
Breaking Curses


"Yes!" Jessamyn kissed his cheeks. "It's wonderful to see children born out of love. They are in love, and their children will be blessed."

"Miraculously, a royal wedding is arranged out of love along with the blessings of the ancestors," Jerrick said, his voice filled with a rare softness.

Jessamyn's heart swelled with joy as she gazed at Jerrick. This news was a beacon of hope and love in a world often filled with duty and obligation. She could sense the happiness radiating from the city, and it filled her with a deep sense of contentment.

She nestled closer to Jerrick, feeling the warmth of his presence and the strength of his love. The journey ahead felt brighter, filled with promise and the endless possibilities of their future together.

Jerrick wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and she leaned into him. Her smile slowly faded as she thought about the prophecy she had received. A sigh inadvertently escaped her lips.
