
Chapter 17: Diplomacy

February 21st, 1976

Dear Mr. Peverell,

Your presence is required in a gathering of the House of Black at 12 Grimmauld Place on February 21st, at 6:00 pm. You have my word as the Lord Black that you will not be harmed in any way.

Arcturus Black III

Harry folded the small letter and placed it back into his pockets. Then he checked his reflection once more in a small mirror in Minerva's office. He looked like a picture-perfect pureblood in his expansive formal robes. This meeting might be a good opportunity to practice for the dinner and subsequent talk with Marlene's family, therefore, Harry would take it very seriously. Since Harry did not actually grow up in pureblood culture, any experiences will come in handy.

Arcturus' letter came to no surprise to him. By killing Lucius Malfoy, Harry had heavily interfered with the House's strategical and political alliances. Whereas the current Lord Black would probably thank him with a slap on the shoulder, his children, including their wives, would definitely not be as welcome. He mentally prepared himself for having to endure the inevitable shrieking of Walburga Black.

"I don't exactly know how long this business will last, but I will make sure to come straight back right after, professor." Harry addressed his Head of House.

McGonagall briefly looked up from grading papers: "See that you do, Mr. Potter, and give my kind regards to Dorea and Arcturus."

"I will, ma'am." Harry nodded and stepped into the fireplace to vanish in a bright green flame. A few seconds later, he reappeared in the familiar office of Lord Black and stepped out of the beautiful marble fireplace.

"Lord Black." Harry announced himself and bowed shortly.

"Peverell." The man sat behind his desk and gave him a sharp nod after finishing a letter. His steel-gray eyes took him in: "You are on time. Good. You have my gratitude for following my call."

"If I enjoy the perks and benefits of being called family, then I see it as my duty to show up to the gatherings as well, sir," Harry stated firmly.

"You are correct!" Arcturus nodded and stood up: "Though I must warn you. My promise to you still holds; I control the wards and I will not allow anyone to harm you. However, it should be no secret that there are certain people within this house that wish nothing more than to watch you suffer a very painful death."

Harry smirked: "We will just have to get along then, sir."

"Indeed, you will." Arcturus declared firmly: "Now, follow me, Peverell, I will walk us down to the drawing-room where the rest of the family is waiting."

Harry nodded and followed the man out of his office. Having lived at Grimmauld place after coming back from Switzerland and starting his job as an Unspeakable, Harry immediately recalled that they were on the third floor, heading towards the main staircase. However, that was pretty much all he recognized. The Ancestral home of the Blacks looked completely different. Everything was spotlessly clean and actually resembled a proper pureblood home, instead of the house of dark wizards as Harry had gotten to know the place in his original timeline.

They walked down the freshly polished steps to the first floor and took a left. Already, Harry made out the voices of several different people. Arcturus opened the door to a room at the end of the corridor and stepped inside, followed by Harry. The Blacks were all gathered around a large wooden table. Several sets of gray eyes turned to him, the majority of them narrowed dangerously, with the exception of three.

"What is he doing here?!" A screech echoed through the room and a woman jumped from her seat.

"Sit down Bellatrix and be quiet!" Arcturus growled dangerously.

"He murdered Cissy's husband!"

Harry forced himself to remain calm as his gaze came resting on the expression of loathing on Bellatrix Lestrange's face. Azkaban has truly done great harm to her beauty because the woman in front of him looked as stunning as she looked dangerous. Heavy lidded, large eyes, long voluminous curls, and a sharp aristocratic face. She sat back down next to a man Harry immediately recognized as Rodolphus Lestrange. Be it from the memory he saw in fourth year, or seeing the man during the battle in the Ministry or at Hogwarts two years later...

Undoubtedly, both of them had taken up the Mark already. Harry would love nothing more than to rid the world of them before they could commit any of the cruel acts that would land them in prison. How many lives, muggle and wizarding, could he save if he struck them done right now?

"Allow me to make the necessary introductions." Arcturus ignored Bellatrix's remark as he took a seat at the head of the table: "As you will all have identified already, this is Harry Ignotus Peverell. Only a fool would deny his involvement in the events we intend to discuss, therefore I have invited him to join us. You will all treat him with respect! Do I make myself clear?"

Besides Dorea, the older lady next to her, and Narcissa, no one else gave their understanding. The Lord Black continued, nonetheless.

"Peverell, first and foremost, allow me to introduce my wife." Arcturus gestured to a lady next to him, the one Harry did not recognize. Her brown hair had streaks of gray, but her gaze was as sharp as her husband's. She shot him a kind smile: "Melania Sophia Black, née Macmillan."

