
chapter twenty one

"yes Mommy" he got down from my body and went to Callista, "woah, that's so cute!" Jennifer was so emotional, that I passed her my handkerchief while holding back my laughter, "That's aunty Jennifer over there, greet her" "Annyeogaseyo oeunni" he bowed, "Oh so cute" "Min hyun come here" lee Joon Gi said in Korean, "Appa!" he rushed to him, "Let's eat before it gets cold" Ahn hyoseop said, and we all settled down to eat, "I started packing food into Jennifer's bowl, "The doctor said to refresh" "Yeah but not to add weight" "I'm in support of Jhope, I don't mind how you look though, I love you anyhow" "Ahh, I suddenly hate being single" Hwang inyeop said and we all laughed.

Jennifer's recovery was really quick, we didn't let her stress herself or enter the kitchen too, she just rested and most be the times spent time in her room reading those books or writing something down in her notebooks, or she would come to the sitting room while we were busy with one thing or the other, she was getting pretty good at scaring us even, and playing around, acting all cute.

This morning, we all sat down eating water melon and laughing about joke and talking about movies, we were asking RM Hyung this time so he was sitting on a single chair, when Jennifer came down, wearing a brown long dress that was free, "good morning everyone" "Hey, sleeping beauty is awake, there's watermelon we kept for you" I said, "Thanks mom, but I want to eat someone else own first" she walked to RM and ate a huge bite of the water melon he held on his hand, and one thing I knew RM would be shocked because he doesn't joke with watermelon, but Jennifer did something that shocked us, the moment she took a huge bite of the watermelon she sat down on his leg and held his face and opened his mouth as they shared the piece she had put inside her mouth already and she kissed him deeply before releasing him, "Hmm now that's tasty" she smiled and touched her lips, then cleaned the little drop of the water on RM Hyung face and left like nothing just happened, to get her own share of watermelon, "Tell me that did not just happen" Suga said in Korean looking shocked, Jungkook just had his mouth and eyes wide open, " oh man we are gonna get blind anytime" Taehyung said and I just started laughing and Jimin joined, "Look at RM" we all looked at him, "He's gone, Jennifer is gonna kill him with surprises someday" Jin said, RM just looked out of this world, ad he stared at Jennifer and then he looked at us and we all laughed at him, "Keep laughing till I catch you" he said and that only Increased my laughter.

"What are you guys playing?" she sat in-between Jungkook and Suga, "just some games" "Wow, about movies can I join?" "Of course" Taehyung said, and she joined us, and she didn't even fail a single one because not only did she know our movie, she even knew many American movie, "Oh, descendants of the sun!, ahh secret romance, city Hunter, Goblin, hwarang, faith, Mr queen!! ghost doctor! angel's last mission, avengers!! iron man, spider man!! Spartacus!! the notebook!! mission Impossible!!" "We give up, we could never beat you at all" RM said and covered his eyes,  "Because I watch a lot of movie of course" we were talking again when we heared Jennifer said, "Suga are you sick what happened, you look pale" she touched his forehead, "I'm not sick, I have just been having trouble sleeping, not really been sleeping at all" "Is it that it's too noisy for you?" he shook his head, "It just suddenly started three days ago" "That's bad, I got the perfect cure for it, Infact you'll all thank me later" she stood up and went back upstairs, and we continued playing but this time we were teasing Namjoon Hyung till he turned red when Jennifer cane down, "The perfect remedy" she waved a book in our face" "You want us to read a romantic book??" Taehyung asked and we all laughed, "Shh, shut up, not that?? this is a book on dinosaur " "Really??" Jungkook was all excited, "Aww yes I know how much the last born loves dinosaur, so this time all you guys have to do is relax and I'll read it out loud, so just listen to the sound of my voice, you'll fall asleep trust me, I'm really good at character and voice acting " "You're going to read it instead? for real??" Jin asked, she nodded, "Great, okay" Jimin was already ready to listen, I sat down comfortably and Namjoon Hyung also sat back down on a comfortable couch, Jennifer opened the book and started reading, she did a lot of voice changing, we even laughed at a few, and the book was indeed fun, but then listening to her really soothed my nerves and the bloodlust I had been feeling for the past week too after killing a few sirens and werewolves calmed down, and I dozed off.

