
Chapter twenty five

After staying for a while, we Finally left, "You guys get back safely okay" bang pd was telling us, I looked on as Jennifer was discussing with his wife and hugged her, after everyone entered the vehicle, he held my hand, "Take care of her" he told me, "You don't have to tell me twice" "I see the way you guys look at each other, you know you're old enough to date now, possibly marry, I wouldn't mind the company approves, you can't stay single for life, if only because she's pregnant, I understand you guys don't want to tell me anything yet, but whatever it is, I'm okay with it" Jennifer came up to us, "Goodbye" she said in Korean, and bang pd shook her hand, "Thank you for the meal" I opened the front door and she got in, then I bowed and went Into the car and drove off, "Can you stop us at the company, we got something important to do" Suga said, "How many of you?" I asked, "All except Jin hyung " Jimin said , Quickly understanding, I smiled and dropped them off, then drove off to lee Joon Gi house, "As expected celebrities live in a different world " Jennifer said before getting down. "Jennifer!" Callista ran to hug her, "Let me guess you thought I wouldn't make it" "Well.. maybe, woah, your tummy is really getting so big, when are you going to deliver?" "This month maybe" "Mom" little Min hyun was running and I caught him, "Big boy" "Uncle" he hugged me, "Where's daddy" "he's with his friends, Callistus was talking to Jin, "Mommy Callista" Jin said, "Jin Oppa" she hugged him, "Where's others?" "On their way, something came up" "Come on, let me show you to your rooms" we all went inside, lee Joon Gi, Hwang inyeop, lee dong wook and Ahn hyoseop were talking, "Guys!" "Jennifer!" they all stood up and hugged her, "Woah, someone is really big" Hwang inyeop said "Did something just poke me" Ahn hyoseop said, "It's the baby" I said, dropping Min hyun, "Big bros" lee Joon Gi said, while others were talking he quietly said to me, "We were able to kill off a few of the remaining last survivor, but we don't know when others will return, they seemed pretty pissed off, so you have to be careful" "Of course, thank you" we discussed a few more things before Callista showed us up to our room, Jennifer and I shared one room,  "Thank you" I closed the door then turned to face Jennifer and as if knowing my mind, both of us began to kiss, not taking our hands off each other, "I missed this, I missed you" when I kissed her neck she released a deep moan, unzipping her dress, we fell on the bed.


"We'd better go down soon" she said and I groaned, I was laying against the wall and she was laying on me, her back against my chest as I enveloped her in a bear hug, using the sheets to wrap our naked bodies, "Let's just stay here a few more minutes" "You said that a hundred minutes ago and now you're all hard" I smiled, "It's not my fault" "If you say it's mine I'll kill you" "Obviously who'd move me if not you, Should we go another round?" "No" she bent her head to look at me and held my neck bending it down to kiss me and I responded enthusiastically, she, only she knew how to make me so hard and vulnerable" "Jennifer I love you, always remember that" I whispered then released her so we could get dressed up, "make sure to cover up the hickey" she smiled.

