
The World Is A F*cked Place

Blood splattered across the floor, my indifferent eyes gazing upon the splash of crimson. Some would vomit at the thought of murder, but after 17 years in what could only be described as "Hell," I didn't bat an eyelash.

17 years of survival. I killed every day, prevented countless enemies from slitting my throat while I slept, and gathered trusty comrades… 


Scrape! Whoosh!

I kneeled, my dagger scraping across the floor. Reggie stiffened at the indifferent look in my eyes, his face pale. The expression of mockery was nowhere to be seen, with only the remnants of a bully.

Reggie seemed more like a wet cat about to lose its 9th life.

"I'd like to thank you," I spoke coldly, a smile blossoming on my face… but it didn't reach my eyes. Reggie shuffled, his eyes glancing in every direction, probably wondering what the fuck I had snorted.

But I remained silent for a few more seconds.

"You made me realize how fucked up the world is," I chuckled dryly, my fingers caressing the patterns on the dagger's hilt. It was smooth, a few bumps, but nothing serious. The tip was almost blunt, though.

I'd have to get a new knife.

"It was because of you that I adapted so fast… to what came my way. Mmm… You might not remember, but I didn't get the opportunity to torment you last time. You got mauled by a monster before I could find you."


We locked eyes, and a dreading atmosphere descended. My hand remained steady, but I prepared myself.

"So thank you… for giving me the opportunity to kill you."


I felt the hot blood trickle down my face. Reggie's scream was painful, muffled, yet clear. I silently wiped the blood using my shirt, clicking my tongue at the tiny body that poked out. I wasn't very fit.

If I had been fit, this wouldn't have happened…

I glanced at the deep cut on my chest. If I didn't treat it carefully, I could get an infection. Thankfully, 17 years of survival gives one a great sense of reality and how to deal with issues that concern one's life.

'I should've killed them tomorrow,' I thought, glancing at my phone. '"That" begins tomorrow.'

[17:43, December 30, 2024.]

At exactly 00:00, January 1, 2025… The tower would open up. The ones brave enough to challenge it would be rewarded, while the others… I didn't know. I had entered almost immediately, frustrated with my life.

I was considering suicide at the time… Because of these fuckers.

I spat on one of them.

'If I had killed them tomorrow, I could have gotten some rewards… Actually, did regular humans drop rewards? I don't even remember.'

'It was old…'

'I should probably head home now.'


It was a foreign word to me by now. My only home were my 'Legends,' which I'd crafted alongside my comrades. But even those 'Legends' had now faded, leaving me behind with practically nothing to my name.

But it didn't matter.

It was a fresh start, and that's exactly what I wanted. Once I adjusted to my body, it'd be fine.

Smiling faintly, I hid the corpses before removing traces of my DNA. Well, I couldn't, so I just made do with what I had. I made sure no one would ever find the corpses… Not even the God of the Underworld.

Then, I ran towards my 'home,' at the time. I yearned to see the faces of my mother, father, and little brother. I wonder how they were doing. Of course, they'd be doing fine at this time, but… could I take them to the Desirer's Summit with me?

As my speed increased, my thoughts became wilder.

I wondered if all four of us could become Rankers…

I didn't know how quickly these dreams would be crushed…

As I neared my 'home,' I spotted something strange. In an instant, my face paled, sweat trickling down my cheeks as I ran as fast as possible. My home… It was burning. The crackling of the flames reminded me of the 35th floor…

The Colossal Flames Of Duality.

Many wild thoughts raced past my mind, my steps growing heavier by the second. My strength was sapped away, the worst possible outcome looming in my shadow. I saw many neighbors surrounding my house.

Their faces were drowning in worry.

I didn't have anyone else. 

My father, mother, and little brother were my only family.

"What happened here?" I shouted, my voice containing 17 years of pain. I waited 17 fucking years to meet them… I couldn't accept 'that' outcome. The man wearing beige pants and a green shirt lowered his head.

My grip slowly loosened, veins bulging from my body. I clenched my fists, shutting my eyes. I somehow maintained my balance, holding my breath. 


I took slow steps, approaching the porch. A few people attempted to stop me, but I brushed them off. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to sob. As they trickled down my cheeks, I had the sudden urge to screw it all.

Rid myself of this second opportunity.

But my second-hand ego wouldn't let me. The faces of my parents and little brother flashed in my mind. Blood dripped down my fist… I'd been pressing too hard.

I ignored the heat and the burns, somehow making my way to the rooms. The flames threatened to consume me, but I endured. I had grabbed a fire extinguisher from a nearby neighbor…

Hopefully, that would work.


I sprayed the extinguisher in all directions.

The fire disintegrated into nothingness. It was a strange scene… I hadn't expected this much of an effect. I simply needed to clear a path, but it seemed the flames hadn't spread that much… Could they still be alive?

I searched the entire house, finally entering a certain room…

My heart sank.

Three corpses lay there, their bodies burnt to a crisp. 

But their faces were unscathed.


I inhaled a cold gasp. I felt my soul ripple.

Their faces were empty.

Not a trace of lips, eyebrows, mouth, nose… nothing. They were like mannequins.

Faceless entities.