Namjoon's POV

                The moment that voice stopped I knew and I smiled, when I heared her feets moving, I opened my eyes and saw her going upstairs, Suga was really asleep, a few minutes later she came with blankets down and was holding blankets she used it to cover every one of us and kissed out forehead. When she reached me, she covered me and kissed my forehead but I tilted my head and it landed on my lips, "I love you" I said and opened my eyes, "Did you just wake? I'm sorry" she whispered, "Don't worry I'll go back now" "I love you too" she said and left, going upstairs, I guessed she was also going to sleep upstairs so I closed my eyes and slept back into a deep sleep.


I didn't know how long I had slept but I felt something was wrong, So I opened my eyes when i heared a sound, I looked at the time, it was 12 in the afternoon, we slept for 3 hours, all of us were also just waking up, Jhope was rubbing his eyes, and Jin was stretching when we smelt blood, and we rushed to the kitchen to see Jennifer cleaning blood off her dress, "You're bleeding again?!!" I rushed to her, "What happened" Jungkook asked, I almost started crying, "Don't cry its nothing much, I was preparing lunch for you guys and I think I just overstressed that's all" I sighed, it wasn't that big deal, "but it's still a big deal " I said, "we'll prepare the lunch for you Go and change first " Suga said, "alright wait for me, because it's important, I'll tell you what to do, did you guys enjoy your sleep? Suga?" "Thank you, I really slept Very well" he said, "And me, I never knew listening to books can be so mood relaxing like this" "I'm still so sleepy but now you mentioned food I'm all hyper " Taehyung said, "Me too" Jungkook said, I carried Jennifer up and went upstairs, I was kinda mad at her for not following the doctor orders, I entered her room and straight to the bathtub and dropped her in, when she held me and hugged my neck, "I know you're mad at me, I'm sorry, really very sorry, I didn't know it would be like this, I'm so sorry" How did she know I was mad at her, she released me and looked down, when I saw she was feeling really remorseful I calmed down a bit, "It's not that I don't want you to do anything, I just don't want you to be in any form of danger, you and our child, once it's out, you can do anything you want, I promise" she looked up at me with sparkly eyes, she switched on the water and used the sprinkler to wet me, "Now you could change, the blood is hideous" I smiled and waited until she washed off, then carrying her out I dropped her on the bed as she shivered playfully, "I'm cold! ahh I'm dying, I'm freezing, I'm practically hypothermic, yahhh" I laughed as I brought out a cloth from her walking closet, "Wear this" I showed her the cloth, it was a long gown that was free enough for her stomach, "I'm tired of wearing this long things all the time" I nodded, "What do you want to wear?" "Yes, there's a blue dress in there, with spaghetti hand and knee legnth" I stood up and went to get it, "Found it" I gave her what I brought and when she saw it, she smirked and raised the bikini and underwear, "Nice try" "I want to see you in it, I'm starved"I rubbed her hand, "and since I can't touch you since you're fragile, you won't mind letting my eyes have a little fun would you??" I looked at her with doe eyes, and she laughed, "If you want, your mouth could also have a taste, I'm sure your brothers were surprised when I teased you this morning" "I'm happy you guys get along " "Oh it's alright, they're hospitable and really nice, it's hard not to like them" she took the towel off and got dressed, then stood up, "Why do I feel so big up here" she touched her chest, "You didn't know your chest has increased in size? it's real nice" she pushed me back, "Your turn, wait here I know the perfect cloth for you" she left to my room and came back with a purple singlet with no arms and black shorts, "Really??" "Of course, show what you have, man have you been working out, your chest are just so so, I'm really feeling it" she touched my chest and then my breasts, "Woah look at those, can I.." she touched my breast, "Huh?" I didn't get what she was asking for, until she did what she did, the moment she put her lips on my chest and licked it, I couldn't help but arch my head up and held her back and groan, when she suckled on it and bit it gently I got hard and moaned, gulping that was when she released me, "Damn I can't believe those are mine" I couldn't believe what she just did, "A normal Korean girl would be shy to, but then she wasn't normal and she wasn't Korean, I just stared at her when she said, "You're hard" she giggled, "Thanks to you" when I grabbed the cloth i saw Calvin Klein underwear with it too, when I looked at her she said, "Sweet revenge" she laughed like a maniac and I couldn't help but giggled at her tone, then I changed, and she took my picture before I knew it, "Hmm, now I can stare at those legs all night in my sleep" "What?" I was amused, "Honey, you can't have those tantalizing things you call Legs and be hiding them, If I could ride you I would " she said and opened the door, "Come on" why did I feel like whenever we're together she was gonna tease me till I drop dead in her arms, I followed her downstairs.

