
Chapter 27

"Garp-san, the order states that we are to hand over the prisoners and continue with our patrol mission in the New World," Bogard relayed the order they had received.


"Garp-san, the prisoners?" The Vice Admiral questioned in an authoritative tone. Using my Voice of All Things, I was able to collect quite a few interesting details. As I honed my Observation Haki, I unlocked more and more of its unique characteristics. Recently, I had started to read people's thoughts unless they had a strong enough will to resist. This power of mine was similar to Patrick Redfield's and Queen Otohime's from Fishman Island.

I understood that everyone in the prisoner escort fleet belonged to the World Government faction. They didn't want Garp to receive credit for the capture of Kaido, and they also had a nefarious plan of letting Kaido go and blaming the Marines again for incompetence. I couldn't understand why the World Government was planning such a scheme.


Maybe they thought that after the recent fiasco with the Marines, they would need quite a few strong pirates to stir trouble in the New World, and Kaido was a prime candidate. They couldn't afford to have such a pirate locked down in Impel Down. It wasn't that the World Government lacked the power to deal with Kaido; it was simply because they didn't care. After taking down Rocks D. Xebec, the power balance had shifted in favor of the Marines, and the World Government didn't want the Marines' prestige to grow significantly.


"Kaido is my prisoner. I will be part of the escort until he is safely deposited into Impel Down," Garp declared, showing no regard for the sheet of paper that Bogard had now returned to the Vice Admiral who led the fleet.


"Garp-san, these are orders from HQ. Are you going to disobey them? Or are you implying that my fleet is incapable of transporting a prisoner who is already bound in chains?" The vice Admiral fumed inwardly at the marine hero's attitude. They were of the same rank, but he knew he couldn't challenge the man in front of him due to prestige, so he attempted to strong-arm Garp using the name of HQ's order.


"Do I look like I care? I did not ask for reinforcements, and I informed HQ for protocol's sake. I alone am capable of escorting my prisoner to Impel Down," Garp retorted adamantly, making his stance clear to everyone present.


Just then, a man clad in a black suit stepped forward and handed a transponder snail to Garp.

"Garp, are you disobeying my orders? The order is clear: transfer the prisoner over to the prisoner fleet, and I have sent you the latest intel regarding the whereabouts of Roger. Go and do your duty," Fleet Admiral Kong's voice echoed from the other side of the transponder. By the way, I saw the expression on the transponder snail; he seemed quite frustrated.


"Kong-san, this? Kaido has already escaped from similar situations multiple times. It's better that I accompany them to Impel Down to make sure there are no accidents," Garp argued, though he still maintained a level of respect for Kong.


I couldn't help but snicker from the side regarding Garp's situation, as I had expected something similar to happen. Garp turned to glare at me, promising severe punishment later, but I simply shrugged it off. The scene was really funny for me, seeing how powerless the Marines appeared.


"No excuses, Garp. You are a vice Admiral, so follow my orders. If you want to challenge my authority and overrule my order, you should at least be an admiral. Tell me, are you willing to accept the promotion? If not, just follow my orders," Kong barked, his irritation palpable. The Vice Admiral and the CP agents' faces contorted with displeasure as Kong offered Garp the option to accept the promotion, knowing full well there was no chance Garp would agree.

Garp found himself caught in a dilemma, but ultimately he relented. He knew that there was only so much he could do with his current status as Vice Admiral, but he would absolutely not agree to become a lackey and serve as an Admiral at the beck and call of the World Nobles.


"Bogard, have them transfer all the prisoners over to the prisoner fleet. And make sure to get it in writing that the transfer has been completed. Ensure all the documents are complete before the transfer. I do not want anyone blaming us if something untoward happens later," Garp instructed firmly, fully aware of the ulterior motives of the individuals who had arrived regarding Kaido. He was determined to wash his hands of the matter entirely.


"Garp-san, I am sure this is not really necessary. After all, we are all Marines. Don't you trust us?" The Vice Admiral quickly wanted to intervene, fearing that if he agreed to what Garp suggested, the blame would fall squarely on his shoulders once Kaido escaped. While he was a supporter of the World Government faction, he knew that if Garp took this action, he would become the scapegoat for letting such a dangerous prisoner escape.


"You can either sign the documents or you can directly explain to the Fleet Admiral why you are not following proper procedures and signing the necessary documents. I'm sure Kong-san heard everything I said; you can explain it to him," Garp stated firmly, passing the transponder snail over to the Vice Admiral, who hesitated before ordering his subordinates to complete the paperwork and transfer.


However, the CP agent paid no heed to the Vice Admiral's predicament. His gaze searched for something on Garp's warship, and when his eyes fell on me, he stepped forward and pulled out a letter, presenting it to me with both arms as if I were some aristocrat.


"The elders wanted me to personally deliver this letter to you," he said, before returning to their warship.


I was confused as to why the elders were sending me a letter. Though I was curious, I controlled myself and kept the letter in my Marine coat, continuing to observe the prisoner transport. Garp eyed me curiously, but seeing that I hadn't opened the letter yet, he returned his attention to the prisoner transfer.