Ahn hyoseop POV

             I went up looking for Jennifer, The moment Jennifer came out I bumped Into her, smelling the scent of after sex and an intense one making me smile, "Oppa, great, you're just the one I needed, come on, let's go, I need your help". she held my hand and dragged me off, to their car, "It's been removed, come on, see the wedding venue, it's being prepared" I dragged her to the place, just as we arrived someone shouted, "Watch out" a knife almost landed on Jennifer but a blue force field shielded both me and her and disintegrated the knife completely, RM out of nowhere rushed and grabbed the staff by the neck, "Oh my god, that was dangerous, thanks baby, did anyone see that" "Don't worry all the staff here are supernatural" she looked at RM where he almost killed the male staff, "Wait don't!" she ran to him, and held his hand, "He nearly killed you both!" his eyes were red already and his fangs were gradually coming out, "But he didn't, just stop, please!" he was adamant, until Jennifer held her stomach and fell down, "Ahh" that was when he released him, "What happened?? Is everything okay, is it the baby?" he looked completely different from the blood sucking demon a few seconds ago, now he looked like a concerned father, "I'm okay now" I stiffled a laugh, This girl knew how to make this guy succumb to her, Callista and others rushed over, "We saw what happened, are you okay" lee dong wook checked Jennifer out, lee Joon Gi was mad, "Don't touch him it's okay, I'm fine" RM carried her, "You're Definitely not staying here" "I agree with that" Callista said, "Who knows what would happen next" "Jennifer I appreciate you trying to help but I value your life and my nephew's life more" "I'm baking the cake though" "No, we're keeping you away from knives" RM insisted and Jennifer just gave him an eye and he sighed, "Fine, but we're with you on this" she nodded, "Let's go" he gestured to me, and I followed them, we arrived at the kitchen, and he dropped her down, "Okay so first" "First?" I asked, "Bring the flour and butter and sugar" we got to work, it was fun, at one point, when RM and Jennifer were arguing, Jennifer poured him flour and he retaliated back, she then poured it on me saying I couldn't protect her and I poured her back, "she could be a sweet drama queen sometimes, then we tasted it before placing it in the oven, we made a seven layer cake, after rubbing the icing and placing nice decorations on it, we were finally done. "Yes we are done" I said, when flour was poured on me, and Jennifer laughed, "I still haven't forgotten! hahahaha " me and RM grabbed flour and started chasing her around as she ran outside circling the car, "Better just stop, let's do it once" "No" RM poured her flour and she poured it back and I did mine and ran away, the flour eventually finished and we were laughing, when we got back inside, everyone was looking at us, we were covered in flour from head to toe, Jennifer giggled, "I heared you wanted to bake cake, were you baking yourself??" "Unfortunately we got a child in our midst" RM said "Hey I'm not a child "sometimes" he giggled, "You had to pour flour all over my kitchen like kids!" lee Joon Gi sat like a father reprimanding his kids, and I actually giggled, "This is quite fun to watch" Suga said, "Is it? I'm already taking pictures " Jimin said, "I'm making videos" Jungkook said "Should they kneel, I think they should kneel" lee dong wook said, "Alright everyone except jennifer kneel cus she's pregnant " "Hyung" I and Namjoon shouted but immediately knelt down because of his glare, "Now you -" "Oppa please don't give them punishment" Jennifer said with a soft silent and pleaful voice that all of us was surprised, "We were just having a little fun, you know to live a little, Ahn hyoseop didn't do anything wrong and my daddy was just trying to make me happy" she was playing with her fingers and looking at it in a shy and fearful mode and she looked like she wanted to cry, I couldn't even fathom if she was playing or not, everyone had their eyes wide open including her best friends, Namjoon wasn't even a exception, "But-" he wanted to say again when she said, "Okay if you need someone to clean it up I will, any punishment for them I'll take it because I was the one who started it after all, I'm going now" she turned around to go when she gasped, and we saw blood trickling down her feets, And her dress, "Jennifer!!" all of us rushed to her, "Fine fine, you're all forgiven, now please go before the smell of that blood entices me and the entire workers here " Hwang inyeop started laughing and blew Jennifer a kiss and wink, Namjoon rushed her upstairs to their room I followed them, and the other members came in too, "Tell us where it hurts" V said, Jennifer sat up straight, surprising us, "Jennifer don't move" Jhope was anxious, "No don't worry, my baby and I planned it" "What?" all of us shouted, feeling surprised and as hell as shocked,  "Shh, well I didn't want them to give you guys any punishment so when they asked you guys to kneel, I made a deal with Namjoon junior" "Namjoon junior??" "Woah, and here I thought it was real" Jungkook said,  " Even the crying was real, you're a great actress indeed" Suga said, "I'm still recovering from the shock" Jhope sat down, "You? see Jimin, Jin and V, they were speechless the entire time" all of us laughed, when the door opened, "It was a lie!! and see how worried I really was!" lee Joon GI stormed in and everyone laughed, he moved towards Jennifer and she wailed loudly rubbing her eyes, "I haven't even touched you yet"  "Hyung don't she's pregnant " Jin said, "Daddy he's bullying me" "Me I haven't even started" the room was lively and I was even laughing when Jennifer started coughing, we all taught she was even acting again, "Cough! this time cough??! it won't work, I know your trick" it wasn't until she coughed and threw out blood that all of us stopped, "What happened" Namjoon, Suga, Jin and me rushed to her, "I don't know, I feel somehow" "Did you take something or anything you shouldn't have?" Callista asked, "No i- " she coughed blood again, "I just drank water a staff gave me, it was rather salty" "Poison" everyone said, Jennifer started coughing, again and she threw another blood on me and passed out."Jennifer!!" all of us shouted, "I'm getting the car ready" Callistus said and left, Namjoon carried Jennifer and we all followed her.

