
40. What Just Happened?

I can see that the airship that was floating in the air and aiming to shoot the cannon towards me is now gone.

All that remains is perhaps a few fragments of the airship that seem to have fallen to the ground but other than that, nothing is left.

I also cannot find any remnants of the humans who were on board the ship... they all disappeared because of the Luminiera Attack explosion.

What happened... the last thing I remember is still being in the castle and listening to Vira's monologue, then suddenly I was instructing Luminiera to destroy the airship.

I then looked at my 6 wings covered in a purple colors and emitting a purple aura.

6 wings... since when did I have 6 wings? Didn't I only have 4? And what is this purple aura, every time this purple aura comes out, I feel like losing control and immediately not caring about the fate of others.

As I was thinking, suddenly I saw Luminiera starting to glow and shrinking back to its previous form.

Luminiera then approached me and looked at me curiously.

Huh, Luminiera is pretty cute, I then raised my right hand and stroked Luminiera.

Luminiera looked happy when I did that, and then it started circling around my body and suddenly my wings started to glow.

Eh? I could see my wings covered in the purple color suddenly return to their black color and the 2 additional wings started to disappear and return to 4 wings.

After Luminiera did that, Luminiera stopped in front of me and rubbed it small body against my cheek...

"Ah, thank you, Luminiera," I said to Luminiera while stroking her head.

Luminiera seemed even happier when I said that, and then Luminiera entered my body again.

Now my wings have returned to four and their color has returned to black without any hint of purple, and I also feel like my mind is clearer than before.

So all of that because of that purple aura? But I'm sure this is only a temporary solution because it can't be that easy to solve this problem...

Sigh I then looked towards the Grandcypher and saw them all staring at me.

I then flew towards them to land on the Grandcypher.

As I landed on the Grandcypher, I could see them looking at me cautiously.

"Have you returned to normal, Rei?" Djeeta asked me.

"Yes, Djeeta, I have returned to normal," I said to her, then turned to Vira, who was still being healed by Lyria.

I then explained to them what happened when we were in Albion Castle.

"So you really lost control when the purple aura covered your wings?" Djeeta murmured after listening to my story.

"Yes... I don't know what that purple aura is, but every time it appears, I feel like losing control of my body like before and now."

[The Purple Color That I'm Talking About]

They just stayed silent and looked worried as they listened to me saying that.

"What if we do like what we did before?" Lyria suddenly yelled at me.

Before? Oh, when we kissed in Lumacile Archipelago while enjoying the fresh air...

"Before? What did you two do before?" Djeeta asked Lyria.

"Huh!?" Lyria immediately realized that shouting like that when there are many people around was a bad idea.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, forget about it," I could see Lyria's face turn red instantly as she looked down at Vira who was still unconscious.

Djeeta, Vyrn, and Io looked confused because they didn't understand what Lyria meant.

Meanwhile, the others nodded understanding what Lyria meant.

"So, how is your friend doing?" I said to Katalina, trying to change the subject.

Katalina sighed and replied, "I don't know... right now, Lyria is trying to heal her but I don't know if her internal organs are injured or not."

I felt a bit sorry for Vira... "A bit" because it was all her fault in the first place.

But suddenly, the crystal on Lyria's chest started to glow.

"What happened!?" Lyria stood up and stopped her healing, looking at her crystal.

The crystal emitted Green, Red, and Blue light alternately.

The color change became faster and faster until finally three colored balls of light red, green, and blue, emerged from her crystal.

"Tiamat, Colossus, and Leviathan? Why did the three of them suddenly appear?" Lyria said.

The others looked confused about what was happening even Rosetta was confused about what her three primal beast friends were doing.

The three of them then approached me and started circling my body like Luminiera did before.

My body started to glow with their colors, even my wings glowed, each wing had a different colored light.

They then entered my body after my wings glowed, but the light still hadn't disappeared even though they stopped circling my body.

Soon, the light began to dim and finally disappeared... I didn't feel any difference from before?

I then started to pay attention to my body, but I really didn't feel any different at all... what did they do?

"Ummm Rei..." I heard Djeeta say.

"What is it, Djeeta?"

"Your wings..." Io said this time.

"Now your wings have returned to six and..." Rackam continued Io's words.

"Now your wings have two additional white wings" they said simultaneously.

Huh? I looked back and saw that what they said was true... 4 black wings and 2 white wings?

This power? This is the power I used to heal Rossie before!

What did the three of them do? Maybe I should ask Lyria from the future about this if I see her again.

I then moved the two white wings so I could see them in front of me, and I tried to touch them.

Wow, so soft... it's softer than the black wings I usually use.

And this power is purer than the power from the previous wings.

Suddenly, I felt someone touching my white wings from behind them, because the white wings were now in front of me, I couldn't see who was holding them.

"Wow, this is so soft," I heard Djeeta's voice.

So the culprit is Djeeta...

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

After stopping Djeeta from keep touching my wings, I finally told them about the power of these white wings.

I didn't mention that this power came from Lucifer, I just talked about my experience on the island where I met Tweyen and healed her friend.

But previously when I used these wings, I couldn't use them for too long and ended up damaging my body. But this time, I could feel that there were no side effects when I used them.

"Healing? You can heal wounds, Rei? Then please heal Vira, I feel sorry seeing her like this," Katalina said to me.

I just stared at Katalina blankly.

Katalina seemed to understand what I wanted to convey to her. "I know that Vira is... um... a little bit not normal, but she's still my friend since I was at the academy, and I still owe her because she let me win in that tournament."

Well, luckily Vira is still unconscious. If she heard Katalina calling her a "friend," I don't know what she would do...

"Alright, alright, I was a bit over the top when I lost control before, so I will try to heal Vira," I then walked towards Vira, who was still lying on the floor on the Grandcypher.

When I stood beside her, I knelt down and touched Vira in the middle of her chest.

...I didn't mean anything by it, it's just that that area is closer to her center.

But I could feel a sharp gaze from behind me... I didn't want to see who was looking at me like that, so I refocused on using the power of these white wings.

The two white wings began to emit golden light as I wanted to use that power.

I then focused on channeling pure energy from both wings and directing it into Vira's body.

Vira began to be enveloped in a golden light flowing from my wings through my right hand.

"Such pure energy..." Rosetta said as she approached me and Vira.

Rosetta then knelt down and started examining Vira's body enveloped by the golden light.

Soon, the light began to dim and finally disappeared.

They all could see that all of Vira's wounds had disappeared, even her torn clothes had returned to normal.

And her messy hair was also back to normal... huh, how did that happen?

Vira now looks like she's back to the condition she was in when she was still in Albion Castle, before she used Luminiera's power.

Huh, pretty convenient...

I could see Vira's eyes starting to move, signaling that she would wake up soon.

"Vira!" Katalina approached Vira, waiting for her to wake up.

Vira soon opened her eyes and looked up.

She saw Rosetta, Katalina, and me...

Vira's eyes widened as she looked at me? Why is she making that expression? I know I beat her up badly when I lost control, but did she make that face because of that?

Wait, I couldn't sense any fear in her gaze. All I could see was surprise and... wait, what!?

Vira then tried to raise her right hand and bring it closer to my face, until she finally touched my cheek.

"Hello handsome..." Vira spoke in a weak tone.

We were all silent when we heard what Vira said.



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