
Facing Vitriol

 Jessamyn observed Jerrick as she felt a pang of pain in her chest. She wasn't certain if she had grown accustomed to the pain or if its intensity had diminished, but she could scarcely endure it.

Jerrick, however, looked like he had forgotten the place he was standing at. He talked loudly garnering the attention of the others around them. Some prying people observed them to see what made Jerrick mad.

Following the extravagant display of affection he had shown earlier by draping her in a vibrant cloak, some took pleasure in witnessing the tension between them.

"Did you think I was useless?" he asked. "Is that why you didn't tell me?"

Jessamyn was uncomfortable talking about this in a public place when all eyes were on them. If it was a private place, she would have loved to continue the talk, although she had no idea why he was that affected by the truth about her mother.