Most likely a great aunt of Ernie Macmillan then. Harry mused and gave her a polite bow.

"You, of course, know my sister Dorea already..." Arcturus nodded towards Harry's grandmother: "... so allow me to continue with my two sons, Orion and Pollux, and their wives, Walburga Black, née Crabbe, and Druella Black, née Rosier, respectively."

"A pleasure to meet you all." Harry inclined his head, despite the angry glares that were sent his way.

"Last but not least, my granddaughters." Arcturus gestured to the two last females in the room: "Bellatrix and her recently married spouse, Rodolphus Lestrange, and you of course know Narcissa already from what I have heard."

Bellatrix and her husband regarded him with utter hatred while the blonde girl blushed furiously and lowered her gaze. Harry took the last available seat at the end of the table next to Dorea and waited for Arcturus to start the meeting. "Let us begin then. It seems almost redundant to mention, but one week ago, Narcissa's betrothed, Lucius Malfoy, lost his life."

"You mean he was murdered by this foreigner!" Pollux growled angrily and received nods of agreement from many other family members.

"I mean what I said, son!" Arcturus scowled at him: "Malfoy lost his life because he was the worse duelist out of the two, now shut your trap and let me continue."

"This wretched boy spits on our most noble Houses! He ruined our chances of a strategic alliance," Walburga shrieked: "The Malfoy's are among the most prestigious bloodlines in Britain! Their noble blood..."

"... Is still diluted by goat piss from a time when they were but farmers in France, Mrs. Black." Harry interrupted her: "Those peasants whispered the legends of my forefathers to their kids as a good night story after a long day of herding dirty pigs."

"You dare!" She shrieked and jumped from her seat, her husband and other members followed.

"Yes, I dare!" Harry's voice boomed over her: "Do not preach about something pathetic as blood purity to me. You seem to forget who you are speaking to..."

"That is enough!" Arcturus interfered: "Both of you shut up! Walburga, Peverell is a guest in this house and his family has ruled these lands when our own had not even made a name for themselves yet! You will keep your trap shut and stop insulting him!"

Arcturus waited until everyone calmed down a bit, or at least kept quiet, then he continued: "The reason I have invited you all here is to discuss the prospect of Narcissa's marriage."

"That won't be necessary! We are already working on a contract for her and Abraxas Malfoy." Pollux spoke up: "Abraxas has ensured me that he can still father children. He said that he would have many sons if it was not for the early passing of his wife."

Harry shot a look at Narcissa. The girl had gone very pale and her pleading eyes turned to her grandmother and grandfather. It was rather obvious to deduct what she made of the idea.

"I will not let you repeat the same mistake twice!" Arcturus' voice boomed and he slammed his fist on the table: "And I will certainly not let you marry her off to a man over twice her age. No! I have a different proposition, which involves Peverell right here..."

Oh no... Harry cringed. This was not what he had expected. He turned to Dorea, who shot him an amused look.

"Peverell, I would like to hear your opinion on a courting agreement between yourself and my granddaughter Narcissa. After three months said arrangement could be rewritten into an official betrothal contract. Of course, we would be waiting until you are seventeen for the actual marriage..." Arcturus finished.

"YOU WHAT?!" Bellatrix screamed: "He murdered her future husband and as a reward you want to elope them?!"

"Before Mrs. Lestrange turns into a banshee..." Harry spoke up and ignored the way Bellatrix's hand twitched for her wand: "... perhaps I should say something."

He turned to Arcturus and Narcissa: "While I am honored by your proposal, I will have to politely decline, sir. Ms. Black is a beautiful and brilliant young Lady; however, I think I speak for both of us when I say that I don't see any potential for marriage here. In addition, I am in the middle of preparations to finalize a courting agreement between myself and a different girl, already. A girl I have grown fond of during my time here in Britain."

Arcturus' children and their wives huffed satisfied. Dorea had her annoying teasing smile on her lips while Narcissa looked just a tiny bit put out. Harry knew that the girl could have perhaps developed a tiny crush on him, but their few occasional flirts and the kiss they shared had been more of an act of rebellion on her side than anything else. She did however look more than happy at not having to marry Abraxas Malfoy.

