

The prince stood alone in the middle of a large garden, the surrounding space was vast and quiet. The sunlight shines from above, making the shirt he wears sparkle.

Every move he made was chivalrous and precise. His hand tightly grasped the bow, his eyes following the target on the scarecrow, without wavering.

The arrow fell softly to the ground every time he pulled the bow and shot. The solid sounds of the forged bow sound like melodies of determination and concentration.

No one knows what is going through the prince's mind, but he himself knows that only absolute concentration can help him achieve his goal. His eyes lit up, radiating confidence and unwavering determination.

The arrow shot away, making a low hiss as it hit the target. Although it did not hit right in the center, it still caused a slight scratch on the scarecrow.

He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he were learning from each shot. He took another arrow from the bowstring and gently inserted it into the bowstring.

His eyes looked intently at the new target, seemingly concentrating on adjusting the angle and thrust of the bow.

The sound of the bow became stronger, the arrow went far, flying to a new target with lightning-fast speed. This time, the arrow hit the target precisely, making a clear "thump" sound.

The voice spoke, waking Targo from his concentration on his bow and arrow. He turned his head to look at the speaker, his eyes quiet but radiant.

The prince turned and walked towards the speaker. It was a young knight, wearing shiny white armor, holding a small bow in his hand, looking at the target he had just shot.

"Interesting," the Prince said with a slight smile. "Did you see that?"

The young knight looked up, his eyes shining with awe. "Yes, it is admirable, Your grace. Your skills are second to none."

Targo nodded slightly, but his eyes were still sad. "Thank you, but for a king, archery skills are only a small part of preparation."

The young knight looked up at the Prince with curiosity. "What do you mean, Your grace?"

Targo shook his head, his eyes turning serious. "We live in unpredictable times. A person's power is limited, but understanding and willingness to learn is never."

The prince looked far away at his target, savoring the knight's words. "Yes, the hunting festival is an occasion where the brave and talented can shine. It is not only an opportunity for us to prove ourselves before the king, but also an opportunity to show our spirit of determination and willingness to face any challenge."

In the distance, two people were watching them.

Mother held her daughter's finger " Targo is really good, isn't he Tiana?"

Tiana followed her mother's gaze, pride and conviction evident on her face. "Yes, mother. He is truly a talented and courageous archer."

Mother smiled slightly, her eyes looking towards Prince Targo with pride. "Exactly. Targo always knows how to shine, not only in this hunting festival but also in every challenge that life puts before it."

"Let us hope that it will be one of the best, and highly esteemed by the king." Tessa nodded in agreement, her eyes lighting up

. "Is there something bothering you?" Queen Tessa looked at her daughter with attention, recognizing Tiana's eyes

"Nothing mom, it's just... Targo, he can always attract everyone's attention without having to try too hard." Tiana looked towards Prince Targo, her eyes contained a bit of jealousy that could not be hidden.

Queen Tessa smiled softly, her expression understanding. "That's the instinct of a leader, my child. He was born to be in that position, and perhaps that makes you a little jealous."

Tiana sipped a bit, looking at the prince with thoughtful eyes. "She always seems strong and trustworthy, mom. Sometimes, I also feel like I don't know how to... to ."

Queen Tessa placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder, conveying her support. "You don't need to compare yourself to Targo, Tiana. Everyone has their own talents and personalities."

Tiana looked towards her mother, her eyes gentle. "Thank you, Mom. I will try, and not let myself be bothered by unnecessary thoughts."

Queen Tessa smiled softly and patted her daughter's shoulder. "That's right, Tiana. Just focus on your test and let this competition pass as naturally as possible."

When the queen left, Tiana stood looking at the prince for a long time with steady eyes.

The soldiers returned to Zayking, a small city on the east coast. The sunset spreads over the ancient stone buildings.

Meanwhile, news about Ahmed's whereabouts is still a big mystery to them. The people's eyes widened in surprise when they heard the stories the soldiers brought back, but no one could guess where he was hiding.

On the stairs leading to the king, Alaric and Marcus discussed speculations and theories about the loss of the kingdom's power. Marcus, with a deep look in his eyes, emphasized that it seemed that the person who took this knife was not simply a schemer, but also someone with power and knowledge of magic.