"Yoongi Oppa, turn the vegetable then bring it down, Jhope Oppa is the rice almost done?" "No, hold on okay" he said, as I sat down in the kitchen counter watching them along with Taehyung, all of them look seductive in an apron and I even took a few shots of them, "I need someone to cut the onion" Jin asked but everyone was busy doing one thing too, "V would you cut It?" "What? it makes someone cry, I don't want to" he pouted his mouth, "Suga??" Suga just looked at him and everyone laughed, "You want him to cry don't you, I'll do it bring it here" "no!" all of them shouted, "Woah, jeez it's not like I'm walking about or something, I'm just sitting here to cut it, and I'm pretty fast and effective so bring it here" "Hyung give it to her" Jimin said and Jin dropped it, I removed the back of the onion and cut it into two, "So what are you guys cooking" "Korean dishes, you'll see, you haven't eaten this one before" Jungkook said, I started cutting it the way I normally cut onion by holding it in my hand and cutting it in a half moon shape even without looking, "Rice cake?? or gimpab?" I asked Jungkook but he didn't reply because he was also looking at the onion I had already finished cutting without crying, even Jhope that was ready with a tissue to give me once I started crying was speechless, "Remind me to never anger you when you're with a knife" Jin said, "How did you cut this, that way" Namjoon looked at the Onion with confusion, "The normal way I cut it, "And you're really fast" "And careful" "Come and teach me" Suga Said, "and me" Tae said, "Guys the food" that's when they went back to what they were doing, "Trust me black people are not normal" Suga said, "Is that why you're scared of them and think they are violent people? nah, not all and especially not the girls, we just want to be loved and pampered that's all" "Well you're giving me an exception with yourself so I might consider it again " "Hmm" I sighed in frustration and boredom, "Smooth like butter like criminal undercover, gon' pop like trouble breaking into your heart Like that, ooh" I sang, "Cool shade stunner yeah I owe it all to my mother, hot like summer yeah I'm making you sweat like that" Taehyung continued, "Break it down" RM said, and now the place was more lively as we sang the whole of butter and dancing around while I sat down on the chair and just moving my hand around and my body, "You didn't tell me you love the song so much like that" Jin said, "Are you kidding, you guys were practically playing around behind the scenes of that song" we all laughed, "Yeah yeah I remember, I fell down" Jimin said, "and I was running round" "Suga Oppa just sat still the whole time and Jungkook Oppa was just holding his laugh the entire time and sunshine was like the queen of sassiness" I giggled. "Come on sing another one please" Jhope Said, "okay" I cleared my throat as they waited, then I sang again, " I can't understand what people are saying, who and what do I need to follow, with each step then again grows the shadow" "Wow! on" Jimin rejoiced, and your voice is good" Suga nodded, Taehyung sang after me and then RM the verse two, and we continued, "Oh na na na!" I continued, "Wait let me sing the Jungkook part please?!" I begged and they nodded, "Where my pains lies let me take a breath(in Korean, Korean part) my everything! my blood and tears!! got no fears I'm singing ohhhhhh, oh I'm taking over.." they continued, "Can't hold me down cus you know I'm a fighter..." till we ended and clapped for ourselves, "Wow, that went well" "Really well, I got it on video and I'm going to post it" Jin said as he fiddled with his phone, "No-" "Too late he already did" RM said as he also saw the phone, "I didn't know your voice could go so high pitch" Taehyung asked, "Me either, I just go with the flow" "Well I'm supporting you to enter the industry, you'll do really well" Jungkook said, "Finally food is ready" I clapped happily.

The following day, I yawned while coming down when the door opened and Lee Joon Gi, lee dong wook, Callista and Callistus came in, "Aunty!" Min hyun ran and hugged her legs and she rubbed his hair and kissed him, "my baby boy" "There's our superstar!" lee dong wook said and danced to me, "What's going on" "Jennifer you don't know?" "Know what?" Jhope asked as he came down the stairs too and others were just coming too, "What are you guys doing here early this morning?" Jungkook asked as he yawned, lee Joon Gi balanced on the sofa and said, "ladies and gentlemen I give you the eight member of BTS, bangtan boys scout" "What?" all of us said at once, "you don't know, she's trending on social media, that video Jin posted yesterday is a hot topic today, grab your phones" Callistus Said and laughed, I took out my phone along with everyone else, and I opened the internet, "You can't read Korean so I'll help you" lee dong wook came to my side and said, "What? angel voice? eight member of BTS??"Jin said, "Jennifer?? eight member of the BTS" "The high pitch tune, that song was it auto tuned, BTS looking so hot in aprons, Jennifer has a good voice, well they didn't get that one wrong" Suga said as he read out some headline, "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Jimin asked, "Should be a good thing, I don't know for being the eight member" Taehyung said "Listen to comments" lee dong wook said and cleared his throat, "Jennifer is beautiful, she has a great voice" Callistus started saying, "Hey I was just getting started" lee dong wook said and started again, "she deserves to be alongside BTS, her voice is touching, she sang 'on' perfect, 'butter' is playful they are fun, is she living with them? she lives with BTS? they are really great friends, "Friends?? did you see the eye my Namjoon Oppa gives her, I can't believe nothing is going on, they fit perfect, Namjoon and Jennifer should get together already, Suga is so cute in apron I can't believe she made him wear that" "Yeah how did you make him wear that" lee Joon Gi asked and I shrugged.