Arcturus frowned, obviously he had not expected so. Narcissa was considered among the most beautiful girls in their generation and a marriage with her would craft strong alliances between any potential groom and the House Black: "Very well... I cannot say that I am not disappointed, and I honestly think you would have made a fine match. However, I respect your decision, Peverell. I myself had been lucky enough to marry the woman I loved, and it would be nothing short of cruel to not give both of you the same chance."

Harry nodded his agreement. Say what you want about Arcturus Black, but the man was certainly not a hypocrite.

"Well, if that's discussed, then I think we can address the last topic for today." Arcturus spoke up once more: "My dear sister has grown very fond of Peverell and as you can undoubtedly see, he shows a lot of resemblance to the Blacks. The reason for that is that we are distantly related. There are not many of us left, thus, I consider him family!"

His statement was met by incredulous looks from everyone save Dorea and Melania, who must have known already. Harry smirked. What follows this will be hilarious.

"Therefore, Peverell is hereby under the protection of House Black!" Arcturus declared firmly: "Any attack against him is an attack against me, the current Lord Black, and I will not hesitate for a second to burn your name off of the family tapestry if any of you dare to even harm a single hair on his head. Do I make myself clear?"

"I cannot believe this!" Bellatrix shrieked: "Don't you know what the boy has been doing at Hogwarts? Tell them Rodolphus!"

Her husband cleared his throat and snarled at Harry: "My younger brother has told me that he is mingling with mudblood and blood traitors while disrespecting his betters left and right. In an act of kindness, Rabastan had offered his hand in friendship to Peverell on the first night of term. My brother was repaid for his generosity by being insulted and humiliated in front of his peers!"

Shouts of outrage echoed through the room until Arcturus shot a BANG from his wand like a cannon: "What do you have to say, Peverell?"

Harry laughed in amusement: "Rabastan Lestrange and his idiot friends decided to throw all their cunning out of the window that night and confront me head-on, by blocking my path to my common room. I did not know that offering someone their hand in friendship involved harassing said person. I also don't think it requires the presence of half a dozen friends, each with their wand at the ready. Perhaps there has been some miscommunication between two brothers..."

Rodolphus grit his teeth and flexed his knuckles: "You- You..."

Harry continued unbothered by the glares he received: "By the way, Lestrange... Did your brother ever receive my get well soon card? I addressed it to Saint Mungo's after hearing about his incident..."

Rodolphus shot from his chair and pulled his wand: "What the fuck did you just say?!"

"Sid down idiot boy, before the wards tear you apart!" Arcturus threatened: "I just declared that Peverell is under the protection of House Black. Even a dunderhead like you should be smart enough not to attack him in the ancestral home of the family he is protected by!"

Harry watched with amusement as Rodolphus slowly sat back down, his face a mask of pure hatred. Had the boy actually cast a curse on him, Harry would have killed him in an instant...

"Now, Peverell!" Arcturus addressed him: "Explain yourself. What did you mean by your previous statement?"

Harry smirked: "It all starts with my duel against dear old Lucy. I assume you know, as the challengee, it was well within Malfoy's right to announce the date for the duel. Therefore, a very clever plan formed in Lucius' peanut-sized brain... Dear old Lucy was very confident to win his duel against me."

Harry let his eyes roam over the Black and paused at Rodolphus, who flared his nostrils threateningly: "However, he did not want to take any unnecessary risk, so he asked a few of his friends in Slytherin if they could rough me up a little, so I'd have no chance at fighting in a duel. Luckily I was warned of their ambush just in time and defended myself with appropriate means... Rabastan Lestrange found that standing on the receiving end of my wand is a very unpleasant experience. As did the close to a dozen friends he brought with him..."

"Disgusting!" Arcturus roared: "I will have words with Corvus for that! How dare his son interfere with an Honor Duel like that!"

"Hopefully he learned his lesson already, but I guess conversing with his father would not hurt." Harry inclined his head.

Arcturus still seemed exceptionally angry: "You!" He addressed Rodolphus: "You will tell your shit stain of a brother to leave Peverell alone or any business with House Lestrange will be seized immediately. That includes outstanding loans and any other liabilities!"

Rodolphus gulped heavily but nodded while his wife glared from Harry to her grandfather: "You are willing to cut relations with my husband's family for this?" She gestured at Harry: "For a nobody, who will be dead within a few weeks?"

The entire room went silent as soon as the underlying meaning in Bellatrix's statement was comprehended by everyone. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees and all eyes turned to Harry.

"Are you threatening me, Mrs. Lestrange?" Harry asked in a cold whisper.