It took nearly an hour to complete the procedure, meticulously orchestrated under Garp's watchful eye. Bogard ensured that every protocol was followed to the letter, leaving no room for error. Even the sea stone cuffs were replaced with those brought by the prisoner ship, a precautionary measure to avoid any potential blame for faulty restraints. As the meticulous process unfolded, it became increasingly clear to everyone aboard Garp's ship that a political game was afoot, and the Vice Admiral's defeated expression spoke volumes about who emerged victorious.


"I trust you'll safely escort the prisoner back to Impel Down. If not, be cautious—your heads might be on the chopping block." Bogard's taunt left a palpable chill in the air, a subtle reminder of the consequences awaiting any misstep.


With the prisoners successfully transferred, Garp wasted no time. Armed with new intelligence regarding Roger's whereabouts, our ship swiftly set sail in pursuit of the elusive Roger Pirates.

As we sailed towards our new destination, I found myself perched in my usual spot on the warship's railing, engrossed in the letter addressed to me by the Elders. Unlike most ten-year-olds who might have been easily swayed, I possessed a deeper understanding of the elders' true nature. While the world perceived them as the highest governing body, my dual existence and insights from the Canon revealed otherwise. The World Government's displayed strength was merely a facade; few comprehended the true might wielded by each Elder, let alone the hidden forces concealed from public knowledge. Perhaps only Imu grasped the full extent of the World Government's true power.


The letter held a tempting promise: reinstatement as a Celestial Dragon upon making significant contributions. It presented me with two paths: join the CP organization, where I anticipated they would attempt to indoctrinate me, or remain within the Marines as their lackey. They pledged ample resources to facilitate my ascent to the rank of Admiral, even dangling the coveted position of fleet Admiral should I prove myself worthy.


However, the timing of their offer left me pondering. Little had changed within Doflamingo's sphere of influence, and while our Donquixote family flourished, it hardly warranted the Elders' attention. It dawned on me that perhaps it was my potential and rapid growth that had captured their interest. Despite my tender age, my strength rivaled that of a top-class Rear Admiral, excluding outliers like Bogard. Perhaps my recent skirmish with King had showcased my prowess, leading Garp's new marine soldiers, or rather spies, to relay word of my abilities to their superiors.


A smirk played on my lips as I contemplated their intentions. They underestimated me, treating me as a mere child to be manipulated. Yet, I saw an opportunity to exploit their offer for personal gain. The wealth and resources of the World Nobles were unmatched, and I would be a fool to reject such an opportunity. It would serve as recompense for my humiliation at Mariejois—a subtle reminder that even the mighty Elders were not beyond my reach.

As I pondered the myriad ways to exploit the Elders' offer, my Observation Haki alerted me to Garp's approach. He settled beside me on the railing, casting a glance at the letter in my hand but refraining from questioning me, despite his evident curiosity. I couldn't help but smile, downplaying the importance of the letter despite its significance.


"Garp-san, it seems like quite a few roaches have boarded your ship under the guise of Marine soldiers. Transferring some veterans to Dragon-san has created quite an opening for these bugs," I remarked playfully, swinging my leg leisurely over the railing, relishing the cool sea breeze.


Garp's expression shifted slightly at the mention of spies, and he turned to me with a questioning look. Without hesitation, I passed him the letter, as I harbored no reservations about sharing the elders' offer with him.


Reluctant at first, Garp perused the contents of the letter, but soon a chuckle escaped him in amusement. Through our time together, Garp had come to understand the depth of my disdain for the World Nobles, despite my birth into their ranks. Though I concealed my hatred outwardly, Garp could sense the seething resentment within me, fueled by Doflamingo's own suffering at the hands of the World Nobles. I masked this animosity, biding my time until I possessed enough strength to unleash it upon them.


"So, what have you decided, kid? Going to take their offer?" Garp inquired, amused by the Elders' unwitting generosity. They had offered to provide the "little monster" with all the resources needed for his growth, a task Garp had been shouldering personally until now. While it was seldom discussed openly, the truth was that the stronger one aimed to become, the greater the resources required for their nurturing. In the real world, unlike in canon, such details were crucial; even the most formidable pirate powerhouses allocated the majority of their loot toward maintaining their peak fighting condition.

"Well, why not? If they're offering to nurture me, who am I to deny them? All I need to do is grow stronger under your tutelage, learn everything you can teach me, and comfortably resign from the Marines. Isn't that my initial goal?" I declared jovially, though I aimed to maintain modesty to avoid angering the Marine Hero with my words.

"Kid, you're still harboring thoughts about quitting the Marines? Are you itching for a beating?" Garp couldn't help but admonish me upon hearing my suggestion of leaving the Marines eventually.


"Garp-san, don't you think you should be more worried about the moles on your ship?" I teased Garp, knowing that, like me, he detested the World Nobles. Having the World Government place spies on his ship was not something he would accept lightly.


Hello dear readers,

I would like to know what your thoughts about MC getting a devil fruit is, if he should get one or not, if yes then what would be a good fit ?even non cañon fruit can be considered, please share me your thoughts on comments.

Thank you above is a extra chapter for today

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