
Chapter 115: The Quail on the Back

While he said that, in his heart he was actually thinking that this was made with Spatial Well Water added; it naturally had nourishing effects and absolutely could not cause a problem.

The casual notes had mentioned that Scald Healing Spirit and Scar Soothing Paste were items difficult to acquire even with a fortune.

Lu Yichen could tell that this young girl had her own plans; she was hoodwinking him.

He then seriously said, "You've just arrived in the village recently, you should know that people's hearts are unpredictable. The Sun Family is not to be trifled with; try to interact less with them in the future. If you get entangled with them, it would be worse than the Zhao Family."

After hearing this, Luo Qiao was somewhat puzzled and turned to ask what he meant. Unfortunately, she stepped on a not-so-big stone on the road and nearly fell, but thankfully her skills saved her from falling.

However, she twisted her foot, exclaiming 'Aiya' in pain.
