
384: Do not be afraid

Princess Yunjin's heart skipped a beat as her insides turned to ice. She was utterly shocked by the simplicity of the answer she was given. 

But the Grand Duke was not finished speaking, and the Princess's silence gave him the time needed to continue his speech.

"My relationship with Sui is a little more complicated than you think. She is my best friend's sister, but I got to know her before that. Despite that, I do not have romantic feelings for her, so don't give me that look."

"I am not looking to steal her from you."

The grand Duke sounded sincere when he said that to Princess Yunjin. Even she could feel that this man was honest when he said he liked Sui, but not how Princess Yunjin liked her.

It should relieve the princess, but it just made her even more worried for some reason.

'If this man dies not like Sui romantically, then why does he keep interfering between her and me? Just what the heck is he planning?'