"You have angered the wrong people, boy!" The woman hissed: "And you will learn your lesson soon enough! We are leaving Rodolphus!" She added and tugged on her husband's hand.

"Remember my warning, Bellatrix!" Arcturus reminded her as she reached for the door handle: "Don't make me repeat what I had to do for your older sister."

The young woman huffed and stormed out of the room, followed by her husband.

"Bellatrix is right." Walburga scowled: "Mingling with this boy will be the death of House Black!"

"Orion shut your wife up before I have to do so!" Arcturus growled annoyed: "The meeting is over, thank you once again for coming, Peverell."

Harry nodded and followed Dorea out of the room.

"Well then, Harry..." Dorea smirked up at him: "...Am I correct to assume that those courting preparations you mentioned concern a certain stunning blonde Ravenclaw?"

Harry rolled his eyes with a groan. This had not been the kind of talk he looked forward to with his grandmother.

February 28th, 1976

A week after his meeting with the Blacks, Harry strolled along the fifth-floor corridor on his way to the Ravenclaw common room. He was nervous. More so, than he would have ever expected... Three days ago, he received a letter from Lord McKinnon, confirming the dinner invitation. Three days, in which he had pondered for hours over what kind of strategy would make the most sense to convince Lord McKinnon that he was a more satisfactory candidate for his daughter than Lestrange.

He took a deep breath as he finally arrived in front of the Ravenclaw common room. He checked his watch:

5:50 pm.

Marlene should be ready any moment.

"Can I help you, my dear?" The statue of the eagle suddenly asked him.

"Uhm... I am actually waiting for someone." Harry stuttered, caught off guard by the questions: "But if you don't mind, I will wait inside... The Sorting Hat did want to put me in Ravenclaw after all..."

"If you truly have the potential for a Ravenclaw, then my riddle shall be no hindrance for you." The eagle replied.

"Very well..." Harry smirked, always ready for a challenge: "Ask away then."

"What is broken, any time it's spoken?"

"Silence," Harry answered confidently after pondering over the questions for a few seconds.

"Nicely phrased," replied the eagle door knocker, and the door swung open. It had been many years since Harry had last been in here when Luna had tried to help him find the diadem. Ravenclaw common room was still a wide, circular room, airier than any Harry had ever seen at Hogwarts. Graceful arched windows punctuated the walls, which were hung with blue-and-bronze silks.

By day, the Ravenclaws would have a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. The ceiling was domed and painted with stars, which were echoed in the midnight-blue carpet. There were tables, chairs, and bookcases, and in a niche opposite the door stood a tall statue of white marble. The statue stood beside a door that led to dormitories above.

"Hey, guys..." Harry greeted the few Ravenclaws with an assured grin: "I just thought it was way more pleasant to wait in here than outside... Don't let me distract you from your work..."

His remark was met with skeptical stares and whispers. Harry, seemingly unbothered, walked over to a small table and waited for Marlene to show up. A minute later, Harry spotted her walking out of her dormitory and down the small staircase. She wore a long, curve-hugging dress of dark purple fabric. Her blonde curls were styled elegantly in a bun. She looked stunning as always. And if tonight went well she would be his...

Suddenly her eyes found him and grew impossibly wide in stupefaction: "Har- Peverell?!" She corrected herself at the last moment: "How did you get in here?"

"Through the door." Harry grinned as he stood up and placed the muggle magazine he had occupied his time with back on the table: "Just as everyone else does." He winked: "Allow me to be the first to say that you look fantastic tonight, Ms. McKinnon."

He walked the last steps over to her and offered her his arm: "May I?"

It was hilarious to watch Marlene pull herself out of whatever shocked state she had been in. She finally closed her lips and linked her arm with his: "Thank you, Mr. Peverell. Very well, shall we?"

Ignoring the unbelieving looks of her housemates, they walked over to the entrance. From the inside, one could simply pull on the handle and get back out. Harry held the door open, and they linked arms again as soon as they got back out in the corridor.

"Only a Gryffindor would just waltz into another House's common room to wait for their date." Marlene giggled and shook her head: "I am surprised my housemates did not kick you back out."

"I would have liked to see them try," Harry replied challengingly.

"Boys..." Marlene scowled: "Are there by chance any hideouts on our way from here to Professor Flitwick's office?" She asked curiously as they walked towards the giant staircase.

"I know of a couple..." Harry smirked: "But I am afraid that once we find ourselves in one of them, we will most likely be late for dinner with your family. You look way too tempting in that dress... Almost like a forbidden candy or a present to be unwrapped..."

