
Chapter 112

Balsa, Dressrosa

"Wait! Why am I the only one being left behind? I want to see the dwarves too," Doffy questioned, disbelief etched on his face.

"Well, it was you who said that you didn't feel like doing anything for the next few days. So, you better stay here and keep an eye on Smoker and the rest. The number of pirates coming in has increased drastically; we don't want our town being raided now, do we?" I chuckled, watching a vein pop out on Doffy's forehead.

We were all set to go to Green Bit to meet the Tontatta tribe because I wanted to invite Mansherry, who had consumed a very special devil fruit, to join our family, and Doffy was not the type of person you want by your side during a delicate negotiation. Issho had already built an amicable relationship with the dwarves of Green Bit during his time.

Within the last week, we had already clashed with three groups of pirates who wanted to invade the northern town, which we had made our base. As I had originally expected, King Riku had evacuated most of the people living in the town to other areas.

Only a few stubborn ones chose to stay back because they did not want to give up on their homes. At first, they were scared because we had come to their home, calling ourselves pirates. Naturally, they would be terrified.

"Wait! Ross, why is it that only Lucci gets to go along? I want to see the dwarves too!" Smoker protested. Currently, only myself, Lucci, and Issho are going to Green Bit.

"Well, that's because he was the only one who completed the training that I assigned. As for you and Gladius, you guys quit midway. That's why," I remarked, while Lucci gave a stiff smile at Smoker, as if taunting him.

"You... you... you call that training? You were planning to get us killed! I'd rather learn from Issho-san. You are a..." Smoker wanted to curse, but then a look from Doffy made him stop. It seemed like I had been too lenient with them. Maybe I should consider increasing Smoker's training.

Our interactions with the remaining townspeople had slowly begun to shift. Initially, they viewed us with suspicion and fear, but our actions spoke louder than words. We protected them from external threats and respected their way of life.

The turning point was when Doffy, without a second thought, destroyed the pirate ships threatening the town. This act of defense, rather than aggression, was not what they expected from pirates. The townspeople began to see us not as conquerors but as protectors, albeit reluctant ones.

My plan was simple: to protect only our base and the people within it. As more and more pirates descended upon Dressrosa and more lives were lost, the people would naturally drift towards the strong. King Riku was already struggling to deal with the incoming pirates, making our strength all the more appealing.

Each day, more pirates started showing up on the shores of Dressrosa, eager to strip the country of its wealth and resources. The greatest resource of all was the people, seen as potential slaves, workers, and, of course, tools of pleasure.

King Riku and his army fought tooth and nail to repel the pirates each day, and with each passing day, the size of their army dwindled. As the first major country one encounters upon entering the New World, all the pirates who come through Fish-Man Island descend on Dressrosa.

While the city of Balsa lay secure under the protection of its new guardians, other parts of Dressrosa burned. Soon, rumors about Balsa being unaffected started spreading.

"Fine! Fine! Just get lost! I don't want to see your smirking face. I'll go and see if I can find some pirates to burn," Doffy grumbled, turning to check if any new threats had entered the town.

Soon enough, Lucci, Issho, and I made it to the bridge that connected Green Bit to the main island of Dressrosa—a massive iron bridge that had been abandoned since the fighting fish had migrated here. None of Dressrosa dared venture into Green Bit because of the dangers.

"So this is the infamous Iron Bridge that connects Green Bit to Dressrosa?" Lucci asked, admiring the massive structure made entirely of metal. He seemed unfazed by the cautionary symbols and barricades that warned of the dangers ahead.

"Yes, Lucci, and you'll be responsible for handling the fighting fish that attack us while we cross. Mind you, if you fall into the water, I won't be saving you," I commented jovially. Spreading my observation haki around the shore, I was surprised to detect hundreds of shoals of fighting fish lurking beneath the water's surface.

The Iron Bridge was an imposing sight. Rusted but resilient, it stretched across the tumultuous waters, a testament to human engineering and nature's reclaiming force. The fighting fish were infamous for their aggression and strength, making the bridge a perilous crossing.

"Look at the size of this thing," Lucci marveled, his eyes scanning the expanse of metal and water. "No wonder people avoid it."

Issho, with his usual calm demeanor, nodded. "The bridge is a relic, much like the history it represents. But we must be cautious. The fighting fish are not to be underestimated."

We began our trek across the bridge, the metal creaking under our weight. Lucci took the lead, his senses sharp and ready. Issho and I followed closely, our eyes observing the waters for any sign of movement.

As expected, it didn't take long for the first wave of fighting fish to appear. Massive and fierce, they launched themselves out of the water, their sharp teeth bared and ready to strike. Lucci moved with the precision and speed of a seasoned fighter, his Rokushiki techniques slicing through the air as he fended off the initial attackers.

"Remember, Lucci, stay focused. These fish are relentless," Issho advised, his grip on his cane steady, ready to assist if necessary.

The battle was intense. The fighting fish, with their powerful tails and razor-sharp teeth, were formidable opponents. But Lucci, with his agility and strength, managed to keep them at bay. Each leap and strike was a testament to his training and determination.

I kept my Observation Haki active, alerting Lucci to any potential blind spots. "Three more incoming from the left!" I called out, watching as he swiftly adjusted his stance to meet the new threat.

