle warfare, which is all determined by each person's upbringing and training environment. Someone who has never been to a jungle or received jungle warfare training won't perform well in the jungle, and the same principle applies to polar combat.

But Zhang Yong was skilled at indoor combat, and he had fought in the jungle. He was familiar with and had experienced most forms of combat, being an experienced veteran; so even if he was not adept at combat in the snow, he should not have been manhandled and casually pushed around on the ground by Pasanin.
