

Alfred decides to check if Diana is in the office because when he got home he stayed up to 11:00 waiting for her return but still didn't see her and when it came to morning,he not only didn't see her but also did not see her car as proof of being in the house so he decides to head to the office very early in the morning to see if she is safe .

In Diana's Office

Diana is laughing so loud with a tall gentleman in a black tuxedo revealing his good physique, neatly combed hair and a Cartier watch clamped on his wrist with a very beautiful face and gauging from Diana's loud laughter it is clear that there is history between the two people .But as the excitement in the room is almost at its peak , a knock is heard.

Diana: Yes! come in!

(Alfred steps in the room and finds Diana in the action of handing the gentleman a cup of coffee although he hates what he is seeing, he composes himself not to show any feelings of being hurt by what he sees.)

Alfred: Good morning to you Diana!

Diana: Good morning to you Sir!

Alfred: How are you doing today?

Diana:I am good, and yes I was just about to to come to your office to discuss a new idea of mine that I think will work well for HL Group of Companies that is of course if you have time.

Alfred: Of course, we can do that even now.

Diana: No, not now I still have some pending assignments am working on but after I have sorted them out , I will come to you immediately.

Alfred: What is that keeping you so busy this early morning?

Diana: Oh ! it is nothing serious, just perusing through the previous budgets of last year that were used by different departments on given activities so as to get familiar with the system.

Alfred: Okay, but do you need some help analyzing that data because I have some experience.

Diana: No, I do not need your help, he will help me that is why he is here.( Diana points at the gentleman she was standing next to before going to have a seat behind her table.)

Alfred: Don't you think you have to be careful with exposing our company data to new people because this work is very confidential.

Diana: But he is my new personal assistant and there is nothing you should worry about in regards to work when he is here because he has a very good experience in Business Administration, accounts and project management just the person we need for such a sensitive post .

Alfred: Well do not take this the wrong way but didn't you feel like you had to ask me before you resorted to hiring him in our company.

Diana: Much as you are a boss here, I am too and I have rights to get any person I feel is fit for the job since that person is supposed to be part and partial of my life.

Alfred: Okay , your choice then.

Diana: His name is Paullassio Ant in short he is called Paulo and he is a friend of mine and an old acquaintance who knows my styles of ruling and administration which makes him the best candidate for the post because he shall not be overwhelmed at all.


Paulo: Sir, you do not need to worry because before you know it, you will have fallen for my charm. Nice meeting you Sir!( Alfred just walks out without even answering Paulo and at this point Paulo knows whatever it is, he has to be so careful when around the CEO because he can lose his job any time.)

Diana is shocked by how Alfred reacts towards her personal assistant but that is something so small to get herself worked upon since people tend to have both good days and bad days and maybe for Alfred today is just a bad day on his end.

Paulo: Did I do something wrong to your husband , D.

Diana: Ignore him , he is not usually this bad but today seems to be one of the "NOT GOOD DAYS" for him.

Paulo: Okay. By the way I haven't seen you get breakfast let me go to KFC and get us something to feast on how do you see?

Diana: What a very good idea !,I had totally forgotten about breakfast today.

Paulo: Are you always this busy that you tend to neglect your health as well?

Diana: Not always but it is just that from the time I took on my role as president, I noticed I had alot to do and to top it all up I am new to this kind of thing and also want to do a very good job so as to remain respected and that is why I called for your help because among all people i have worked with, you are the most reliable , hardworking, straightforward, honest and charming person i know who does his work perfectly in a very stressful environment coupled with joy.

Paulo: I didn't think you thought so highly of me like that and because of that you have earned yourself a free meal of?

Diana: Pecking roasted duck.

Paulo; Diana, I said from KFC not any other place .

Diana: Okaaaaay, get me a KFC spicy chicken bowl with a coke.

Paulo; That is more like it.

Diana: Free things will kill us one day just know that because the rate at which women hate spending and yet love eating is high even if it meant a beggar offering something for free, without us spending we would gladly oblige .

Paulo; Hope in the picture you are creating I am not the beggar.

Diana: ( laughs) no, not you it is just a general description of us women , nothing brutal.

Paulo laughs because of what Diana says and he shortly returns with a sumptuous meal for Diana and he seats himself down to eat beside Diana.

Alfred comes in Diana's office and he finds Paulo seated next to Diana eating and when he checks the time by his watch, it is just 9:00 am instead of working, they are feasting.

Diana: Yes, how can I help you Sir, you had just been to my office one hour ago and now you are back?

Alfred: Is it a crime for me to come into your office because if it is , I advise you start locking it up from within so that I do not need to disturb you madam.

Diana: Do as you please but as you can see I am having breakfast so if there is something you need of me to do please communicate to my personal assistant right outside the entrance of the office. THANK YOU.

Alfred: Do we have a problem?

Diana: Do we?

Alfred: You should know. Because I do not understand the attitude madam.

Paulo: Excuse me Sir, sorry to interrupt you but I am requesting you leave D alone right now because all she is thinking about is food that is why she is rude.

Alfred: Wow! I should thank you for knowing her too well atleast this way you can serve best as her mouth which will reduce on the toxic environment.

Diana continues eating her food without glancing at the two while they are exchanging but when Alfred notices that what he is saying does not even earn him attention from Diana, he exits the room to await for her in his office .