"She's fine, she's awake, it wasn't that severe though, but make sure you watch her constantly" the doctor that treated her the last time lee smart told us. I rushed into the ward with others and when Jennifer saw us she quickly got down, "alright let's go" she was all smiles, "Hey are you sure you should be moving around like that" I asked "I'm okay" "You could rest back for some time" V said and Jin supported but Jennifer gave them hard glares that Lee Joon Gi had to run his hand over her eyes, "do you want them to die?" "They said- nevermind" Namjoon touched her stomach then Looked at her, "The doctor said nothing was affected, you're okay it's just a small doze but you should be monitored" "Yeah that's what your family are gonna do for you" Callista said, "yes Jennie so get ready to be under our watchful eye" Jhope said and Jungkook and Jimin affirmed, "Come on let's go home,we got a wedding to attend" Callistus said, "Suga Oppa" Jennifer giggled as she sat down on the wheelchair, "Didn't you say you don't like it?" Jhope said, "It's what Suga Oppa does that make me love it, "My pleasure princess" Suga pushed her out and I followed them laughing.

Jennifer's POV

                 "Okay when the doctor said to keep an eye on me they didn't mean to be staring at me 24/7,it's uncomfortable" I said to all of them who were all watching me for the past 30 minutes writing, "The doctor's orders not ours" Jhope said, "What are you writing" Ahn hyoseop asked, "Don't bother she'll never tell you, she's been writing ever since the beginning, infact in so many books too and of different colours" Jungkook said, "You'll find out someday, now shoo you guys should sleep now, it's late" "But we aren't sleepy yet" Jin said chewing on a snack and Taehyung was stealing out of it, Namjoon came hopping down the stairs, "Alright guys time for bed" "Ahh" they all groaned and stood up I used that opportunity to snatch a snack from Jin, he growled at me and I stuck my toungue at him before they left, "Even you too princess" "Hold on, I want us to do something" I took his hand and led him outside.

"A swing?" he was suprised when he saw it, "Yeah, come on, even just a little" He sighed and sat down, after laughing and having fun I was actually feeling chilly because I sneezed, "Okay come on, let's go in" I stood up all gittery, "Let's make a song together" "Really I'd really like to, wow, I love that!" he hugged me, his face was all so happy and excited, "come on, it's freezing out here " he led me to our room, after gently laying me down and tucking me under the sheet, he drew me closer and gave me a shoulder kiss, "Good night princess" "Good night baby" I smiled and closed my eyes.

The early morning sun came out through the curtains, I opened my eyes and Namjoon's collarbone came into view, "This is the view of every girl dreams" I looked up to see him still asleep, "the magic will soon be over" I whispered, I licked his Adam apple, taking it into his mouth, going for his collarbone and using my hand to twirl around his stomach, when I felt his hands gripped my hand, and a low growl from his throat but his eyes didn't open, so I moved my weight gently supporting my stomach then kissed his stomach and licked his bellybutton, as I bit on it gently and kissed the growl got louder and when I looked up, he had his eyes open but the colour were red and his fangs were all elongated and even his voice had changed, "Uhm good morning" I pretended like I wasn't just doing something bad, "I was wondering what made me so aroused early this morning, someone's eager" he licked his lips, "I, you're were just so irrisistible this morning " he waved his hand, "Come here" I moved over to him, and he used his clawed fingers to  touch my face sending shiver down my body making me aroused, he raised my neck and kissed it all the while his fangs teasing me, "We will be late for the wedding if you continue, now be a good kitten and go on, the bride is waiting, and don't worry there's lot of surprises for you" I was confused, "Huh? surprises??" but I got down anyway and left.

