
chapter thirty

Namjoon's POV

           "We'd like Jennifer to join us on stage" I said, "What??" Jennifer shouted, "Yeah you're good we have seen it" "No no no, no way am I going out there on stage with you guys!" she shouted, "You mean as the newest eight member or-" bang pd was saying when Jennifer cut him short, "You can't seriously be considering this are you uncle? I'm not good like them, I'll just disgrace everyone" "Don't you trust us??" I held her face, "You have been practicing with us for months now, we're sure you can do it" "I trust you but, oh god, this is going to be the end of my demise" I smiled, "It's just like we always practice, trust me" "Solo or group?" she asked, "What about both?" JK said, "No way!" "It's settled then, come on bang pd will lead you to your dressing room" I pushed her out the door before she could insist, dropping Ga Young and Min Kyu on the most comfortable cushion they were sleeping, "We could just get bang PD to take care of them" "I got an idea let's put blinds on the stage, it will be like shadow dancing between us, before we could remove the blinds" V suggested, "Hey that's a good idea " Jin said. we finished dressing up and came out when we met with another shareholder of hybe, who didn't waste time to give me a slap, "What do you think you are doing?  causing scandals around?" he continued shouting while I just looked at him, the staffs around were whispering and talking. I didn't know how long he continued but something happened, Jennifer came and stood in front of us and gave the man three slaps, then folded her hands, smiling making everyone including us shocked, "you-" "Yes me, any problem? you obviously slapped them first so what's wrong with drinking your own medicine?" some of the staff sniggered, "You're the cause of everything, you-" "Yes me, any problem? you can't just raise your hand while I'm here, just who do you think you are" Jennifer was even talking absent mindedly as if he was a pest that needed swatting, Jin held my arm, "For the sake of world peace, you and your wife should just stay home for life" I smiled, he sniggered, "You don't know who I am? figures I'll sue you for assault, I am hybe-" "Yes yes yes whatever, try sueing me, you'd know that armies have lawyers in power and also have people that bail us so don't bother wasting your old strength" "Wh-what?" "Yes I said old strength, go retire and go fishing or something, don't bother young people, I'm not a Korean so that rules about elder being the head or whatever doesn't apply to me, I'll caution you if you need correction and I'll discipline you if you need discipling, I think we are done here" she turned to face us, "Can someone check on his makeup again?" some staffs rushed forward to me and I just looked at Jennifer talking with the rest of the guys, "She stood up for me" I smiled. that was when I even noticed what she was wearing, a white knee length gown that showed her back and a pair of white stiletto, her hair was let loose and her makeup was simple and just normal.

"Oh no we are going to die" she groaned as we waited, already hearing chants and screams, bang PD was already with the twins, and the drapes had been hung, one of the staff went on stage and briefly explained that before the show of the concert, BTS want to apologize to army for wasting their time, and so they would be performing a Shadow play on stage, they screamed more loudly, "oh no" I looked around and seeing as they were no staff around, I kissed her, "Just trust us and don't take your eyes off mine" I told her, holding her hand we went behind the drapes, the lights weren't on yet so they couldn't see us, the guys took some ropes, "What's it for?" "You'll see, just focus on RM Hyung alone" Jimin said, when she turned to me and the music box started playing while the guys were getting the scene ready, "Infinity? seriously Nigerian song?"  "Yeah now come on" after they finished turning Round, I ram into the centre with Jennifer, when the lights came back again, Jennifer was just anxious, she could really dance move with the flow because we were just following to the lyrics of the songs, while the guys were dancing in the backstage, and came closer using the rope to bind us for a few seconds before releasing us, Jennifer even made me go with her flow sometime and was now more immersed I to the song, all the while Jennifer's eyes never left mine and I was even tempted to kiss her, but I restrained myself, anyways to understand the the dance this was part of the song lyrics I managed to research when I heared Jennifer playing it some months ago.

