
Chapter 49: A Family Dinner Pt.3

As the group finished dinner, Ryuzu picked up the plates and brought them to the kitchen to clean.

Sitting alone together, Carman and Libre Faced one another. Both wanted to discuss their current dynamic as adoptive parent and child, but neither knew where to start. Both were too focused on their thoughts to notice the other's facial expression.

"Carman.." "Livre."

They said each other's names at the same time, stopped in surprise, and motioned for the other to speak.

It took a couple of seconds to figure out who would go first, which was Livre.

Figuring he should lighten the mood a bit before getting into the heavy topic, livre asked.

"So how did you like the dinner? It was a bit heavy in my opinion, but quite filling." Said Livre.

Carman cracked a self deprecating smile as he looked at Livre. "It was good, you already know that I've eaten worse things than a cream heavy meal. But I have a feeling you wanted to discuss something else."

"Heh, yeah, just want sure how I should bring it up it feels like I'm always floundering with this stuff. But you know it feels like something a parent should do. Make sure their kid doesn't hate the food they make?" Said Livre.

Carman chucked, realizing that he and Livre were probably thinking of broaching the same topic earlier. "Well yes and no. It is typically the parents duty to make sure their kids are fed, but it doesn't necessarily have to be food the kid likes. Good parents make sure their kids aren't limited by their pallet. But that's some I've already learn the hard way. If you were going to ask me how I would like you to parent me. I honestly have no clue." Said Carman while shrugging at the end of his sentence.

Livre chucked a bit as he fiddled with a crumb from the Garlic Baguettes.

"I figured I'd get that kind of answer. I feel like most kids would have already spouted off a list of ways I should be parenting them better, but when I talk with you, half the time it's like I'm talking to someone older thsn me, smarter than me. I offered to adopt you since I saw a younger version of me in you and I wanted to help you, nurture you to be someone better than me. But with how quickly you pick everything up, I end up learning from you more than. I teach you now. Heck I'm not even the one making sure you are up in the morning and ready to go to school. It's more like you are my apprentice, or mentee rather than my kid."

Livre sighed. "Trying to figure out how to be a parent has been like trying to build a toy without blueprints and blindfolded."

Carman chuckled, "That's not really a good analogy, but I get what your meaning, but here is the thing. That's life. We are all stumbling around like blind fools, all we have is our past and goals to guide us. The role of a parent in my opinion is someone who uses the mistakes of their past to guide the next generation to avoid the pits that they themselves fell into."

Livre smiled, "Sometimes I wonder who is the real parent is here, a kid your age has no reason to be as wise as you are."

"Meh, parent and child, that's for other folks, but we are family. Sure I'm not your typical kid, I don't need reminders to brush my teeth and go to bed, but for what is worth, out of all of us, you are the one that feels like the parent in the family, I see and am thankfull for all the effort you put in." Said Carman his tone and expression lighthearted at first but becoming serious as he finished.

A light laugh could be heard from around the corner, as Livre and Carman looked towards the source they found Ryuzu, rounding the corner, having stopped laughing but was still holding her hand in front of her mouth her eyes slightly closed in mirth.

"Apologies, I didn't not mean to come across as mocking you two's discussion. I simply found humor in you two's description of your situation. Though I must say I am curious how you see me in this family of yours Carman." She said.

"Elder sister." Said Carman swiftly.

"Oh my, and after all I do to help you, you don't see me as one of your parents?" Asked Ryuzu teasingly.

"Nope. It's also the job of older siblings to look after the younger ones." Replied Carman.

Ryuzu took a moment to consider before nodding her head in acceptance. "Indeed, your point is logical, I did spend a lot of time cleaning up after my younger sisters when we were still together."

Livre sighed in relief as the conversation grew lighter once more. Most of his guilt over not helping take care of Carman had been relieved, though he resolved himself to earn more mora so he could move out of his current apartment sooner. He still wasn't sure entirely what Ryuzu was, as she looked and acted almost perfectly like a human being despite being built out of gears, but they did indeed act like siblings in his eyes.

The three discussed various topics ranging from projects to work and eventually everyone was yawning and ready to go to sleep. Ryuzu offered to let Livre sleep in the apartment with them, but Livre refused, not wanting to impose when his apartment was closed enough to walk to despite his current drowsiness.

Ryuzu insisted on walking him home though to make sure he was safe, and as an adventurer he couldn't argue he wouldn't be safer with her around so he agreed.

As Ryuzu left to get ready, walked over to Livre, and gave him a quick hug before stepping back and walking towards his room.

"Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometime. Have a good night Pop." Carman said as he walked into the hallway Ryuzu had disappeared into.

Livre, despite the cool night breeze was quite warm as he walked back home, and Ryuzu mentioned several times on a goofy expression on his face.

-To be continued

Hey everyone,

Sorry about the lack of chapters last week, my family is very serious when it comes to Thanksgiving, so there was a lot of last minute prep and travel going on. I hope everyone had a good holiday. I'll hopefully have time to finish and post another chapter this week to make up for it.

As always please comment on ways to improve this story, I was having trouble finding the right tone for this interaction. Any feedback, positive and negative is welcome.

Forestkeepercreators' thoughts