"Hey that's another time you're blacking out on me, what's wrong" Callista waved her hand on my face, "Sorry sorry I'm just all confused this morning " "This is my wedding day remember?? this or this " I looked at the veil, "go for the longer one you know my taste " I looked at what the makeup artist was doing on her face, "Please not too much, bring out more of her natural beauty even though she doesn't have any" I grinned, "Yes ma'am " "Bitch, I hate you " "I love you too " "Here's your dress" I looked at the yellow thing, "I ain't wearing this" "please" "Never, hey how could you do this to me" "Fine I knew you weren't going to wear it anyway, chose from those" I smiled and chose the one I know is my style and went to change, "Would you like me to help me you with that ma'am?" "yeah please " I wore the gown and the adjusted it and it was cool, "The colour compliment your skin" "Does it, thanks" the gown was milky in colour with glitters at the bodice instead, and it had no arms but nice arm gloves "We should do your hair now miss" I followed them back out, "Man now you're talking" "Go wear your gown joor stop" "Abeg" "Hurry" I smiled and sat down for them to do my hair, when they were halfway was when Callista came out, "Wow, I didn't know you could look this fine" "Are you saying I was ugly before?" "Yeah" the staffs were just laughing at us, "But honey you look great I'm crying, oh my god" I hugged her, "I know right, I can't believe it, it's all I ever wished for" "I'm so proud of you, don't Ruin your makeup" she nodded, and I went to sit down back, they added extension to my hair, the ones with white at the end and it  was a lovely result, and they touched my face, in the end I almost couldn't recognize myself, the makeup wasn't too much but I have never seen myself with makeup so it was wonderful "Is this me?" "Yes and we are taking pictures". "It's time now ma'am" one of the servants there said as we were taking pictures, Callista glowed her eyes and swore silently and I knack her head, "Selfie queen it's Enough let's go" "Whatever it's my day I'll do whatever I want" she went on, the maids wanted to follow us but I stopped them, "don't worry again" they left, I followed on too, everyone was shouting and so happy and were clapping for Callista, Callistus was crying happily and Lee Joon Gi was astounded, he was surprised and flushed. "Ahhh" I shouted in my head and held my stomach, not making a sound, "Baby I know you're due any day but not today, for your Aunty please hold on" I said in my head, the pain ceased when I heared my name, and I came down the stairs too, this time no one said anything, and when I looked at Namjoon he was dumbstruck, "That's Jennifer too Right?" Hwang inyeop asked and nudged V and V gulped, Jungkook looked like a child who saw an angel making it amusing, "I'm not dreaming am I?" Jin was nudging Jimin when Jimin nudged him back, "Hyung stop I'm trying to catch the moment, Suga took a picture of me, and Ahn hyoseop laughed, lighting the tension, "You look different" lee dong wook came beside me smiling, "A good different I hope" "It's a gorgeous different" Ahn hyoseop said, "Yeah, you look world wild beautiful" Jin said, "Yeah like a portrait" Suga said, "I could stare for hours" Jimin said, "like a well made meal" Jungkook said, "You look like an angel descended from heaven, your highness " Jhope bowed in royal style, and I curtisied laughing, then I turned to RM, he took my hand and kissed it, "Have we met before?" everyone shouted and I giggled, "I don't recall gentleman, prehaps you could enlighten me" "I'd definitely like to have you among my collection" "Ahhhh" everyone shouted, "Wow, he's good" Jin was surprised, "Come on guys the wedding won't wed itself". We all went out as the bride and groom got situated at the front of the altar, "You look beautiful" Callistus told me, "Thank you" I held min hyun as the wedding continued, Namjoon held my hand tight and I looked at him, he smiled and I smiled back, "You may kiss the bride" lee Joon Gi and Callista kissed and all of clapped, the guys whooping, it was now officially official, they popped a bottle of champagne, "Min hyun come on let's go meet mom and dad" "You look beautiful Aunty" " Really" "Kids don't lie, you really are" Namjoon said, min hyun vamped speed to his parents and Namjoon towered above me, my breathing hitched, my hairs stood on all edge and the moment he went down on one knee, I think I almost gave out, "Marry me my love" he opened a box with the most beautiful ring it was hard not to notice in one's finger, diamond encrusted. Everyone screamed and were even surprised which means no one knew he was planning this, I looked at everyone face, Jin, he knew, he was grinning, tears started to form in my eyes which I touched, "Was I crying, I said I wouldn't cry for something as simple as this, but this was my Namjoon, the guy it was impossible with, he, my bias, my everything" I nodded, "Yes yes" Namjoon hugged me so tight he kissed my forehead as everyone was clapping and hugging us, group hug, he put the ring on my finger and it made me even cry more, "Why are you crying" "I told you she would cry" Jimin said, "I'm just- I'm just so happy" he kissed me, "Double celebration" Callistus Said and popped champagne and began to drink while I watched them,  Jungkook passed me a glass of warm milk, "Thanks" "Let's make a toast to the newly married couple and the upcoming one" Hwang inyeop said and everyone laughed including me, Namjoon held me closer and I snuggled into him, "For peaceful marriage" V said "And a wonderful engagement" Jin said, everyone drank their glass and I drank little of the milk, "Sweetie" "Hmm" he looked down at me and bent down cus of the music, "Don't drink much, remember tomorrow plan" I whispered, "Yeah, thanks love" he quickly whipped out his phone and typed a message in the group chat to everyone and I saw them minimizing the alcohol, "Time for the couple dance" "Oh yeah" Callista played a song for them and they began to dance, "Guys don't laugh dance" I was taking pictures and videos.
