
Steel and blood(1)

Mavius sat astride his warhorse at the rear of the formation, his gaze piercing through the chaos ahead, trying to glean some sense from the turmoil of clashing armor and dust. His position in the reserve allowed him the vantage to observe the battle's flow, yet today, despite the disciplined lines and calculated movements, he struggled to read the unfolding action clearly.

Frustration lining his brow, Mavius turned to Lord Aron, who sat steadfast at his side. "What do you make of it,my lord ? I cannot even distinguish a break on the line from a rout, like this "

Lord Aron leaned slightly forward, studying the distant infantry ranks as dust rose from the battlefield, obscuring the view. "Your Grace," he replied calmly, "the fight only began scarcely an hour ago. Even with their movements, it is unlikely much has shifted yet. If changes are occurring, they will still be subtle. Too soon for the chaos to settle."