"Baby this love

I'll never let it die

can't be touched by no one

I'd like to see em try"

"I'm a madman for your touch girl I have lost control, I'm gonna make this last forever don't tell me it's impossible"

download full song or lyrics to get a better understanding:  'Jaymes young- Infinity'

The song ended with Jennifer on my arms as I looked down at her and she looked up at me, once the stage light off, he kissed me immediately admist the cheering and screaming, "Hey that was awesome, why didn't you believe in yourself all this while" Jhope told her, rubbing her hair, she hugged everyone including dragging me closer, "Thank you guys, I love you all" we quickly left the stage, the staff were clapping when we appeared, Jennifer bowed respectfully and went to watch the video again, then we were told to get back into stage already, we decided to go first and greet the fans, when we appeared they screamed more loudly and raised their light bulbs, I took the microphone, "Armyyyyy!!!" Jimin shouted, "Army how are you!!" Jin shouted, "Hope you are doing ok?" JK asked, I raised my hand to my lip and everyone quiet down, "Army, we are sorry for the delay and the rumours that has been circulating for some time now, hope you forgive us?" they shouted raising their light bulbs, "We hope you all enjoyed the play?" V said, and they shouted again, "We would like to introduce the girl in the play and we hope you won't be so rude" Suga said and ran off the stage, for like five seconds before he brought a scared Jennifer about to run assuming he wasn't behind her, armies began to scream her name, she took the microphone away from Jin and bowed, "Hello, nice to meet you all, my name is Jennifer " she said in Korean, and they clapped, "We want to tell armies that BTS aren't just limited to top stars and actresses, we also love our armies too" I said and they shouted again, but as of now we have a dance presentation to do, are you ready armies??" all of us shouted and they cheered on, I saw Jennifer trying to run away when I held her back, "No no no you're not running away" I dragged her back as she was silently begging me with her eyes, the camera captured it and armies started laughing. Jennifer was behind us on a podium with a microphone, then we started dancing, "Fake love" Jennifer didn't dance but she was singing, small of the Korean part and largely the English part, her voice was kind loud and very easy to spot, it was a hit because armies started screaming and joining the song, until the song ended before everyone screamed again, Jennifer was smiling and was excited, I waved at Army, bowing down, after that before we waved them goodbye, "That was awesome!" Jennifer said, "Really, I don't know your voice would be so loud like that, I almost confused you and the maknae line" Jhope said, "You did so great!" JK, V and Jimin hugged her tightly, I went closer to her ear and whispered, "I knew my wife had some talent indeed" she patted my back and said, "Thanks to her husband" she would never take merit for anything, as always and I looked at her amused, we went back into the dressing room as bang pd was waiting for us with my children, "I quickly carried Min Kyu, "Aigoo, did you miss me?" Suga carried Ga Young and kissed her then passed her over to V, "You did astoundingly well Jennifer, I was watching everything " bang pd said, "Thank you very much, it was actually the best, I felt natural must be because all of you were there" she held my hand and tried rubbing my hair, "Jennifer can I ask you something?" bang PD said, "Yeah" "What made you fall in love with Namjoon" the guys shouted and jennifer smiled, I looked at her because I was even curious about the question, "Well.. this wasn't the Namjoon I fell in love with" she left my hand and looked around until she saw a poster, "Ah, this" we all looked at my younger self and I was surprised, "You mean -" Jin was saying and she nodded, "Yeah, this cute young boy that wore shorts and top, yep he was the one that caught me first, don't get me wrong, I still like the one here, what I'm just saying is that" she walked up to me, "Even without the fame and money, I'd still want to be with you the guy whose name was porenesia parapino" everyone laughed including me, "I don't care either as the wife of a security guard, or stationary owner" I laughed and the guys all put their hands on their heart, "When will I see a love like this?" Jhope said, I hugged Jennifer tightly, "Thank you" "Well uhm... (clears throat) you guys have fan signing so I suggest you get ready" bang pd said clearing his throat and standing up. "You're going with us" JK and Jin dragged jennifer, "No way " "yeah you were requested to be in attendance too" bang pd said before closing the door, Jennifer stood like in a trance, then turned to face us, "Why do I feel like this was all planned earlier??" "No it wasn't, your talents are just speaking" Suga said and I nodded, "Anyways I'm going to change too so whatever" she carried Ga young and left the room, pouting her lips that we all laughed, we changed to the clothing we wore and came and after changing Jimin carried Min Kyu and we went to Jennifer door, she came out carrying Ga Young, but this time she was on a little black dress with the same heel she wore and came, "I'm not really feeling the vibe again" she smiled and looked around, "Where's the place?" "Let's go" Suga dragged her and we went, when the door opened the rest of the members entered Inside waving, while Jennifer kept on hesitating until I pushed her in and she entered with a smile, "Man she can change faces easily" Jin told me, "Deep down she silently cursing us I'm sure of it".

