
Chapter 118: To The Whole Cake Island

"Big brother Katakuri, is this really the only option? Are you sure about this?"

Brulee was shocked by Katakuri's decision. It would affect almost everyone in the Charlotte family.

Those who normally went out to sea would be most at risk. The only ones who might be safe were those who rarely went out, like those who had been cast aside by the family.

For example, Brulee herself had been abandoned and never went to sea. She had no rights or power within the family.

There weren't many like Brulee. Pudding was another example. Despite her mean behavior, Pudding wasn't a bad person. Her meanness was just a way to protect herself. After Sanji's words got through to her, Pudding completely changed. Kind people in the Charlotte family were probably all dead by now, leaving only those who were bullied like Pudding. Luckily, they rarely went to sea and stayed in Whole Cake Island, so they were spared this time.

But there weren't many like them in the family.

"We don't have a choice, Brulee," Katakuri said again. "You know how strong Luo Ning is. Even if everyone fights together, we'll still lose."

"Now I can only protect a small group of people, and I don't want to risk their lives either."

Some might think Katakuri was just afraid to die himself, since he would become king and wouldn't have to face the consequences.

Only Katakuri's siblings are paying the price.

Brulee understood Katakuri better than anyone. They had been close since childhood. Brulee even had a facial scar because of Katakuri.

Therefore, she knew Katakuri was trying to save as many people as possible to prevent the entire family's annihilation.

"I understand. When the time comes, I'll hide in the Mirro-World and not bring any other siblings with me!"

Brulee finally agreed. She knew Katakuri had no choice. Big Mom was a sharp sword hanging over their heads, but Luo Ning was a mountain.

A falling sword might not kill them, but a falling mountain would destroy everything.

"Good," Katakuri said. "Let's leave it at that. We'll return to Whole Cake Island in a few days. Everything will be different by then."

After hanging up, Katakuri waited for Luo Ning to make his move. He knew even without the tea party, Luo Ning wouldn't let Big Mom off the hook. The Charlotte family had done too much.

There would be a price to pay. He had been diligently training to stabilize the situation after Big Mom's death. After all, no one lived forever. Big Mom wasn't young anymore, and she was originally considered the most likely among the Four Emperors to become Pirate King.

Big Mom's talent was undeniably the greatest among the Four Emperors, surpassing even Whitebeard and Roger. However, she squandered much of her prime on childbirth. With a massive brood, even considering multiple births, the pregnancies themselves consumed years.

This constant focus on procreation significantly hampered Big Mom's potential. At her peak, she could have dominated the others.

Big Mom's frequent bouts of madness created enormous vulnerabilities. Jinbe nearly pummeled her into the sea, Queen knocked her down with a headbutt, and she was even arrested. Without Kaido's intervention, her future looked bleak.

In short, Big Mom's madness deeply troubled Katakuri. He didn't know when it would claim her life. So, he focused on becoming stronger, the pillar for his siblings.

Now, with no time to spare, compromise was his only option. He realistically wouldn't reach Luo Ning's level in his lifetime.


Soon, everyone departed Dressrosa. Shirahoshi, though reluctant to part with Rebecca, their age gap made it impractical for Shirahoshi to leave. King Riku considered sending Rebecca to Luo Ning's side, but Luo Ning refused. Rebecca, unaware of her remaining family, wouldn't have understood such a sudden separation.

As a child, Rebecca would continue living in Dressrosa to reunite with her family. Though her mother was gone, her father and grandfather remained.

Violet also stayed in Dressrosa. Luo Ning notified Zephyr to collect the captured criminals, who would take Violet back upon his return.

Luo Ning's ship followed Katakuri's to Whole Cake Island. Their flags deterred anyone from approaching, but the situation drew widespread attention.

With countless eyes following Luo Ning's every move, now with the Charlotte family was undeniably intriguing. Here he was, not killing Katakuri but following him back to Whole Cake Island. This development had the entire world at confusion.

"Those fools with their clickbait reports! Just wait, you'll all be eating crow soon!" Morgans scoffed at the outlandish articles churned out by his competitors.

He'd contacted Luo Ning directly upon receiving the news, and Luo Ning, ever transparent, had explained the situation in detail. Consequently, Morgans held back on extensive reporting, choosing to wait until Luo Ning reached Whole Cake Island.

The other newspapers, however, ran wild with speculation. They painted narratives of Luo Ning developing a fondness for Big Mom's daughter, or even giving Big Mom face by attending the tea party. After all, rumors of a tea party were already swirling.

Morgans found these reports utterly comical. In the past, these publications might have been considered rivals, but this time, they wouldn't even get a sniff of the scoop. Unfazed, Morgans ordered a massive print run, his newspapers waiting to be distributed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world was sent into a frenzy by these publications. The mere possibility of Luo Ning aligning with Big Mom was a terrifying prospect.

Luo Ning wasn't a pirate, but his influence was undeniable. His allegiance to any side could tip the delicate balance of power in the world. If he sided with the pirates, it would be a disaster.