Alaric and Marcus walked quickly, the late afternoon sunlight illuminating the smooth road for them. But in their hearts, they knew they were facing a great challenge.

Alaric: "It's already the 5th day, do we still have time?"

Marcus: "For now, it still exists. But once this is revealed, the existence of Zayking City will disappear forever."

King Zayan stood outside in the garden, the moonlight illuminating his thoughtful face. Next to him, Princess Senna was looking at the flowers showing off their colors under the moonlight.

"The moon is so beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Rubbing her daughter's head, her arms caressed each strand of hair

"Yes, that's right, father. The moon tonight is so bright and warm." Turn around

"What do you think? Is the space here peaceful and quiet?" Cackle

"Yes, I see so. It's great to be here with you, dad." Place your hand on Zayan's hand

Meanwhile, from afar, Marcus and Alatic approached. Zayan turned his head to see them, and he quickly found an excuse to say goodbye to his daughter.

"Sorry daughter, there's something urgent that I have to take care of. I'll be back soon."

"Yes, Dad, let's go. I'll be here waiting for you to come home."

Zayan turned away from the princess and quickly walked closer to Marcus and Alatic. The lights from the palace illuminated his tired face.

"Alatic, Marcus, what's so important that you two came at this hour?"

Zayan stared at Marcus and Alatic, the distant lantern light illuminating his tired face.

Zayan: "Alatic, Marcus, what's so important that you two came at this hour?"

Alatic replied, his voice calm and mature, "Your grace, we have been looking for you since sunset. But we haven't found any trace, let's go to the lobby now."

"Kau, Uni, I need you two to escort the princess back to her room safely."

In the large hall, the king let all the guards leave, leaving only him and the magician.

Zayan stood still in the middle of the royal garden, under the dim light of the moonlight. The distant lantern light reflected on his colorful black clothes, creating unpredictable shadows around him.

Marcus, the enlightened magician, stood before King Zayan with a serious and majestic expression.

"Sir," Marcus said, his voice calm, "Let us prepare for the worst possible scenarios. Ahmed is not a simple man, and we cannot predict his intentions. ."

Zayan looked at Marcus, his eyes became sharp and thoughtful.

"That's right," King Zayan said, his tone firm, "We cannot ignore this threat. Prepare everyone, be ready to deal with any emergency."

Marcus took a deep breath, his eyes clearly filled with determination.

"We need to strengthen the guard force, ready for any outside attack," Marcus suggested, "And we also need to notify the military, ready to respond at any time."

Zayan nodded, his eyes still thoughtful and sincere.

"Go, Marcus," King Zayan smiled superficially, "Do everything you can to protect Zayking city, including me, even if I die, I will use my life in exchange for your time." Everyone left the city."

Marcus bowed his head, showing respect and responsibility.

"Under all circumstances, including me, sir" Marcus replied, then turned and left.

King Zayan's eyes contained trillions of sadness. When Marcus's back left, he sat on his throne, in the silence of the quiet night.

He raised his head and looked up at the starry sky, the sparkling rays of light seemed to want to convey something to the king's sad soul.

Memories of the past, of his beloved wife who had passed away, of fierce wars and endless struggles to protect the kingdom, all appeared in his mind.

"This war," King Zayan muttered, his tone sad, "It's been going on for too long. It's finally here."

He looked down at his hand, the hand that once held the blade in battle, the hand that once rested on the forehead of his loving wife. But now, it only remains in memory.

"What we have built, can it withstand the power of the army without magic?" King Zayan wondered, his tone worried and haunted.

The moonlight shined on the king's face, imprinting the wrinkles of age and the pain of the battle. He looked far into the distance, where the kingdom's borders lay, where everyone's future lay.

"I cannot lose it," King Zayan whispered to himself, "I will defend Zayking, defend our kingdom."

With determination, King Zayan stood up, a tall and determined figure facing an uncertain, but also hopeful future. The anxiety in the king's heart, combined with strength and will, creates a strong and flirtatious image of a king ready to face all challenges and difficulties.

And in the silence of the night, King Zayan's footsteps rang out, like an endless vow, a promise to himself and to the kingdom: "Zayking City will not collapse under any pressure. We will fight."

