

"Well I think that settles it."

Alex wasn't indirect in his approach anymore.



A single punch per bandit was all it took for Alex to completely incapacitate them.

It wasn't hard for him to identify them either.

He had eyes and a brain, so it was obvious that those who were dressed in leather armour with swords or other weapons on them were the bandits.

And the five wearing the farmer's clothing were clearly not.

But the strikes Alex delivered to the bandits weren't just to incapacitate them.

He wanted to make sure they would never wake up again…

What good was it taking out these bandits if he wasn't going to kill them?

If he let them live, they'd just come right back to robbing poor, innocent people on the roads again the next day.

They'd just be more wary of who they rob, and how they do it.

The best way to root out the problem was to solve it at its core.