Jimin's POV

                 "Who is Jennifer, here's the best part, Yoongi marry me" we all burst into laughter, when RMs phone rang, and he went to answer it, "Jennifer is pretty, she's like a chocolate doll, leave BTS alone, I would like to see her dance again, I would like to see her on stage, can you dance with BTS, Jennifer marry me" "What? Jennifer has her own slogan now?" I joked and everyone laughed again, "And here's the best part, you see the dress she's wearing sold out Instantly and some international brand want to use you advertise their baby materials, see what was said in the comments" Callista said and Lee dong wook scrolled to find it, "But you also got some hateful comment but we won't read them out for you" Jungkook said, "I don't mind" RM came back and everyone phone started ringing, "That was bang pd, he wants us to come to the company immediately with Jennifer" "Found it, pregnancy fits her, she's like a Greek goddess, who's the father?? can she dance when she's pregnant??, yeah can you dance when you're pregnant??" he asked her and Jungkook slapped his head slightly, "How can she, don't ask that" he said and I giggled, everyone was amused, "Obviously this is kinda huge, my first scandal, yahh!" "I have never seen someone happy to be in a scandal before" Taehyung held his chin playing serious, "it's with you guys and practically it isn't scandal because it's real, that's my voice, and Namjoon is mine" "Well the real reason why we are here if you guys aren't too busy is we want to tell you that our wedding has been fixed, next tomorrow" "What??" all of shouted, "This is huge!" I said, "I'm so happy for you, I got the perfect theme and everything, I could even make the cake" Jennifer said, "Callista told me about it, you could help out of course but the workers are already at it, it's not fancy so people don't know, and it's simple" "Ahhh, I'm so happy, and don't be scared I know how much you hate microwave Jungkook so you won't get any close to it beside what I'm using is an oven" "How did you know?!" "Your face is telling me already" "Come on we could leave now"Taehyung said, "Like this, shouldn't you change, come-on, nothing beats my fashion sense, Suga first, let's go" she went upstairs with him and then when they came down, Suga was on black leather trouser with little chains on the side, and a black shirt tucked into his trousers with a well defined belt and leather jacket and gloves to compliment it, and high defined sneakers, "Woah!!" all of us shouted "This is excellent, you look like a drug lord" I said in Korean, "That's exactly what I'm talking about" Jennifer said, "And your makeup and hair is.. woah.. bang pd will be shocked" Jungkook said, "Taehyung you're next" she bounced like a baby and V ran up to her like a child, and they went upstairs while Suga sat down like the boss he was, "All that's missing is some drug and drinks, maybe cocaine" we all laughed, "If you're thinking of doing drugs don't even think about it, it's only good on paper, we don't want you going to jail" Callista said, "Uncle Yoongi you look handsome" Min hyun said, Suga nodded and carried him, "I'm the most handsome right?" he nodded, "Don't trick the kid Suga hyung" I said, "More handsome than daddy?" "No!!" Min hyun crossed his hand and we laughed, "Hey Kid I'm more handsome than daddy okay" Min hyun laughed, and Yoongi dropped him and rubbed his hair, "He's as sassy as his mother" "Don't call my wife sassy" "I'm not sassy, I'm just... me and that's isn't being sassy" "Uh huh" we laughed, finally Jennifer and Taehyung came down, "Woah, Gucci boy!" I clapped and everyone stood up, "Woah, awesome" Jin circled Taehyung, he was wearing a black pencil jean and a black long sleeve buttoned down by one and a black leather jacket to compliment it, the belt was firm and a chain by the side, connected from the front to the side, and he wore a couple of black rings, and the makeup was astounding, his lips were pink and she brushed his eyebrow and made it darker, he looked like he was out of a fairytale.