A gentle breeze blew by, carrying with it the scent of leaves and flowers. The night sky at the small town's autumn festival was filled with bright lights, and the figures of funny and youthful employees were preparing for tonight's important event.

Lloyd, with a red cape and shiny armor, walked in the joyful and joyful atmosphere of the festival. He felt the overflowing joy from everyone around him, the laughter and bustling music from the pubs and restaurants along the road.

He saw a group of children running and playing, holding bright lanterns in their hands. They sing songs about autumn, about the return of color and happiness after a long winter.

Colorful and flavorful stalls are displaying agricultural products, food and beverage specialties of this land. Lloyd couldn't take his eyes off a package of bread drenched in coconut juice, a typical dish of the fall festival.

On stage, the music group is performing a vibrant song, calling on everyone to dance and participate in the fun atmosphere of the festival. Young couples dance to the beat of the music, creating agile and attractive dances together.

Lloyd smiled softly, looked around, witnessing the togetherness and warmth of the community on this special holiday. This is truly a memorable moment, where everyone immerses themselves in the festive atmosphere, forgetting all the troubles and worries of daily life.

In the colorful lights and cheerful music, Lloyd felt filled with joy and happiness. I don't know for sure what the future holds, but tonight, I want to enjoy and enjoy every moment of this autumn festival.

Lloyd walked into the pub with the joyful atmosphere of the festival still lingering in the air. The shimmering dim lights mixed with the taste of wine and the aroma of dishes. He found himself an empty corner and sat down, sipping wine, looking around the bar.

A girl with long black hair and sparkling eyes walked closer. She wore a bright dress, making her stand out in the noisy space of the shop. The light resonated on her beautiful face, making him unable to take his eyes off her.

"Is this your first time coming to this festival?" Lloyd said, his voice soft, seeming a bit surprised that she came here alone.

The girl smiled lightly, her voice warm: "Yes, the first time. It's surprising for such a vibrant festival."

"So how do you feel about this festival?" Lloyd asked, his eyes on her, his heart beating faster than usual.

The girl looked around and smiled softly: "It's wonderful, the atmosphere is warm and joyful. I've never seen such a beautiful festival night."

The two talked about miscellaneous things, sharing about the joy and happiness of life. Laughter rang out in the pub, telling stories about experiences and dreams.

Lloyd feels time passes easily, every moment becomes more meaningful when he is with this girl. The lights dimmed, soft music lingered in the space.

"How long will you be here?" The girl asked, her eyes looking calmly at Lloyd.

"Until I'm not tired anymore," Lloyd replied, his voice filled with warmth and concern.

"Lloyd, is it time to tease the girls?" A man put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder

"Come on, just chatting for a bit" Lloyd smiled, swallowing his unfinished glass of wine.

The girl also joined in, "Hey, we're just friends." The girl looked up and down at the man's figure, teasing Lloyd.

The cheerful atmosphere in the tavern was suddenly broken when a group of people arrived, all wearing armor and seemingly not easygoing people.

Lloyd stared at the group, feeling a sudden tension fill the air around him. Their eyes were cold and scanned everyone in the shop.

The girl next to Lloyd also noticed this sudden change. She closed her eyes for a moment, then stared at the arriving group.

"We should go out," Lloyd whispered to the person he was sitting with, his voice deep but containing a tinge of concern.

The two of them quickly left the corner of their shop, trying to stay away from the group of people. They felt a chaos and tension overwhelming the peaceful atmosphere of the festival.

But before they could leave, one of the group stepped forward, his eyes as sharp as daggers.

"That girl should stay," the man said, his voice carrying a hint of majesty without any fancifulness.

Lloyd stared at the man, trying to maintain his composure. "Sorry, we don't know. We just want to have some relaxation on this festive night."

The man smiled slightly, but his eyes were still not attached. "Oh, I understand. But tonight, this girl belongs to us."

Faced with the man's wordless threat, Lloyd felt anxiety spread through him. He looked at the girl next to him, his eyes wanted to convey a message but couldn't put it into words.

"That's her," the hooded man said, appearing among the guards, his eyes focused on the girl sitting next to Lloyd, "She's an animagus."