Despite the danger, Lucci felt there was a certain thrill to the challenge. The roar of the fish, the clang of metal, and the spray of seawater created an exhilarating, albeit dangerous, atmosphere. As we progressed, the attacks became more frequent, and the fish seemed more desperate to protect their territory.

"You're doing great, Lucci. Keep it up!" I encouraged him, noting the determination in his eyes.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reached the other side of the bridge. The last of the fighting fish retreated, vanishing into the depths. Lucci was breathing heavily, but there was a triumphant grin on his face.

The moment we stepped onto Green Bit, I detected countless small forms hidden beneath the lush green landscape. It seemed like there was an entire city underground.

"They are here!" Issho whispered. I sensed a few presences moving rapidly in our direction. Suddenly, Lucci's favorite hat vanished. He looked around frantically, unable to detect the speed of the Tontatta tribe due to his lack of observation haki, as he was yet to be subjected to the blindfold training. Just as a dwarf targeted my Kitetsu, I swung my hand, capturing a tiny figure. To my surprise, it was someone I recognized from the canon: Warrior Leo, the leader of the Tonta Corps.

"Let me go! Let me go, you bastard!" Leo yelled, firmly holding onto Kitetsu. Despite being captured, he refused to let go of the treasure he had snatched.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the little one's actions. Meanwhile, Lucci had already lost one of his shoes and realized that the culprits were dwarves as he saw the small figure in my hand. Just then, a presence shot past me and rammed into Issho.

"Issho-san, you promised the next time you came around, you would get me fruit candies!" A sweet little girl's voice echoed as a small dwarf manifested on Issho's shoulders.

She had thick, wavy blonde hair partially tied up in two buns that covered her body and tail. She wore a short white dress with matching stockings and shoes. Her light blue eyes sparkled, and she wore two small green flowers in her hair. It was none other than Princess Mansherry.

I already knew Issho had made contact with the Tontatta tribe since he had come to Dressrosa, but I never expected him to build a relationship with the Tontatta princess herself.

"Hahaha, how could I forget, Mansherry-chan? Of course, I have them. Here." He pulled out a handful of fruit candies from his inner pocket and presented them. Suddenly, a dozen dwarves hidden among the foliage rushed to take away the fruit candies, while Mansherry took one for herself.

Meanwhile, Leo kept struggling in my arms, demanding to be released, which I kept ignoring.

"Oh, it's Issho-san, and it seems you have brought along friends this time. Well, it means more guests. How many years has it been since we had so many guests on Green Bit?" An elderly-looking dwarf stepped forward from within the forest, flanked by many others. It seemed like the island was being monitored by the Tontatta tribe, and they became aware of our presence only moments after we stepped onto the island.

"Ah, it's the Tonta Chief. I apologize for bringing more people uninvited. I hope it's not an inconvenience." Issho apologized for bringing people without the tribe's permission to Green Bit.

"Ah, that's alright. Issho-san's friends are the Tonta tribe's friends too. Why don't you introduce your new friends to us?" The Tonta Chief requested Issho.

Issho nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Chief. This is Ross, and the one currently missing his shoe is Lucci. They are trustworthy allies and are here to learn about your culture and perhaps discuss an alliance."

I released Leo, who landed gracefully and immediately began examining us with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Lucci, now recovered from his initial surprise, bowed slightly to the chief.

"It's an honor to meet you, Chief," he said, his tone respectful but still carrying his characteristic edge.

The Tonta Chief smiled warmly. "Welcome, Ross and Lucci. Any friends of Issho-san are friends of ours. Please, come with us. There is much to discuss and even more to show."

We followed the Tonta Chief deeper into the forest. The vibrant greenery and the harmonious sounds of nature surrounded us, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and wonder. As we walked, the ground beneath our feet occasionally vibrated with the activity of the dwarves below, a constant reminder of the hidden world just beneath the surface.

The Tontatta were simple, trustworthy people. Their honesty was evident, and in the canon, even a person like Doflamingo could manipulate them. However, my intentions were not to exploit their trust. Instead, I wanted to earn it genuinely, particularly with Princess Mansherry. Her Heal-Heal Fruit was an extraordinary power, a massive boon to any organization.

To truly integrate Princess Mansherry into our group, I knew I had to disclose my true identity. The name Donquixote carried a dark history for the Tontatta tribe, a reminder of past betrayals and nightmares. Transparency and honesty were the only ways to build a genuine alliance and possibly convince them of our good intentions.

As we settled into the Tontatta village, I took the opportunity to observe their daily lives. The village was a bustling hub of activity, with dwarves working tirelessly yet cheerfully. Their craftsmanship was impeccable, and their unity was inspiring.

"Look at them," Lucci remarked, watching the dwarves skillfully create intricate tools and garments. "Such dedication and precision."

"Indeed," Issho agreed. "Their strength lies in their unity and unwavering trust in one another."

We spent the day engaging with the Tontatta, learning about their customs and traditions. The warmth of their hospitality was overwhelming, and it became clear that they were not just potential allies but a community worth protecting.

In the evening, as we gathered in the main chamber with the elders and the chief, I knew the time had come to reveal my true identity. The room was filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, and the Tontatta was keen to understand our true motives.

"Chief," I began, standing up to address the assembly. "There is something important I must share with you all. My name is Ross, but that is not my full name. My full name is Donquixote Rosinanate."



Dear Readers,

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