Jennifer's POV

               I was silently cursing them inside even though I was waving for the cameras, the staff tried to carry Ga Young from my arms but she held my neck tighter, so I just told them to leave her, Min Kyu also was holding Jimin tight, when he saw Namjoon he immediately extended his hand to him, willing him to carry him so Namjoon had to bend and Jimin stood up and passed him and Namjoon sat down, the resemblance was uncanny and I was worried people would be inquisitive, "Don't let him show his face too much the resemblance is uncanny" I whispered, he nodded and turned him around you rest on his body, they released the fans and they started the signing, I recieved some gifts too and well not so good remarks too, some fans brought gifts for Ga Young and Min Kyu too, anyways the staff took them all away and by the time we reached home everyone was just so exhausted all the gifts were left lying around as we all went to bed immediately.


the days went by quietly, we were preparing for Christmas, the outfits we wore were still causing some raze but other than that the days were peaceful, the house was getting decorated and more beautiful in preparation for Christmas well until today.

The smell of the early morning dew passed through my nose, I removed my naked tangled body from Namjoon who was still deep asleep, using the linen clothing to wrap my body, a force suddenly hit my heart, and it was so intense I fell out of the bed, tears were coming out of my eyes and my hands suddenly turned transparent, "Oh no" my greatest fear had begun, I looked at Namjoon to make sure he didn't notice, he was still sound asleep, I forced my body to crawl to the door, making it more painful, I managed to open the door and crawl out to the corridor, but my legs were feeling cramped now, I recoiled and whimpered to hold my cry, I couldn't let anyone see me like this, so I could only take the next alternative, I went to Suga's door, opened it and got in, he stood up from the bed immediately, "Jennifer?" when he saw I wasn't fully cloth he looked away, "Jennifer what happened, why-" "Suga Oppa, help me" "What happened?" they was panic on his face and he went to get an overall he used and covered me, I showed him my hands, and he fell down back, "are you-" "No, just help me quickly cover it up, please, I didn't know who else to tell, it's not that bad, it's just slightly faded, Suga Oppa!" I called him back, "I- I think I got something" he stood up and went to his drawers, taking out white fluffy gloves, I smiled when I saw it, "Isn't this too girly for you to have? even though you're naturally curious at everything" he helped me put them on gently, "I bought it for you sometime ago, but I never had the chance to give you" I rubbed the gloves together and smiled when I smelt it, then I rubbed his hair, "Thank you, at least this will keep it in check for now so no one finds out" "Jennifer this won't kill you will it?" he looked worried, really worried so I shook my head, "No" I stood up with the heavy overall, "I have to go before someone sees us, you know, you- uhm this morning, I'm still naked so- this situation" he nodded and I immediately turned around to leave, closing his door, and feeling so terrible for saying those useless things, I went back to my own room, and opened the laptop, Yoongi was holding the cloth I used on my body and was still in that position, it broke my heart, I had to make him find love, in this new story I was writing, I'm going to make sure this girl was as good as anything.

I came down for breakfast, everyone was doing one thing or the other already, "Good morning" they responded, "Those are some pretty gloves" Taehyung said looking at it, "Thank you Oppa, the weather is getting chilly best to stay warm" I said, a scarf was put over my neck, "Exactly" I looked up and saw Jin, he winked at me and smiled, then a cap was placed on my head, "Stay warm honey" Namjoon said. I bowed before all of them without thinking, "Thank you so much" "Jennifer I made you food come on, you, Namjoon Hyung and Suga Hyung are the only ones who haven't eaten yet, come and eat" Jimin dragged my shoulder to the table and opened the food for me, Jhope dropped a glass of warm milk for me, "Thank you" "You're welcome " "Here remove the gloves " Namjoon wanted to take them off for me, but I immediately held it back, "No, I have hand cold and it's really bad" Suga sat down to eat too, Namjoon didn't pester me about it so I was relatively safe, Jungkook came in with Min Kyu strapped on his body, "Hello mommy" he kissed my forehead and drank out of my milk, "Why are you all sweaty?"

