
427: Let it guide you

'Something has changed. I can feel that my body feels much more powerful than before. I also have memories I did not have before. I-I suddenly feel as if I understand who I am and what I am capable of.'

Princess Yunjin flexed her hand to test out how it felt.

All the exhaustion she felt before stepping into the room seemed to vanish. A muted feeling of relief gripped her heart.


The blob that called itself the goddess reached for Sui, but Princess Yunjin's newfound powers made quick work of the approaching appendage.

It was a swift and clean cut but did not hurt the blob. Within a second, the blob regenerated and tried again.

Once again, it was met with the same fate as the first one.

But unlike last time, the blob seemed to be looking more humanoid. It was as if it was morphing as it fought the pair and tried to imitate their form.
