
Chapter 11

20XX Tokyo, Japan

In a world filled with hatred and war, there lived a little boy by the name of Kaito Shikichi. He was loved by his mother, Mai Shikichi, before her death in May 5th, 20XX. Although his father neglected the care of his son, the grandfather took in the child as his own son.

"Grandpa!" Young Kaito ran through the hallways of the traditional Japanese home to his grandfather's room. "Grandpa!"

Opening the door, the young boy found his grandfather with his eyes closed. This was a normal occurrence with his grandfather since his grandfather had the gift of prophecy.

"Come here, Kaito..." His grandfather waved him to come.

Kaito, listening to his grandfather, walked through the quiet, dark room. The floors creaked in a manner any old house would. The walls were covered in cobweb, and the antiques were filled with dust. The servants weren't allowed in this room, but because Kaito wasn't a servant, his grandfather accepted him to enter at any given time.

"Good boy." The grandfather patted Kaito's head before resting his palm on the little boy's head. During this time, Kaito had hair as black as night, and eyes as black as charcoal. He had friends that played with him and considered him one of them, but it was the touch of his grandfather's palm that changed everything. Kaito's grandfather opened his eyes that were once closed, and it lit up a bright blue color, surrounding the room with illumination. Kaito's eyes widened before the grandfather closed his eyes once again and pulled his arm away from Kaito's head. "As I had thought."

"What is it, grandfather?" Kaito had a worried expression on his face.

"How old are you now, my son?" The grandfather clenched his chest, breathing heavily.

"11." Kaito was confused by his grandfather's reaction. It had become normal for Kaito's grandfather to check Kaito's future daily. Ever since he lost...he couldn't even remember who he had lost...someone dear to him, possibly his mother, Kaito let his grandfather check his future. Kaito had always wondered what the future had in store for him, but his grandfather never told. His grandfather had always kept secrets from him.

"Please. Leave."

"What?" Kaito lifted his head, noticing his grandfather crying.

"I banish you from ever seeing me again." His grandfather turned around, hiding his expression, before mumbling, "I'm sorry, Mai."

Hurt by his grandfather's words, Kaito stood up and ran out of the room. However, he couldn't stop running. Through the garden, to the back door, and finally to the riverbend where he had always gone to deal with his emotions. First, he lost his mother. Then, his father disowned him, and now, he can never see his grandfather, whom he thought he loved, ever again.

Kaito fell to his knees before crying. He had no one to comfort him. No family. No friends. Not even a pet.

"I just want to be loved..." Kaito expressed his feelings to the river. As he did, Kaito suddenly felt a warm hug. What was that, he wondered.

Kaito looked straight at the water and saw a girl with black hair and blue eyes hugging him from behind. He had never seen a girl like this before in his life.

Turning around, Kaito wanted to talk to the girl, but she was gone. He was alone. But even though he was alone, he had stopped crying. His broken heart was now healed, and he felt warmth. The hug must have helped him.

"A Guardian Angel?" He asked himself, but it seemed too good to be true.


Kaito looked at himself in the mirror of the boy's restroom. To his surprise, his hair was no longer white, but it was now a light gray color. He stoked his hand through his hair, and sure enough, it was real. His light gray hair on his head was real. Even his red eyes started becoming a darker red color. It was strange. What was happening to him?

"Kaito." Ryan walked up to Kaito. "Your hair got darker. Did you dye it or something?"

"Er...yeah. I thought that it would be cool to have light gray...hair. You know?" Kaito lied with a smile.

"Okay. Anyway, I hope you can help Yijun and Charlotte. I don't know if I'll be of any help, but I'll just do my best." Ryan gave a smile, but Kaito could feel how sad Ryan was despite trying to smile. "Well... See ya."

After Ryan left the restroom, Kaito looked back into the mirror at himself. He said some pretty mean things to Yukie, and he was starting to feel bad about it. But he just hated it when people kept secrets from him. Secrets never led to anything good, he thought. They only destroyed families.

Kaito then nodded his head and decided to confront Yukie about her secrets. He needed to figure out why on earth she was keeping secrets from him.

Kaito quickly walked out of the restroom, looking to his left and then to his right, but he couldn't find Yukie. His heart started to hurt as he wondered, Where did she go?