"We were exercising, right buddy?" he patted min Kyu, I made him funny faces and he smiled, I continued eating till I was done, "Where's Ga Young?" "Over here" Taehyung and Jin were with her feeding her some cheese balls, "So which means I'm practically jobless since you're all taking care of my kids now, "Our kids" they said, "Let's play uno" Jimin said, "You'll teach me because I have no idea about it" I told him  "No problem " I nodded and he brought out cards. We played for about an hour before we were exhausted, we crashed on the floor laughing. "I need to make a phone call" I stood up and went outside, then I dialled Callista number, it seemed everything was fine with her and Callistus, so why was I different, I went back in.

That evening when I went to bath, it had spread up to my arms, I heared feets and I jumped back into the water using the foam to cover my entire being, Namjoon came inside, then he squatted down and gave me a wet kiss, "Tomorrow is Christmas" "Yep and we are all prepared for it" "Let's go on a real date after Christmas" "Really? perfect I like that" "You know I never really knew much about you like you do for me" "But I told you about me before " he rubbed his nose on mine, "Not only that dumbass, I meant other things too" "It's not a problem" he slipped his hand into the water and touched me down there making me jerk, "You bad man" I told him, "I got the best teacher sweetie " he kissed me again and then withdrew his hand, that night I was tossing and turning on bed, my heart was on fire, I wore a longer robe to prevent him from knowing, I picked my phone and texted Callista, "Callista call me if something is wrong, I think we have a problem " I sent it, then I turned to look at Namjoon, touching his face, "I'll tell you after Christmas " I whispered, trying to hold back my tears.

The next day was Christmas, making sure to cover up, I raced downstairs, everyone was there already, "Merry Christmas everyone!" "Merry Christmas!" Jhope came to hug me, then Jimin, and everyone including Suga, "Are you okay now" "Let's forget about it today, it's Christmas" the door opened and Callista, Callistus, lee Joon Gi, Lee dong wook, Ahn hyoseop, Hwang inyeop and Min hyun. "Merry Christmas!!" we began to hug ourselves, greeting each other, Namjoon came down carrying Ga Young just as we placing their presents under the Christmas tree, "Jennifer, you're looking more beautiful than ever" Ahn hyoseop said, "Yeah and kinda transparent" "Transparent my foot" I went to where Taehyung was carrying Min Kyu, and sat down, "Come on, come on, let's play some Christmas games" Namjoon sat down beside me crossing his hand over my shoulder, "Merry Christmas my love" I kissed his ear, "Merry Christmas honey"


"Okay, Christmas dinner is so ready" Jhope said, we all stood up and went to the dinning table for a feast, "Time for present" Callistus Said, "I'm going first" Ahn hyoseop said and went to bring present, giving all of us one, "Thank you" I opened it, it was a globe, a Christmas globe, I loved it.all of us exchanged present, I even got a dress from Jungkook, all the gifts were precious to me, it remained Suga and Namjoon, so Suga got up and gave us each a gift, mine wasn't too large, too small, when I opened it, it was a blood red bracelet with my name engraved in gold on it, "Wow,I love it, really? I love it" I took it out and put it on, "I'm really glad you love it" he said, I looked at him gratefully, "Thank you so much" "Yep, his gifts do make sense" Jhope said "Jennifer isn't that hard to please". "Namjoon Hyung, your turn" Jimin said, "Namjoon gave everyone gifts and gave me two boxes, one medium and the other smaller, "Why is it two?" "Because- no reason" everyone was looking and smiling and my right eye started twitching, "I opened the biggest box and a diamond encrusted necklace with earrings, I closed the box quickly, and then I started crying, "I said it" Jungkook said, "Awww" all of them were saying, I took the nearest handkerchief and wiped my eyes, "Thank you" I hugged Namjoon, when I opened the second one it was a car key that has my name logo on it, I gasped, "No you didn't" "Yes I did" he pinched my cheek and I started crying again, this time harder than before, "Seriously? she's really crying?" Hwang inyeop said, "That's a car" "What?" everyone waited till I was done before I turned to Namjoon, and gave a deep hug, we weren't the only ones who recieved gifts too, Ga Young and Min Kyu recieved gifts from everyone, including a giant toy car, and even Min hyun was no exception.While everyone were busy talking, Callista drew me aside, "It's happening to you too" I nodded, "I haven't told anyone else yet, right now only Suga knows, I plan tomorrow" "Maybe we should do the same, we might not last to the new year" I wiped my tears, "We only got 6 days" Callistus Said, "So this is how it ends, after all this period of time, it was worthwhile" Callista said sighing.
