

First, he visited Martha and let her know of his intentions to leave, and that she would probably never see him again.

After that, he collected the remainder of the Shadow Wolf's corpse, which was about 25% of what it originally was, and took it to Martha to sell.

"This is an E+ rank Mutant beast, the Shadow Wolf. Only around 25% of it remains, as the rest of it I'm afraid was my source of food ever since I came to this place. I'm sure you know of its value, I'm just curious if you'll buy such an incomplete corpse off me."

Naturally, Martha's jaw fell to the floor when Alex explained to her what sort of beast she was dealing with.

But it quickly stiffened up as she started calculating the numbers.

'It still has most of its bones, save for a few leg bones. Around 20% of the meat is left, which is still as ripe as the day it was slain considering it's a beast…'
