
Chapter 424: Little Brother, You're Back

Soon, the 365 acupoints within Yang Xiaotian's body were once again illuminated.

The moment the 365 acupoints lit up, 365 golden light pillars once again soared into the sky, blasting 365 enormous holes into the heavens.

Rotating, the golden light pillars caused the Innate Formation Diagram to appear once again.

Bits of golden rain fell from the holes in the heavens yet again.

Heavenly Nectar appeared once again!

Unfortunately, this time, none of the people from Azure God Academy saw it.

Nobody on the Azure God Continent witnessed this miraculous spectacle either.

Yang Xiaotian sat cross-legged on Uninhabited Peak, hungrily absorbing the golden Heavenly Nectar that descended.

An unusual fragrance permeated the entire Uninhabited Peak.

The Demon Ape, smelling the scent of the Heavenly Nectar, felt an indescribable comfort throughout its body.

It was unable to absorb the Heavenly Nectar, but merely smelling its fragrance brought it considerable benefit.
