
Of Angelic Golden Hearts??

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Time and patience were all Kiyomi had assured herself she would have with all that was bound to change in her life. She had heard the voices loud and clear and while she knew to worry for her safety, she would do that tomorrow, not today.

Today she was going to go back to the hospital and be the good doctor that she always was and do what she had been doing for the longest time. This apartment was empty and yet it was filled with so many memories of her and Sakura.

It was the kind that made her question whether all of this was going to be worth it at the end of the day. Perhaps it was a challenge that she had to take on, but just like she had promised herself, today, she wouldn't cry.

"Do I have any scheduled surgeries today or in the next three days?" Kiyomi asked as soon as the nurse at Odanera picked up. It was something that she needed to know of and right now, all she could do is hope that she kept herself busy.

"You had five for the next two weeks, but they were pushed forward," Nurse Derah said and Kiyomi sighed. She had lost a lot of time in her yearning for Sakura over the months that she hadn't even realized it yet.

Previously she was bothered by anything because all she had wanted was to be with Sakura. That was the one thing that kept her sane even when she conducted minor surgeries at the hospital.

For a moment her heart chased for the families that had loved ones who had pending major surgeries that only she could do. It was a heartbreaking moment for her and she hated herself for slacking that badly.

She had been the reason why her colleagues had been murdered by Sakura ten months ago, and now it was like she was their home and yet she had managed to fail spectacularly. 

Kiyomi had lost the Odanera city so many specialists that she felt like was about to puke her guts out. This wasn't how shit was supposed to be and yet even then, over the months she had considered what had happened.

She had been too busy pining over Sakura to even remember that the people she had cost lives were special to the point that the country had put off emergencies. Her depression while she was waiting for Saki had also been a blow.

"Call the families. Tell them to start preparing their loved ones for the surgeries. I will take them on. As much as possible," Kiyomi stated so casually and nurse Derah stayed silent on the other side of the line. 

It was almost like she had heard the good doctor or many she was thinking of what this would be like. The good doctor was trying to compensate but then there was only so much she could compensate for she cost families their lives. 

But then who was to tell Nurse Derah that Kiyomi had extra abilities thanks to the fact that Sakura had accepted the mate bond and that she did not have to worry about her Lycan abilities anymore? 

Who was to explain to Nurse Derah that Kiyomi Kimura was an all-round specialist, and had an extensive set of skills she had learned at Doiwa when her family owned the hospital and that no matter what happened, there were just somethings that had to be done? 

"Don't overthink it. I will be fine. The patients will be fine as always. Let them know and I will be at the hospital in five minutes," Kiyomi insisted and nurse Derah let out a sigh as she agreed to what Kiyomi had said.

"Alright, doctor," nurse Dreah said before the line went dead. 

Kiyomi didn't have much to think about, so she locked the door to her apartment and portaled back to Odanera City Hospital. She didn't have anything to worry about, but she had a lot to compensate.

Perhaps it was because for the first time in the ten months she had been around Sakura Watanabe, her guilt was making a show. That in itself made her a crazy Lycan because there was just no way that humanity was on the side with Saki around her.

Maybe they really are not good for each other or they were the best of the best when they had themselves, no? But would that be enough when there was a lot that needed to be sorted?

"You're here? I thought you and Sakura went to get kinky?" Elif asked, surprised that her best friend was back at the hospital and in the office. It was not like Kiyomi to be like this and Elif was worried that something bad had happened.

It was obvious with the way that her face shifted from teasing to worried about Kiyomi's fate. You would think that the good doctor was truly in danger with all that was happening around them anyway.

"What happened, Kiki?" Elif asked once Kiyomi was settled on the couch. The last time the good doctor had been in that state, Elif had been forced to tell her the bad news of her getting framed and the mafia coming for her.

It wasn't the easiest of things back then and to this day, Elif still had nightmares of that awful day. Ti was the one time that she had wished to be someone worthy of protecting Kiyomi from the ghosts of her life and a present that was filled with madness.

"Saki is gone," Kiyomi said, though this time, unlike the previous times, she didn't sound upset. If anything, she looked like she was in her own zine, one that was marred by guilt and the desire to make things right. 

Then again, where the fuck was she even supposed to start from anyway?

"I figured as much. But you look different. It's almost like something changed and I can't quite put my hands on it yet," Elif said and Kiyomi just stared at her intuitive best friend. This was not going to be easy for her, without Sakura, but she had to try, right?

"I'll take on the pending surgeries from a few months ago, to make up for what I did to the specialists," Kiyomi said and snorted at the absurdity. It was impossible for that to even happen. 

Hell, the hospital itself wouldn't be able to hand that many surgeries over to a doctor who had just been trying to get her life back in line for the damaged episode. So much was wrong and the line between good and bad had long been blurred. 

This was a battle of life and death, and freedom, which was the one thing that she had been granted. But would it matter after so long?

"You do realize that you will be wearing yourself out even if you're that powerful, right? A single surgery takes over ten to thirty hours. And you want them back-to-back? Are you crazy by any chance?" Elif asked and Kiyomi sighed as she looked at her.

She wanted to defend herself and her sudden decision but even she owns that it was an insane choice. It was almost like the world was suddenly reminding her that she was just one person and there isn't much that could be done for her.

"But y—" Kiyomi began and the intercom rang across the hospital again.

"Doctor Kiyomi Kimura, to the reception," the receptionist's voice rang and Kiyomi stared at Elif as if this was not what she had expected. The two of them being summoned twice in a span of two hours was crazy.

"What did you do this time?" Elif asked.

"I should be asking you the same!" Kiyomi said and Elif stared at her like they were not sure what the fuck was going on. They couldn't even lie about where they were because Nurse Derah had seen them come into work and not leave.

"How about we go and see what this is about? Besides, it surely can't be that bad, right?" Elif suggested and Kiyomi stared at her in relief. Perhaps there wasn't much for them to think about at the moment, right?

"Alright, lead the way," Kiyomi said and Elif sighed before they walked out together.

"Derah, what is it?" Elif asked in the kindest voice she could muster.

"That group over there claims to be specialist surgeons from Doiwa group of hospitals and that they are here to aid Doctor Kimura with the pending surgeries," Nurse Derah said and Kiyomi almost fainted at the mention of home.

It had to be Saki's doing, right?

But what if it was the Bogdans?

Ah yoh... I am choosing to be hopeful... team Saki here, however delusional I am lol

she_ospreycreators' thoughts