
Chapter 657: Who's Setting Up Whom?

Song Yunuan looked at Serad's demeanor, not seeming to think there would be any problems this time.

What exactly was she relying on?

Who cares.

Song Yunuan turned around and signed a contract worth ninety million yuan with the other party.

If breached, the compensation would be ten times the amount.

Song Liang clutched his chest, wondering, is this really happening?

Real or fake, he couldn't speak.

His daughter was calling the shots.

Even if he didn't want to buy, there was no choice now, if they backed out, their Zhilan Garment Factory would have to pay the other party nine hundred million yuan—my God, that was terrifying.

Song Liang kept telling himself that his daughter wouldn't do something she wasn't sure about.

He knew exactly how much money the family had.

But he didn't know how much money his daughter had.

Still, such a high amount for compensation was frightening.

He shouldn't have gotten involved with these people in the first place.