"It's a bit too early to unwrap me, Harry and I am afraid I must insist," Marlene replied firmly, despite her blush.

"As my lady wishes..." Harry laughed and suddenly tucked on her arm. He pulled back the curtains near a blank wall and revealed a tiny broom cupboard, barely large enough for the two teenagers to stand inside.

Harry immediately yanked the blonde closer by the waist and pressed his lips down to hers for a proper greeting. It had been far too long since the last time they had been able to share some intimacy. By the way her body responded to his touch, Marlene had been just as desperate as him. Her body burned underneath his hands, her lips just as sweet and soft as he remembered them. Nevertheless, he did not intend to be late to what might be one of the most important dinners of his life, so he reluctantly broke the connection.

Marlene pouted up at him adorably as he pulled back. Still, she sighed contentedly while doing a last-minute fix of her hair: "That was nice..." She added and did her best to improve his unruly hair: "Are you ready?"

"I am..." Harry assured her and squeezed her hands: "I will persuade your father, no matter what it costs."

"Good..." Marlene nodded and shifted the straps of her dress one last time: "I am tired of the secrecy. I'd rather snog you in the middle of the Great Hall than in a broom closet."

"So eager, aren't we?" Harry smirked.

"Persuade my family and I will show you just how eager," Marlene replied with a slight blush.

"Let's get going then, that's all the motivation I need," Harry remarked with a grin and led her back out into the corridor. Three minutes later, they arrived at the door to the Charms Master's office.

"Ms. McKinnon, Mr. Peverell..." Flitwick welcomed them: "I have been expecting you. Come in, come in! You make a very lovely couple." The charmed professor beamed at them: "The Floo is right over there, and I have some powder ready for you."

"Thank you, sir." Harry nodded as they walked over to the fireplace.

"I will go first and let my father know that you are coming. He will adjust the wards for you." Marlene gave his hand a last squeeze and before calling out:

"McKinnon Manor!"

She vanished in a bright green flame.

"Best of luck Mr. Peverell." Flitwick shot him a sincere smile.

"Thank you, sir. Hopefully, I won't even need it." Harry chuckled and followed the girl half a minute later. The Floo connection had been established and Lord McKinnon must have keyed him into the wards already. Therefore, Harry was not delayed on his journey and soon stepped out of a large fireplace inside a well-decorated atrium of sorts.

The architecture and decoration resembled a Roman style. The high ceiling was supported by many pillars. Sculptures along the walls and even the occasional statues complemented the entire environment. It was perhaps not as inviting and warm as Potter Manor, but still spoke volumes about the wealth of the McKinnons.

His eyes roamed over the family of five that stood in front of him. All of them were dressed in expansive unicolored robes. The males had the crest of House McKinnon pinned on their chest. Harry recognized the white stallion, standing proudly on its strong rear legs, immediately.

"Lord McKinnon." Harry addressed the patriarch and head of the House first. He gave a short bow: "Thank you for the invitation. It is an honor to be received in your home."

"The honor is ours and I sincerely apologize for the delay, Mr. Peverell." The man inclined his head: "However, the Wizengamot had held more sessions in the past two months than in the previous year combined. In addition, my sons' superior has the most interesting work ethic and insists on them doing longer hours each day. It took much argumentation on my son's part to even convince the man of letting them go early today."

Harry chuckled as he shook the man's hand: "I have heard about Alastor Moody before. A formidable Auror, who values constant vigilance above anything else."

He bowed the traditional, formal greeting to Lady McKinnon before turning to the two sons.

"Do us a favor, will you and don't mention those two words for the rest of the night, Peverell." Marlene's oldest brother, Matthew, shook his hand with a grin.

"Yeah, if we hear them any longer, we might develop some PTSD from it..." Marcus joined in, also shaking Harry's hand. They seemed rather friendly...

"Well, let us head over to the dining room." Lord McKinnon spoke up once the introductions were done: "Twinky will serve the first curse shortly."

Instead of simply following Lord McKinnon, Harry instantly walked over to Marlene and offered her his arm. This earned him an approving nod from Lady McKinnon as the group walked through the large Roman manor. Lord McKinnon explained the origins of a few of the rare decorations until they arrived in the formal dining room, which was equally adorned.

The empty dishes lay ready for usage, as Lord McKinnon took a seat at the head of the table. His two sons sat down to his left, while his wife, Marlene and finally Harry, took a seat on the right side.

