
Is This Man Really That Powerful?

"I thought I was being very discreet, but now it seems I was a bit careless," Lora admitted generously.

Des waved his hand and said, "You were indeed discreet. That guy, Gill, couldn't have possibly noticed. Or rather, no one on this planet could have discovered what you've done."

Lora walked to the bar counter and poured herself a glass of pure water, which she drank in one gulp.

"But I'm still worried that Gill won't be able to bring the mech button to the Underground City."

"No worries, we have little 001 for that."

Lora nodded, hoping that the two things they did would have some effect.

However, she wouldn't dwell too much on this matter. Instead, she thought about taking the opportunity to find out why the plants on the Plant-Man Planet grew so well.

Lora had previously experimented with her abilities and found that she could promote plant growth.

Did this prove that there was something on this planet that had a similar effect on her abilities?