Silence suddenly covered the pub, all eyes turned to the girl, strange looks, full of doubt and fear.

The girl stared at the man, her eyes cold as darkness. "Why do you say that? I don't understand."

Lloyd stood up, worry piling up on his face. "I don't believe this," he said, his voice low but filled with determination.

But the strange man did not hear, his eyes were still full of authority. "We have evidence,"

The girl was surprised, her eyes looked around awkwardly, looking for help. But everyone was silent, no one was willing to stand up and defend.

Lloyd walked towards the girl, looking straight into her eyes. "We have to go," he said, decision in his voice.

"No, I'm not an animal," the girl said, her voice shaking.

But before they could do anything, the strange man put his hand on the girl's forearm and pulled her out of the pub, everyone could only watch with eyes full of regret and helplessness.

But before the strange man could drag the girl out of the pub, Lloyd suddenly stood up and stood before them, his eyes determined.

Suddenly, Aunt Martha ran out the back door right where Lloyd was.

"Lloyd!!!!, They…they… took Ethan

"Enough!" Lloyd shouted, his voice as hot as fire. "We don't believe this stranger's baseless words!" The sounds of panting were interspersed with cries.

Whispers filled the air, "what?" Ethan was arrested?

"Really, that means it's also an animal!"

" Awful ".

" ENOUGH!!!!" Lloyd's eyes contained a steadfast determination, and extreme indignation, startling everyone in the pub as well as the strange man.

"It's true, quickly let Ethan go!" Lloyd turned to ask, his voice rising above all the panicked voices in the bar.

But Lloyd refused to surrender. He lifted his hand to press the table towards them, his eyes determined. "LEAVE ETHAN NOW!," he said, his voice clear.

And then, a fight began, noise and chaos overwhelmed the tavern. Everyone fled, tables and chairs collapsed, and in confusion, the girl was pulled back out of the shop.

The fight quickly escalated, from knockdown blows, fatal slashes, to powerful punches and power punches. Lloyd, despite having no formal weapons, uses his talents and strength to cope.

He tackles his closest opponents with powerful blows, sometimes causing them to fall outside the bar. Meanwhile, the armorers try to capture the girl, but Lloyd repeatedly intervenes and stops them.

Lloyd's eyes contained determination and determination. He doesn't care about the danger, he only knows that he has to protect the girl, his aunt, his friend most importantly Ethan stands up against injustice.

There was a loud explosion, collapsing the mandarin's door. Lloyd and his men continued to fight.

Inside, the black cloaked man calmly looked and observed, he signaled two soldiers to step up,

Lloyd and the black-cloaked soldier began a fierce battle, each blow filled with determination and incredible strength. During the battle, the black-cloaked soldier only smiled softly, his lips smiling sarcastically, showing indifference and ferocity. Lloyd, in intense concentration, realized that this opponent was not an easy person to bully.

Lloyd: (with panting breath) Never... we will never submit to a villain like you!

"Oh, the brave words of a fool! Accept your fate, Lloyd! This road ends right here!" The black-cloaked soldier chuckled softly

" No... never!" with eyes shining in determination

The two men continued their confrontation, with each strike a declaration of resilience and the will to survive. The sound of swords clashing sounded like battle music, accompanied by gasps and tearing sounds.

"We must end this confrontation now!"

" Oh, you want the end? Get your end!" The black-cloaked soldier was sarcastic.

In a moment of inattention from the soldier, Lloyd took the opportunity and threw a powerful punch, causing the opponent to recoil and lose balance. Lloyd took advantage of the opportunity to attack strongly, full of determination and strength.

"This is the end for the wicked!"

Lloyd gasped, "This war... is not over... we must continue..."

A strong blow from Lloyd brought the soldier face to face with pain, but he only laughed harder.

In a moment of Lloyd's inattention, the soldier suddenly launched a decisive blow, dangerously hitting Lloyd's hand.

Lloyd screamed in pain and while he was in pain, the soldier took advantage of the opportunity to attack again. He slashed off Lloyd's hood, revealing his white hair. Lloyd, with his hair as white as snow, looked like a soldier who had fought for a long time and had experienced many battles.

The black-cloaked soldier looked at Lloyd bewilderedly, his eyes becoming confused and surprised. In a moment of silence, he said: "You, you are!!?"

