
Chapter 08 The Little Brother Comes From An Extraordinary Background_1

Song Yunuan followed the waitress out of the store and headed towards the Women's Federation.

By the time they reached the Women's Federation, it was exactly eight o'clock.

On the way, the waitress told Song Yunuan her name was Zhao Li and asked Song Yunuan to call her Sister Zhao.

Song Yunuan obediently called out, "Sister Zhao."

Arm in arm, the two of them entered the Women's Federation building warmly and intimately.

Of course, the Women's Federation did not occupy the entire building; their office was on the third floor.

While registering at the entrance, Song Yunuan suddenly remembered who Gu Huai'an was.

He was the unrequited love of Lin Qing, the heroine in the book.

A young man, he had already become the chief commander of Dragon Aviation Command Center.

He was the untouchable flower of Beidu No. 01 Courtyard Mansion.

He held multiple positions and came from a distinguished family lineage, especially his grandfather, full of honors, and his mother, a well-known talented woman, proficient in several languages.

Song Yunuan picked up the business card; no wonder she saw him in Nanshan County Town—he was there for an inspection.

No wonder he was in such a nice car, too.

Song Yunuan flicked the card and her lips slightly curled up; the young man came from quite an extraordinary background.

It was a pity that the book didn't revolve much around him; only years later, Lin Qing became a tycoon and was lucky enough to see Gu Huai'an at a party, falling for him at first sight.

Unfortunately, she didn't even have the chance to express her feelings.

In the book, she once said to herself, "If I could marry Gu Huai'an, even just for one day, I would be willing to pay any price, including my wealth and life."

Luckily, Gu Huai'an paid her no attention; otherwise, the world would have had one more love-struck fool.

Then, Zhao Li took Song Yunuan up to the third floor. She had connections here, otherwise, she wouldn't have volunteered so eagerly.

Her acquaintance was Executive Secretary Han, specifically responsible for such matters. Song Yunuan honestly explained the situation to Executive Secretary Han.

Executive Secretary Han listened attentively, even jotting down notes, and complimented Song Yunuan on her bravery. After the two had left, she hurried to find the chairwoman of the Women's Federation.

Domestic abuse happened every year; she had seen too much of it.

And it wasn't without fatalities either.

But this Lin Jia, she had been a sent-down youth and was from Beidu.

No matter the past or present, her identity was actually quite special.

"...instruct the women's director of Sunflower Commune to immediately go to Erdao River Village to investigate. If true, Wang Zhuzi must not be let go. File a charge against him in the name of our county's Women's Federation. Also, take Old Woman Mrs. Wang to the commune and find out who she planned to sell the child to; it's possible that the intermediary is a human trafficker..."

Executive Secretary Han agreed to each point, hurrying back to make the arrangements.

The chairwoman of the Women's Federation was relieved to have gotten the news promptly.

Lin Qing would surely seek justice for her sister, and if things escalated to an investigation, she might be held accountable for neglect as well.

If she appeared ignorant at that time, she would be at a disadvantage.

Song Yunuan had not expected things to go so smoothly and sincerely thanked Zhao Li, even praising her for her extensive connections and remarkable capabilities.

When they returned to the dumpling store, Zhao Li took her to the back; the twenty large dumplings for the young man were still covered in the basin.

Zhao Li wanted to share them with Song Yunuan.

Song Yunuan lowered her voice, "Sister, my uncle gave me ten cents, and my grandma gave me twenty cents; I can't explain their origins, but you can. The dumplings that the customer didn't take should be yours, and besides, I have to go to my aunt's place later. She's nosy and will surely pry. If she goes around gossiping, it will affect my reputation."

Her words convinced Zhao Li.

However, outwardly, Song Yunuan ended up taking all the dumplings away.

Only then did the kitchen staff retract their envious gazes.

Song Yunuan waited at the intersection for a few minutes before Zhao Li got off work.

The little girl stood by the roadside, clutching her oiled paper package, looking so well-behaved and adorable that Zhao Li felt a bit remorseful. She said to Song Yunuan, "Come over to my place for a bit. I'll heat up some dumplings, and you can have lunch at my house."

Song Yunuan thanked Zhao Li and mentioned that she still needed to sign up at the electronics factory. Zhao Li then left her address before they parted ways at the intersection. Song Yunuan joined the line again.

She was in no rush, taking the opportunity to observe the ambiance of the era while in line.

Ah, the eighties, when people's vitality and spirit were so different from the future.

One by one, they seemed so readily content.

When she casually turned her head, she spotted Lin Qing.

She was stepping down from a jeep, along with Su Junze, both of them hurrying toward the post office across the street.

They were likely there to make a phone call.

Lin Qing and her sister Lin Jia were still in the county town?

By the time she looked back again, the two had already entered the post office.

Song Yunuan's eyes darkened briefly before she continued waiting in line.

By the time she finished signing up, it was already noon. Shortly after, a sweating Song Nian arrived on his bicycle.

When Song Yunuan said she wouldn't be going to his house, Song Nian gave her a ride to the bus station. On the way, Song Yunuan bought some orange candy for a dime.

A dime, for a small handful.

She waited at the bus station for half an hour until an old bus arrived, heading for the Sunflower Commune.

Song Nian, with a heartache, gave her another dime. A bus ticket cost five cents, so there would be five cents left over.

Song Yunuan concluded that the dime was probably her uncle's private stash.

She had heard Old Mrs. Song grumbling before: her aunt was extremely stingy and disrespectful, the old lady was waiting every day for her daughter-in-law to be struck by lightning.

[Although the aunt's temper wasn't good and she often quarreled with the grandparents, it was she who pushed them back in a cart after they had an accident—a journey of over a hundred miles, sigh…]

Song Nian's head buzzed, and he staggered slightly. Song Yunuan shouted from the bus window, "Uncle, are you okay?"

Song Nian felt as if something was stuck in his throat.

Had the Song family disturbed the Lin family's ancestral grave?

"I'm fine, Little Nuan, your grandfather said he'd meet you at the crossroads."

He didn't know when he'd return to the village that morning, but the old man said he would wait at the intersection for Little Nuan.

There was a ditch nearby, perfect for catching some small shrimps to fry for Little Nuan to eat.

A few minutes later, the bus started moving slowly.

After the bus was out of sight, Song Nian returned home.

His wife Sun Jinrong was cooking with a sullen face. Seeing that only Song Nian had come back, her expression improved somewhat.

One more person meant one more bowl; the thought pained her.

But she snarked, "What's the matter, you went all the way there just to pick up your family's little princess? Where's the cornmeal and millet? Let me tell you, Song Nian, there's not much grain left in the house."

Remembering what Little Nuan had said, Song Nian bowed his head in silence.

Sun Jinrong snorted, "Your mother was right to curse. That Song Yunuan is a princess in body but serves like a maid. People from the Qin family even brought her back. Do you think they'll take her again? You tell her to give up on that idea right now. She should work the fields properly and earn more work points. Otherwise, she's hoping for a free meal…"

"Just focus on cooking. I'll go back home again tomorrow, I promise to bring back cornmeal. Is that okay?"

Sun Jinrong huffed coldly; that was more like it.

Living in the county town where everything cost money, they were temporary workers without a grain ration, not enough food to go around, and the old lady was so miserly, giving up any grain was like it cost her life.

Watching his wife's back, Song Nian scratched his head anxiously, knowing he had to go back again tomorrow.

Could it really turn into a disaster someday?

Song Nian was a bit fearful.
