
Love at First Sight

Seb's voice remained calm and composed, "Anna and I arrived here first. There is no sign of any living beings on this planet. The coordinates are indeed empty."

Anna joined the conversation, "Seb is right, there is absolutely nothing here. Moreover, our spacecraft cannot hover here for too long."

This limitation was due to the single-person spacecraft; their energy reserves were running low.

Jamie, who had just arrived, looked bewildered at the two single-person spacecraft floating nearby.

"What about Lora?"

"It's impossible! My divination cannot be wrong! Lora must still be alive!"

Cheney refused to accept the possibility that his beloved apprentice was in trouble.

Moreover, he had investigated and confirmed it himself; there couldn't be any mistake!

Marcus furrowed his brow deeply.

I have specific coordinates but see nothing...

Suddenly, he looked up and said to Cheney, "Could it be that this planet is hidden, just like Martin's base planet, using some means?"