"Well, Mr. Peverell..." Lord McKinnon started the conversation: "...How do you like Hogwarts so far? I know the size of the castle must be very imposing and it usually takes years to navigate wel-"

He was interrupted by a faint snort from his daughter, who failed to hide it. The unladylike behavior earned her a scowl from her mother. Her father seemed more intrigued by the interruption. Lord McKinnon lifted a curious eyebrow when a grin tugged on Harry's lips as well: "It seems I am missing something. Do you mind explaining, daughter?"

"Mr. Peverell knows the castle better than most seventh years already." She explained: "He already discovered the locations of all four common rooms and even the kitchen. In addition, he knows almost as many shortcuts as Potter and Black already..."

"Those were some nasty pranksters..." Marcus chimed in with a chuckle: "I am certainly glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. I don't even remember how often I had to report them to McGonagall."

"I simply found myself with some free time over the first few weeks, so I started exploring a bit." Harry smiled: "It proved to be quite useful on a few occasions already."

Luckily, they did not notice the way Marlene blushed.

"Where even are the kitchens?" Matthew asked curiously: "I never found them."

"They are located on the ground floor, near the Hufflepuff common room." Harry answered patiently: "The entrance is hidden by a large painting of fruits. All you need to do is tickle the pear to be let inside..."

"How would you even figure out something like that, Mr. Peverell?" Lady McKinnon asked.

"Apparently a house-elf shared the information with the people who passed it on to me, my Lady." Harry shrugged: "They know more about the castle than most teachers."

"What about your classes? Did the transition cause any problems?" Lord McKinnon spoke up: "I was told you take the same electives as Marlene?"

"With the addition of Care of Magical Creatures." Harry nodded: "And so far, I have had no problems at all."

"Really, Peverell?" Marlene chuckled: "No problems? He is the best student in pretty much every single core class, father"

Lord McKinnon shot him a nod of approval. So far things were going great for him...

"Are you simply ahead due to your private tutoring or do you find the lessons' content too easy?" Lady McKinnon asked.

"Probably a mix between both, my Lady." Harry explained: "In Defense, Transfigurations and Charms, I have studied many of the more advanced theories already. I admittedly never cared as much for subjects like Astronomy or Herbology, so most of it is new to me as well."

"And what about dueling?" Matthew inquired and the atmosphere at the table instantly shifted: "I have never seen a fifteen-year-old move like that. You made Malfoy look like a toddler and he was one of the best duelers in our year."

Harry carefully considered his words as the eyes of all other occupants came resting on him: "It is evident that I had some experience before coming here. Most of the techniques are self-taught. It was necessary for me to learn them at a young age since my family will always attract rumors, and the need to defend ourselves is now greater than ever before."

"What about your family magic?" Marcus inquired.

"Do you mind elaborating?" Harry asked, confused. This was not really a topic he wanted to talk about tonight...

"In the Auror Academy, they teach us techniques on how to combat foreign or obscure magic and still I have never seen something like that spell you used." Marcus shook his head: "Even Moody was out of his depth and he has fought dark wizards for the majority of his life."

"Don't call him a dark wizard, brother!" Marlene spoke up irritated. Harry merely held a hand up to gesture that it is fine: "My family's magic is certainly not light and it is deeply connected to the rumors that have accompanied the Peverell Clan over the last two millennia. Still, at the end of the day what matters is the intent behind my magic."

At the skeptical looks he obtained; Harry continued: "I could have conjured the very same set of scythes but intended for them to cut a loaf of bread instead. The tool I use is inconsequential, even a levitation charm can be used to kill someone. Intent is the only thing that matters."

Lord McKinnon nodded thoughtfully: "You pitch an interesting subject. However, there will be more than enough time to delve further into that topic after dinner. Twinky! The first course please."

Dinner was a lot more formal than it had been with the Potters. The McKinnons were far more traditional, which meant that proper pureblood etiquette and table manners were of utmost precedence. Harry could only thank his grandmother for the crash curse she had insisted on giving him a few days prior. He did well though. Even Marlene seemed very satisfied with his performance. She shot him a small smile and nodded once everyone finished the main curse and took a break before dessert.

"Well, Mr. Peverell." Lord McKinnon placed his fork and knife onto his empty plate: "How about we address the main subject of discussion for tonight."

"The main subject, sir?" Harry inquired with a frown: "I am afraid you have me at a loss."

"That is most surprising... Allow me to bring you up to speed then." The man's eyes pierced him:

"Why should I even consider you to be an appropriate candidate to court my daughter, Mr. Peverell?"

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