Right at this moment, the other soldier was signaled by the man in the black cloak. The soldier took off all his clothes. Gradually, his figure began to disappear. Human parts began to be replaced by the wolf's thick fur. The man's eyes became eyes of wild ferocity and brutality.

The big wolf showed its ferocity and ferocity when it ran into the fight, panicking everyone in the shop. The soldier's terrible change caused everyone to run away from the pub, screams and shouts of fear rang out everywhere.

Lloyd, in a fighting mood, ignoring the chaos around him, saw the wolf rush forward. He patiently waited until the last minute before jumping up and facing this beast.

The fight between Lloyd and the wolf became fierce and intense. Lloyd jumped up a few steps, avoiding the wolf's powerful bites, and at the same time unleashed powerful blows on the monster's body.

The wolf reacted quickly, retaining great encouragement and strength. It attacked Lloyd with bites, trying to knock him down with its brute force.

Lloyd must make the most of his skills and strength to fight. He avoided the wolf's bites, while delivering powerful blows to the monster's abdomen and neck.

The fight lasted for moments of tension and fear. The echoes of punches and bites colliding with each other create a haunting and horrifying sound.

The black-cloaked soldier muttered, dragging his tired, wounded body towards the black-cloaked man. "You are truly a strong man. Let my brother take care of the rest."

On this side, Lloyd was bitten on the shoulder by a wolf, red blood oozing from the wound. Lloyd screamed in pain and life continued to flow with the water.

Lloyd looked towards the leader, his eyes containing an undeniable determination. The moment there is something, then…

" Run"

"He killed his mother...I...he...!"

"Monster, monster..."


"No no!" Lloyd screamed in pain, but the wolf's strength bit into his shoulder, making him unable to stand up.

He was thrown by the wolf and rolled down the hill, his body falling into the cold water. His eyes blurred, Lloyd felt his breathing become difficult and he felt like he was losing control of his body.

But in his mind, he remembered the curses and hatred of the wicked, and he knew that he could not give up here. He gathered all his last strength, stretched his shoulders out of the water, trying to support the weight of his wound.

"It... can't end here..." Lloyd whispered in pain, his strong eyes like a beacon of hope in the darkness. But his vision began to fade, gradually he was swept away by the fast-flowing water.

"Is he dead?" The black cloaked soldier rushed to the cliff.

"Not yet!" The person who was the leader of the black-cloaked soldiers quietly walked over. "All of you, quickly bring this group of people back" pointing at the animal people who were being controlled.

The black cloaked soldier walked towards the wolf, the size between the human and the wolf was truly very different. He looked deep into the wolf's wild eyes, the gaze of a predator filled with brutality.

"That's enough, little brother," the soldier said suddenly, his tone cold and hard. "Turn into a human."

The wolf did not answer, but its pupils began to dilate, a strange transformation was taking place before its eyes.

"This guy, Kares," the soldier said, his voice like thunder. "Did you hear me?"

The wolf became crazy and began to throw his brother away. Its massive arms slammed into the soldier, but he remained standing. The wolf's strength poured into him, but he did not falter.

"You can't escape," the soldier said, his cold gaze staring straight into the wolf's wild eyes. "Listen to me, Kares."

The mysterious person in the black cloak suddenly revealed a magic staff that he had hidden, with the "Son of King" badge on it, then prepared to perform a powerful attack.

"Kares, you've lost control," the black-cloaked man said, his voice cold and authoritative. "I have to..."

Before he could kill Kares, his brother intervened.

"NOONGGGG!" His brother's echo hit the space, causing the beam of light energy to be deflected and causing only minor injuries to Kares.

The black-cloaked soldier shouted: "Kares, run!"

Kares did not hesitate, like a quick wind, his big wolf ran into the forest, disappearing in the darkness of the trees.

The magician stepped forward, his deep eyes looking in the direction where Kares had disappeared.

"Do you know what you did when you let an out-of-control animagus run away?" The magician said, his tone serious and full of concern.

"I know," the black-cloaked soldier replied, his eyes serious. "But there is no other choice."

The two of them stood in silence, the only sound left was the whisper of the wind passing through the trees along the road.

A new war has begun!
